Thanks to Rick Biagi of Co. H for the following:

John Larson 
Co. C, Second Wisconsin Cavalry
John Larson enlisted and was mustered in for 1 year on June 4, 1864. At the time he was 28 years old, married and a farmer. He had blue eyes, sandy hair, light complexion and stood 5' 7" tall. He lived in Tafborn, Grant County and was credited to Patch Grove, Grant Co.

Diary of John Larson, 1865
born March 11, 1835, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 and sent into service December 20, 1864
This is copy of John Larson's Civil War diary was copied by Hulda Larson Almskaar on March 20, 1983 from the diary, at that time owned by Verna (Mrs. Glen) Larson. It was later owned by Rose Backlund Coles. She gave it to Dennis W. Larson of Lynnwood, Wash., along with John Larson's two Bibles and a photo. Dennis has donated a copy of this diary to the U.S. Army Military History Institute in Carlisle Barracks, Penn.
Later Kay Larson of Bainbridge Island, Wash., copied Hulda's copy on March 1989 and put it on a computer.

The fly page reads:
John Larson -
Co. C. 2nd Wis. Cav.
Memphis, Tennessee 1865

Alexandria, Louisiana
January 1865
Griarsons rail
1 Sun  We had a grand New Years breakfast  we was guarding prisoners to day
2 we camped at Bauton to night  we was guarding prisoners to day
3 we was guarding prisoners to day
4 we was guarding prisoners to day
5 we got to Vicksburg with the prisoners  it rained hard all day  we went out to the 4 mile bridge & camped  i traded horses to day  igot a cream colored horse
6 we lay still at the 4 mile bridge to day
7 we lay still to day waiting for a boat
Sun  we had inspection to day
9 it rained to day  Vicksburg on the Miss. river
10 we lay still to day
11 we are still waiting for a boat
12 we got on the boat
Vicksburg bound for Memphis  the boat started 10 pm
13 we are goin toward Memphis to day
14 we are going toward Memphis  it is warm and pleasant
15 Su  we got to the White river 4 pm  we run up river 14 mile to get coal  we started 1 pm from White River Arkansas
16 we got to Helena Arkansas 6 am  we started form Helena 8 am  our boat got wrecked 8 pm we lost 15 horses  no men lost  the lost horses were all from Co. C
17 we got to Memphis 6 am & got up to our camp at 8 am  I got 4 letters from home no. 46 & 48 & 49 and i got one from Lars which had one in from Care
18 wrote letter no 3 to day  I drew a jacket & pair of pents we bot a barrell of potatoes to day
19 I was on detail to day  i reported to the brigade headquarters & was relieved  i went to town bot this book came to camp & copied from a sheet or paper into this book from the 1st of January up til now
20 we drew ration to day  i wrote 2 letters from Oniel to day
21 cleaned my arms to day  I was detailed camp guard at 4 pm to day
22 Su  i was on guard duty to day  there was 2 inspections to day but i did not have to go out for i was on guard  our barrell of potatoes all gone  i drew a hat & 2 pr of socks to day
23 t snowed last night  it is cold to day  i got letter no 3 to day  i wrote no 4 to day  i got letter from Bit Brown in mine from home  I went out on a scout for 2 or 3 hours
24 I turned over my carbine 2 sing & cartridge box & screw driver & brush wiper
25 i was on detail to go to town with corell horses
26 i was detailed for guard at the brigade headquarters  i guarded some cord wood  i burned all i wanted of it then i came home at noon without orders  a scout started out 4 pm to day
27 I was on detail after a load of wood to day
28 i was on detail standing guard over our horses last night  i mended my pents & some other things to day
29 Su  I read 12 chapters in the psalms of David  i commenced letter no 5 to day  i was detailed for guard headquarters to night
30 i stood guard last night from 10 pm till 2 am  i rec'd letter no 4 to day  i finished my letter no 5 to day & wrote one Rosette & Dim Parker
31I stood picket to day on the horn lake road  drew a carbine to day  A. Parker drew rations to day I  fired one shot at a light in the night  it proved to be a woman
1I come of from picket this morning 8:30 am  i weighed 162 1/2 lbs to day  i went on picket at 6 pm to night on the Rolls road
2I was relieved this morning at 7 am  it rained last & today too  i went on picket to night at 5 pm on the rolla road
3  I was relieved this morning at 6 am  i slept some to day rainy
4 cloudy  I was on detail to patroll the road between Memphis & Rolly  we started at 4 pm & was relieved at 6 pm
Su i was on inspection to day  cloudy & windy  rain some more last night
6cloudy & windy to day  i was on patroll guard on the rolla road to day  when i got to camp at night there was a letter for me  it was no. 4
3 Days Scout
7  pleasant day  I wrote letter no 6 to day  i started out on a scout at 3 pm  we crossed the Wolfe River  after dark we passed through rolla & Union depot  we marched till 12 at midnight  I got a hatchet to day
8  cold and windy  we passed through Oaklen then we took another road back  we struck then southward  i captured a clarnett to day
9  we got 2 prisioners to day  clear & pleasant  we crossed Wolfe River on a bridge then we struck on to the State line road  we came thru Germantown  we go to Memphis 1 am at night
10 clear and pleasant  i wrote a letter to Teressa McIntosh to day  i drew rations  i cleaned my carbine same day i bot some tobacco to day
11 clear & pleasant  I was on detail to cut sleepers to lay for the barricks for our Co.
12 Su  clear warm & pleasant  I was put on Inspection then I went to town to meeting  Co C drew 35 new horses to day
13  I was out on patroll to day on the pigeon roost road  It rained a little to day
14  It rained to day  there was 4 days scout went out to day
15  I was on picket on the Hemendy road to day  cloudy day  i had the Ague to day
16 pleasant and sunshine  i come home from picket about 10 am  I wrote letter no 7 received no 5
17 I was on picket on the Hemendy road to day  pleasant  I had the Ague to day  i came to camp at night   the 21 days scout came in this morning  The 4 days scouts came in to night  2 deserters come in to day
18  pleasant day  we moved into the Barricks to day  i took some Medicine to day  pills and quinine  Parker & me made our bunk to day
19 Su  had the ague to day  pleasant day  5 new recrutes come to Co C to day
20 pleasant day  warm  i took some quinine  i got a 2 dollar order from the sutler to day  i got letter no 6 to day & one from Teressa  we drew rations to day
21 I wrote letter no 8 to day  cloudy day  i did not have ague to day
22 rainy day  nothing to do to day  nothing of importance transpired to day
23 rainy day  nothing to do to day  nothing of importance transpired to day
24 cloudy day  i was on detail to day to load hay down to town to day  i cleaned my arms to day
25 it rained hard last night  it was clear & cloudy at times to day  i cleaned my arms to day again  i wrote a letter to Lars to day  i wrote a letter for Deeder to day
26 Su  clear & pleasant  i was on inspection to day
27 pleasant day i was on detail after shake timber  we cut some sipers or siper trees for shakes  i turned over my carbine & drew a new Spencer carbine
28 pleasant day  we was inspected & mustered to day  i got letter no 7 to day  i wrote no 9 to day i was on guard at headquarters  in afternoon we drew rations to day
1 I came form guard 9 am to day  some rain to day
2 rain to day  i was on picket on the hemendy road
3 it rained hard all night & to day  i come up from picket to day  10 am there was a scout went out this morning  Albert Parker went out  I did not go.
4 clear  cloudy at times  cold day  i got letter no 8 to day  i wrote letter no 9 to day  i got a letter from Rosette Lewis in my wifes letter
5 Su pleasant day  i was on patroll on the hemenda road & the horn lake road to day  i was vaccinated to day
6 pleasant day  i got a 2 dollar order to day from the sutler
7 pleasant day i was detail to make shakes to day 1 weighed 157 lbs
8 rain last night & rainy day today  warm but cloudy in afternoon  nothing to do
9 very cold to day  it tried to snow some to day  nothing to do
10 I was on detail after cord wood to day  i drew rations to day  i drew a pair of boots to day pleasant day but cold
11 pleasant day  I had nothing to do  the scouts came in to night 10 pm  i got a bible from the Christian Commission to day
12 Su i went out on inspection 1 pm  i went to a meeting 3 pm
13 pleasant day  nothing to do but reading and smoking
14 I was on picket to day  cloudy day  we shot 3 at night r ebs
15 I was on picket to day  cloudy day & some sunshine part of time  i come of from picket this morning  i wrote letter no 11 to day
16 rain last night  cold day  i had the agur 4 pm to day & fever at night
17 pleasant day  general inspection to day at 9 am  i did not go out
18 pleasant day  I was out on grand review to day  I had some fever while i was on review i take 2 doces of quinine to day
19 Su pleasant day  I was on inspection to day  I take 1 doce of quinine to day  i received letter no 9 10 to day  i wrote letter 12 to day
20 warm & cloudy  our Company was all put into one squad to day  ration day  nothing for me to do
21 cold and windy  I was out on inspection to day
22 pleasant day  i split oak shakes to day  i went out on a fool inspection just to see if we could get out in 15 minutes
23 pleasant day  i split shakes to day  i drew a canteen to day
24 pleasant day  I split shakes to day  we had a whore house grand review at 5 pm to day  there was 2 women from town to see the review
25 pleasant day  I split shakes to day  we signed the pay roll to day  we went on a grand review 5 pm to day
26 Su  Pleasant day  company Inspection 9 am  I weighed 153 to day
27 pleasant day but cloudy at times I split shakes to day
28 some rain to day  i split shakes to day  650 shakes to day  i wrote letter no 13 to day
29 rainy day  I split shakes to day  715 to day
I weighed 156 lbs to day
30 rainy day  I split shakes to day
31 pleasant day
i split shakes to day  i got letters no 11 from home & one in it from Mary Parker i got a letter from Lars Larson to day
1 Ration Day  pleasant day  I split shakes to day  Sheridans victory at Five Forks
2 Su  Pleasant day  Company inspection to day  I went to meeting to the colonels headquarters
3 pleasant day  i split some shakes  we was paid to day 11 am  i got 136 dollars  Richmond and Petersburg taken  i bot $27.00 Revolver
4 pleasant day  I wrote letter no 14 to day  I went to town received letter no 12 one in it from Lathrop & one from Brown  I sent $4.00 home to day  I split shakes
5 rainy day  I split to day  we got news of Richmond being taken & Petersburg  great many canons fired in Fort Pickering rain last night  I split shakes to day  pleasant day Sheridan routs Lee
7 pleasant day  I split shakes to day  I weighed 154 lbs to day
8 cold day  I split shakes to day and got news of Gen. Sheridans victory over Gen. Lee to day there was great many cannons fired
9 rainy day  I got letter from Michal Larson to day  no inspection to day  i wrote letter no 15 to day  to day Lee Surender to Grant
10 some went to guard the railroad  news of Gen. Lees army surrender  i went to town & mailed letter no15 with 40 dollars in it  got hair cut & shave & shampoo for $1.00  I got letter no 13 with $1 in it  I split shakes Ration
11 cloudy day  I split shakes to day  I sat for my likness to be taken today  Col Forest came in to town with flag of truce to day
12 cloudy day  I split shakes to day  Mobile surrendered To Day
13 Peasant but cold day  I split shakes to day
14 pleasant a forenoon  rainy afternoon  I split shakes before noon  inspection 2 pm  Lincoln died 7 am  firing 200 guns got my Photographs to day
15 pleasant  cloudy at times to day  i split shakes to day  Andrew Johnson becomes President
16 Su  pleasant day  inspection at 9 am  i went to meeting 10:30 am  we got news of Lincoln & Seward killed  i got letter no 4 i  wrote letter no 16  i sent 3 photographs in No 16
17 pleasant day  I split shakes to day
18 pleasant day  I split shakes to day
19 pleasant day  i split shakes to day  i finished splitting shakes to day  i finished my job
20 cloudy day  rainy  i received letter no 15  i wrote one to Lars one to Michal one to R Brown & i wrote letter no 17  i sent a photograph to Lars & one to Michael to day
21 cloudy day  I went to town & mailed letter no 17 with $15 dollars in it  i wrote a letter to Benjamin Lewis  i weighed 155 lbs to day
22 cloudy day  I drew a pair of pents to day  price 5.90  very warm  sunshiney at times  i went on stable guard to night
23 Su  pleasant day  we had Co. inspection at 9 am & General inspection at 2 pm  we also mustered at 2 pm  I went to meeting at 10:30 am
24 cold morning. but pleasant day  nothing to do  our men got back from white stasion from guarding the railway to day
25 pleasant day  i was detailed camp guard to day
26 pleasant day  i wrote letter to S. S. Lathrop to day  Death of Booth  surender of Johnstons Army
27 pleasant day  I got letter no 9 from home to day of March 5
28 cloudy day  I drew a pair of pents to day 5.90  very warm  sunshiney at times  went on stable guard to night
29 pleasant day  I went into the river & had a good wash to day  I cleaned my arms
30 Su  pleasant day  we had Co inspection at 9 am & General inspection at 2 pm  we also mustered at 2 pm  i went to meeting at 10:30 am
pleasant day  I got letter no16 to day  I got my families pictures to day  i wrote no 18 letter to
2 pleasant day  i was detailed to clean arms to day to head quarters
3 pleasant day
3 days Scout
pleasant day  i started out on a three days scout at 4 this morning  we crossed the nonconner then we crossed the Ollir branch  we camped about 5 pm
5 we had a pig & Auoks before we left camp  pleasant day  we lay in camp till 10 am then we started for herendo 12 m  we staid there till 3 pm  i got some dinner  we camp about dark  I weighed 155 lbs
6 pleasant day  we broke camp 8 this morning  we crossed the Non conner  we got to Memphis about 2 pm to day
Su cloudy  I got letters no 17 1  wrote letter no 19 to day  Inspection at 9 am
8 pleasant day  nothing to do but taking care of my horse  he got a sore back
9 pleasant day  there was a scout went out this morning  I did not go  my horses back was to sore they went to Granada
10 pleasant day  ration day  nothing to do  Jeff Davis captured to day in Georgia
11 rainy day  I was camp guard to day  I got a letter from Ruben A. Brown to day
12 awful cold night  pleasant day I had my-over coat on last night & then suffered with the cold while on guard
13 pleasant day  I put two windows in the Barracks to day  we presented Collonel Stephens with a sabre to day 3:30 pm  I cleaned by arms
14 Su  pleasant day i nspection 9 am  I got a New York tribune from Lothrop to day  I wrote letter no 20
15 pleasant day but hot  General inspection at 2 pm to day  I put in two windows to day  I got letter no 18 to day
16 pleasant day but hot  I put in one window in the barricks & one in the Captains shanty to day
17 cloudy at times & sunshine  I was detailed for camp guard to day
18 pleasant but hot day  I came from camp guard this morning  I put in window in Captains shanty (Cook) to day
19 pleasant day  nothing to do to day  I read in the bible most all day  there was 5 horses stole from divission headquarters to night
20 pleasant day  I was on guard at division headquarters to day  The thieves was caught to day the horses too & we was on guard over them to day
21  Su  pleasant day  I came from guard 9 am to day  I got letter no 19 to day  I wrote letter no 21 to day
22 pleasant day  I wrote a letter for Odell to day  I was detailed for stable guard to night
23 I got a 2 dollar order  pleasant to day  I shot my revolver off & cleared it to day  I sewed some buttons in my pents  I went to river & washed my hankerchif & towels  I read the bible and other books
24 Pleasant day  I was on guard at the camp of the first Iowa last right & to day  Mr. carr came to our regiment to day Kirby Smith surrendered to day
25 pleasant to day  nothing to do but reading  I had a great argument with the boys on Negroe equally  to day we found a dead man in the river to day
26 pleasant day  I was on duly to haul manure then I made some scrapers for our stable  I weighed 150 lbs to day
27 pleasant day   I cleaned my arms  I cut of my pents leg & turned them up & sewed them  I got letter no 20 today
28  Su  pleasant day  we was on inspection 9 am  I went to meeting 10:30 am to day  I wrote letter
no 22
29 I was on stable guard last night  rainy morning but turning out pleasant to day  nothing to do but
30 pleasant day I  wrote a letter on 'liabillity of men to fall'  Wednesday
31 pleasant  was on guard to day
pleasant day  I came of from guard this morning at 8 o'clock  I went 1 mile after 2 canteens of full of cistern water to day  i read to day
2 pleasant day  i got my horse trod to day  I sent 5 newspapers home to day  i read to day
3 pleasant day  I went in the river & had a good wash  I read considerable to day  I cleaned my arms some to day they the negroes had a fight to day the 2nd and 11th
4  Su  pleasant day  i wrote letter no 23  inspection 9 am  awful hot to day  i got sore eyes to day
5  pleasant to day  I got some salts to take of the doctor for sore eyes  i was on stable guard to night
6  pleasant day  nothing to do but reading  i got a letter no 20 to day
7  pleasant day  I got 1 dollar order to day  i had an argument on the negro question to day
8  pleasant day  some rain afternoon  i read good deal to day  nothing to do I got letter from Albert Parker to day
9  pleasant day  i was on camp guard to day  the one year men turned over their arms to day  it rained hard  in the afternoon the wind blew
10 it rained some pm  i come from guard this morning  nothing to do but reading & cleaning my
arms to day
11  Su  cloudy at times  rain by 4 pm  inspection at 9 am  reading to day
12 cloudy day  i was on stable guard to day  i read the epistle of Paul to the Hebrews  all of it to day besides reading thru the Memphis bulletin  I also read the epistle of James  rain to night
13 cloudy day  i come of from stable guard this morning  i read the 1st & 3 John & Jude also  i wrote letter no 24 to day  dress parade at 6:30 pm
14 some rain to day  General inspection at 9 am  we packed up  we commenced packing up 12 pm to move  the boys went to town & got on to a boat but Foster and me was left for guards till the boys came in from Granada  the yearlings went started home 14th
15 cloudy day  we are still guards here  the boys started out in the boat down the river to day 10 am  i went to town with 2 dispatches to day
16 pleasant to day  i went down to town with a load of stuf & i express'd 3 boxes - one for myself for my wife  i wrote letter no 25  my box weighed 25 lbs
17 I rolled up the doctors tent  pleasant to day  i went to town to get the mail but got none  I went to the river & had a swim to day  i mailed letter no 25 to day  I packed another box to day overcoats, 1 blanket 1 vest 1 shirt
18  Su  pleasant day nothing to do but reading  we are still in our old camp for guards
19 pleasant day  nothing to do but reading  we are still guarding the Barricks
20 pleasant day  i went to town with a box to the express office it weighed 25 lbs which will cost 2.50 cents  i weighed 147 lbs to day
21 pleasant to day  nothing to do but reading & guarding the Barricks  we drew rations to day
22 pleasant day  i am still guard here in our old camp  i went to town after the mail & some bread to day
23 pleasant day  i went in the river swimming to day  i went to town after the mail to day
24 pleasant day  the boys came in from Grenada 2 pm to day  i went to town after the mail
25   Su  pleasant day  no inspection to day  I wrote letter no 26  I take the mail to town to day
26 pleasant day  Inspection before breakfast this morning  I carried the mail to day
27 pleasant day  i carried the mail to day  i am still in Memphis Barricks
Memphis to Alexandria
28 pleasant day   some rain toward night  we started from camp to go down the river 8 am  we got on the boat 9 am on the Majestic  Col. Stephens made his farwell speech 12:30 pm to day boat started 1 pm
29 pleasant day but the sun shone very dim  we past white river 6 am  we got to Columbus 12 am where a horse got overboard & swam to shore  the boat stopt and got him
30 some rain 1 pm when we landed at the mouth of Black River  pleasant day  we got to Vicksburg again  we started from Vicksburg 8:30 am  we past Jeff Davis plantation 10 am  nort cherz 7 pm
1 we got to the mouth of the Black River 3 am  we landed & lay till day light then we started up the Black River 9 am  we got Alexandria 8 pm  got off boat & caught up with Regiment 9 pm  got letter no 23
2   Su  inspection 8 am  we put up our talmies for tents to day  I went to the Christian commission & wrote letter no 1  to day pleasant day  yesterday and to day too
3 pleasant day but hot  Albert & me went over the river up to Kirby Smiths Camp  i sold my revolver up there to a colored soldier for $29  there was dress parade while we was gone but we did not get punished
4 very hot day  I got letter no 22 to day  i was stable guard last night & to day  Albert & me had some beer to day up in town  i went to celebration & heard some good speeches  Albert & me fishing but got none
5 pleasant day  very cool  and nice Dress parade at 6 pm
6 pleasant day  I got letter no 25  i got letter from U.S. Lathrop  no dress parade to night  the boys had a row to night with Col Dale Albert & i went fishing but got no fish
7 pleasant day  before noon i was on detail to get hay to day and drew new tents to day  rain in afternoon & we put up our tents to day
8 I cleaned my arms to day  i wrote letter no 2 to day  i sent $20 in it  some rain to day  i wrote my letter at Christian Commission
9  SU  rainy at times to day  inspection 8 am  i went to town to christian commission & wrote letter no 3 to day
Albert watered our horses  I was on camp guard to day  some rain to day  a great many non commissioned officers was reduced to ranks & commissioned off.   was arested
13 some diserted from Co. B & Co L last night  pleasant day  i watered Alberts horse & mine to day
14 I watered horses to day  Alberts & mine  pleasant day  Co C drew 6 horses  Co A & B was tried to day for meeting
15 pleasant day  Co C tried i  turned in my Sircingle & cartridge box & cap box to day  i was on camp guard  our Co all got bay  i traded horses to day  i drew a magazine to day
16  Su  pleasant day  i came of from guard 8 am  we got a big catfish this morning  i went to the Christian Commission & wrote letter no 4 to day i nspection at 8 am  i was excused
17 it rained some to day  i got my horse shod to day  nothing to do
18 pleasant day  nothing to do but reading
19 I was on camp guard  pleasant day  a colored soldier corporal killed a big alligator  it was 13 feet & 8 inches long  the boys drawed it up into camp & had it for a show
20 Thomas Finn skind the alligator  Albert fried some of the alligator for breakfast  i come of from guard 8 am to day  alligator for dinner the  Co squad broke up & I went into squad 25 to day
21 Crson Mills our cook  pleasant day  no duty to day  to day we drew some flour  we had some
22 very hot to day  i cleaned my arms to day  Garth wait commenced cooking to day
23  Su  very hot day  inspection at 8 am i went to Christian Commission & wrote letter no 5 to day
24 very hot to day  i went after a load of wood to day  we moved our tent to day & i doubled tents with Rose & Archer there are 4 of us now in 1 tent
25 very hot day  nothing to do to day but reading
26 very hot day  nothing to do to day
27 i was stable guard last night & to day  Albert & me made a raid on some wagons & got some watermelons & all the peaches we could eat  very hot day  dress parade at 6 pm
28 pretty hot to day  we went out to see Lancaster shot & one man from the 4th Headquarters Lancaster was pardoned but the other man was shot  Lancaster is from Co L  little rain to day  he was shot 6 pm
29 very hot day  nothing to do to day  dress parade at 6 pm  i cleaned my arms
30  Su  inspection 8 am  I drew a talmy $4.40 cts & 1 shirt at $2.32 cts  I wrote letter no 6 to day pleasant day  i was stable guard last right & to day
31 pleasant day  i made a holster for my carbine to day  I seen a man that had his head shaved & 2 men that had to carry barrels for punishment
1 pleasant day  General inspection at 7 am  mounted  i got 2 letters today  both was no 27  one was Jul 2 one Jul 10  sold some sugar got some tobacco  i drew a pickett rope today
2  very hot  I was detailed to 4 axes & 6 hatchets to day & put one handle in 1 ax  i went to town & sold my picket rope for 1 dollar  1 bot another for 33 cts.  a dress parade at 6 pm
3  i got a big rope for 33 cents & i sold it for 1 dollar  i was detailed to fix a box to day for comisary seargent  pretty hot & some rain  Dress parade at 6 pm
4  i fixed a box today for the quarter master Sergeant  I went to hospital to see Pond & Hazen to day  dress parade 6 pm  very hot day
5  cloudy cool & pleasant  dress parade 6 pm
Sun  pretty hot day  inspection 8 am  i wrote letter no. 7 to day  i went to meeting 5:30 to day
7 pretty hot  some rain  we got marching orders to start to morrow  we got ready to day for marching to morrow
On the march to Texas
8  we started on the march 4 am  we marched 22 miles by 2 pm then we stopped & camped in some pine woods till morning  pretty hot day
9  we started 4 am  we marched 12 miles by 10 am then we camped in pine woods  it was pine woods all the way though this days march  pretty hot day
10  we started 4:30 am  we marched 16 miles then we camped at 2 pm in pine woods  we drew three days rations at night to get rations very hot day
11 we started 4 am  we marched 15 miles  we camped 10 am in pine woods  pretty hot day Parker & me had all the peaches & watermelons we wanted
12  we started at 4 am  we marched 14 miles  we camped 9:30 am in pine woods 1 mile from Sabine river, 1 mile from Texas & 80 miles from Alexandria  hot day  i washed two shirts
13  Su  we had inspection 8 am  we lay still till 4 pm then went across the river into Texas  we marched 5 mi then we camped in pine woods
  pretty hot day  we had 3 roll calls to day  we drew 3 days ration
Marching through Texas
we got up at 2 as usual & started 4 pm  we marched 15 miles  we camped 2 pm in pine woods pretty hot day we drew 1/2 days rations to night
15 we got up at 2 am  we started 4 am  we marched 12 miles  we camped 8:30 am in pine woods  pretty hot day  there was12 Boy arrested for going in swimming Parker was one
16 we got up 2 am  we started 4 pm  Parker go a foot to day  we come 14 miles  we camped 2 am in pine woods  pretty hot day  i was stable guard last night  i led Parkers horse to day  we drew 2 days rations to night
17 we got up 2 am started 4 am  we marched 10 mi  camped 8 am  pine woods  hot day  we crossed a river  we lay in camp til 3 pm then marched 6 miles more  we crossed a river and camped 6 pm in pine woods
18 we got up 2 am  started 4 pm  we marched 12 miles  we camped 1030 am in pine woods pretty hot day  we crossed 2 rivers yesterday  the last was Naechez & it was Jordans Ferry the first river was Angelina
19 we got up 2 am  started 4 am  we marched 30 miles  we camped 4 pm pine woods  pretty hot day  we marched all day without water & without rations
20  Su  we got up 2 am  started 4 am  marched 15 mi  we came throu Livingston  we crossed Trinnety River  camped on bank of river 11 am  dry dusty & hot day  we drew 4 days rations  i was detailed to help the plontoons  crossed the river
21 we got up 2 am and started 4 am  we marched 28 miles  we camped 3:30 pm in the woods some  was one pretty hot day we had no rations yesterday but today we had plenty
22  we got up 2 am  we started 4 am  we marched 15 miles  we came through Danville  we camped 10:30 am  pretty hot day  we camped in pine woods  we drew 2 days rations to night
23 we got up 2:30 am  started 4 am  we pased Mongomery 1 mile to our right  we marched 20 miles  we camped 12 pm in pine woods  very hot day
24 we got up 2 am and started 4 am  we marched 15 miles  we crossed a prairie 8 miles wide  we camped 11 am pine woods pretty hot day  20 miles from Houston
25 we got up 2 am  we started 4 am on the Hamsted road  we marched 10 miles  we camped 9 am at edge of woods  pleasant day
26 we got up 12 started at 2 am  we marched 25 mi  we camped 11 am near Hamstead  little rain to day  we came on the prairie all the way  today we came throu Cipers Station  i got 2 letters no 29 & 30  i was stable guard to night
27  Su  we slept this morning till daylight  we got orders to move camp 3 pm  we saddles up & stood in line a long time  then we got orders to unsaddle  pleasant day
28 we moved camp 1 1/2 miles to day  we lay around all day waiting for orders to put up our tent pleasant day
29 pleasant day  we put up our tent to day  4 of us in a tent  i washed 1 shirt  i went in & washed myself  we drew 3 days rations
30 pleasant day  we cleaned up in around our tent & put a sadle rack up today  i was on camp guard  1 st relief to day pleasant day
31 i come from guard 12 pm to day  we was mustered for pay 11 am & inspected  we drew 10 days rations
1 pretty hot day  we made a good bunk to day  the bottom is made out of cane  i got 2 letters to day no 28 & no 31
2 pretty hot day  i was on detail to clean camp to day  i cleaned my arms to day  i weighed 137 lbs to day
3  Su  pretty hot day  mounted inspection 8 am  i went to meeting 1 pm  dress parade 6 pm
4 our tents was all serched this morning before breakfast for fresh beef  I was put on extra duty to day for not cleaning my horse before breakfast  I cut crotches for to stable  my first days extra duty
5 i was detailed to go to town to load rations  i got 2 letters  when i got back to camp no 32 & no 33  pleasant day
6 I dont feel well to day  i went to the doctors this morning  I wrote letter no 1 today  pleasant day
7  i went to drill double rank formation, mounted for the first time 7 am  a new drill to our regiment chill again  4:30 pm  pleasant day 
i was detailed to cut poles and crotches for the stable to day  pretty hot day
9  mounted drill 7 am  i cleaned my arms to day  mounted drill  4:30 pm  pleasant day
10  Su  inspection mounted 8 am  i was detailed to take care of 4 horses  we drew rations to day dress parade 6 pm  pretty hot day
11 carbine drill  dismounted drill 7 am  i washed 1 shirt & pair pents to day  mounted drill 4 pm  i took care of 4 horses to day  pretty hot day
12  I toke cam of my 4 homes to day i take them out to graze to day pretty hot day from 7 till 10 am  mounted drill 4 pm  i went to meeting 1:30 pm  pretty hot day
13 dissmounted carbine drill 7 am  mounted drill 4 pm  i took care of my horses  pretty hot day
14 dissmounted carbine drill 7 am  i wrote letter no 2 to day  i went out hunting for a horse  this afternoon but did not find him  pleasant day
15 i went out and found the lost horse before breakfast  I went out grazing my horses from 7 till 10 am  some rain to day  mounted drill from 4 till 5 pm
16 dismounted carbine drill 7 am  mounted drill from 4 till 5 pm  pretty hot day
17  Su  mounted inspection 8 am  i went out grazing after inspection  dress parade 6 pm  hot day
18 general inspection  mounted 8 am  dismounted 9 am  mounted drill from 4 to 5 pm  hot day
19 dissmounted carbine drill from 7 till 8 am  ounted drill from 4 to 5 pm  hot day but cold night  i got letter no 34 to day
20 I went out grazing 7 am  mounted drill from 4 till 5 pm  we drew rations pleasant day
21 I was sick last night  i went to sick call this morning  excused from duty  pleasant day
22 rain last night  i feel all right this morning  dismounted carbine drill from 7 till 8 am  i wrote letter no 3 to day  mounted drill from 4 to 5 pm
23 no drill to day  I went out grazing from 7 till 11 am  I got a shirt of Parker for 1.75 cts  I washed a shirt to day  pretty hot day  i went to prayer meeting 7 pm
24  Su  rain last night  mounted inspection 8 am  grazing from 9 till 11 am  dress parade 6 pm
hot day
25 dismounted carbine chill 7 am rainy day mounted drill 4 pm i made some corn broad to day
26 I went out grazing 7 am  I signed the pay roll to day 2 pm  i did not drill to day  some rain to day  we drew some new horses to day
27 we drew some new horses to day  I got some medicine of the doctor  i made some corn bread to day  mounted drill 4pm  pleasant day  i got six horses to take care of .
28 I went out grazing 7 am  mounted drill 4 pm  I drew 1 pr pents 2 pr drawers, 2 shirts, 1 pr boots 1 hat 2 pr socks 1 haversack  pleasant day
29 dismounted carbine drill 7 am  mounted drill 7 am  mounted drill 4 pm  i turned my 6 horses over to another man
30  i was detailed for camp guard to day  i went on at 11 am  i was on the 3rd relief  pleasant day we drew 5 days rations
  Su  i came oft from guard 11 am  I wrote letter no 4 to day  pleasant day  dress parade 6 pm
2  i went out grazing 7 am  mounted drill 4 pm  pleasant day
3  dismounted carbine drill 7 am  i went on guard 11 am to day  I got 2 letters from home  it was no 35 & 36  i am on the first relief on camp guard to day  pleasant day
4 I came from guard 11 am to day  there was 7 men from Co C started for Houston to day with carell horses  mounted drill 4 pm  pleasant day
5 I went out grazing 7 am  we drew 5 days rations  mounted drill 4 pm  I went to prayer meeting 7 pm
6 dismounted saber drill 7 am  i went on camp guard 11 am to day  I was on 2nd relief  pleasant day bit cold night
i came of from guard 11 am  i traded sadles to day  pleasant day  I went to prayer meeting 7 pm
8 SU  inspection 8 am mounted  i went to meeting 10:30 am & again 1:30 pm  i joined the class today
9 we got paid off 12 pm to day  I got 55.25 cts after taking out my sulter bill which was $3  I was on detail to go after corn  some rain to day  i bought 1 lbs tobacco for 2.50 cts
10 I expressed $40 home  i went down to town  i bought 1 blanket to day $4.00  i wrote letter  no 5 to day  pleasant day  we drew rations to day Mills & White deserted last night from Co. C
11 I was brevet corporal to clean camp to day  we got 30 lbs of flour to day for $1.20 cts  3 of us 40 cts apiece  pleasant day  prayer meeting 7 pm
14 pleasant day  prayer meeting 6:30 pm  no drills on Saturday
15  SU  inspection 8 am mounted  I wrote letter no 6 to day  I went to meeting 10:30 am  dress parade 5:30 pm  no drill on Sundays
16 dismounted sabre drill from 9 till 10 am  mounted drill from 1 till 3:30 pm  pleasant day  we bought a tin pole for 1 dollar  prayer meeting 6:30 pm
17 General inspection dismounted 10 am  i went on guard after inspection  I was on the 3rd relief rainy day
18 I was taken sick last night  i was relieved from guard  i went to the doctor this morning  i was marked light duty for this day  i bot some milk to day we had a good prayer meeting 6:30 pm
19 the eclipse of the sun is very plain  it is very dark to day although the sun shines but it looks like half a moon  dismounted carbine drill 9 am  pleasant day  prayer meeting 6:30 pm
20 i went on guard 8 am on 1 1st relief pleasant day ration day our Co drew rations in one squad to day for the first time since we left Alexandria  
21 i come of from guard 8 am  i was on extra duty to clean camp today for not having my sabre in inspection last Tuesday  Pleasant day  i received 3 letters to day it was no 37 &.no 38 & no 39
22  Su  Inspection 8 am  I wrote letter no 7 to day  meeting 10:30  Pleasant day  dress parade 5:30 pm  prayer meeting 6:30 pm
23 we had wooden sabers to drill to day 9 am  I went after corn to day but got none  Pleasant
24 dismounted carbine drill 9 am  mounted drill 2 pm  Pleasant day
25 dismounted wooden sabre drill 9 am  we went out grazing 2 pm  prayer meeting 6:30 pm Pleasant day
26 I went on camp guard 8 am  i went on 3rd relief  Pleasant day
27  little rain last  I come of from guard 8 am  i bot a chicken for 25 cts  I cooked it for dinner for 3 hrs  i went out grazing 3 pm  pleasant day  prayer meeting 6:30 pm
28  cold night last night  pleasant day  i was detailed this morning to go to town  I was guard at division commissary 2nd relief  i weighed 130 lbs  prayer meeting 6:30 pm
29  Su  I traded homes to day  cold rain last night  today awful cold  dismounted Inspection 8 am wrote letter no 8  we got orders to get ready to march to morrow 5 am Braesos river
30 we started on the march 5 am  we marched 4 miles then we crossed the Braesos river on plantoons we marched 29 miles today  cold cloudy day  we camped 2 miles from Brenharn 4 pm
31 cloudy day  we started 6 am  we marched through Round Top & camped a mile from Round Top 5 pm  we come 30 miles to day  come through Union Hill
1 I was on detail to get rations this morning  we drew 2 days rations  we started 6 am  we marched 20 miles & camped 2 pm  cloudy & some rain to day 
2  pretty cold day  we started 6 am  we come through Winchexter today & we come by Bastrop we camped 1 mile from Bastrop 5 pm  we marched 30 miles to day  we come up by Colorado river all day 
pleasant day  we started 6 am  we come by Weberville to day  we come 30 miles & camped 4 pm 5 miles from Austin  I was detail to get corn to night  e had frost this morning for the first time this fall
4  Pleasant day  we started 8 am & marched 5 miles & camped 3 miles northeast of Austin  we put up our tents to day  we camped 1/2 mile from the Colorado River
Su  pleasant day  Inspection 8 am  we put up our bunk out of ceader today  prayer meeting 6:30 pm
pleasant day  I went on camp guard 8 am  we drew 2 days rations to day  we got 20 lbs rye flour for 1 dollar  I am on 2nd relief to day
I come of from guard 8 am  we got orders to be mustered out to day  election day  I voted for Fairfield  we got some beef to day  Pleasant day
pleasant day  we turned over our horses to the first Iowa Cav Brig to day  we drew 3 days rations  I traded sabres to day  the 7th Indiana got some of our horses
9  cloudy but pleasant day  I was excused by the doctor to day but I did not feel well  we have all the pochans we want to eat
10  I turned over my sadle & horse blanket & bridle & halter & nose bag & curry comb & horse brush & lariet rope  we drew 16 days rations to day  pleasant day  I went to river and washed
11  I wrote letters no 11  went & got some pochon nuts to day  pleasant day
12  Su  cloudy and some rain to day  inspection 8 am  I signed for my corvine & sabre to day meeting 10:30 am  prayer meeting 3 pm
13  I went to town and bought 6 dollars worth of cakes & bread & sold for 8 dollars  I made 2 dollars  prayer meeting 3 pm  warm pleasant day
14  warm & pleasant day  I went to town and bought 50 loaves of bread for 5 dollars & I sold it for 7 dollars 50 cts  I made 2 dollars & 50 cts  I weighed 132 to day
Homeward march 1865
15  warm & pleasant day  we was mustered out of U S Service by Capt More of the 7th Indiana to day at Austin Texas! 
16  we turned over our tents & boxed up our sabres & belts & cartridges boxes & carbine stings we drew 5 days ration & i got ready to march to morrow  we had about 50 candles lit in big tree on poles in our Company
17  we started on our homeward march 9 am  we marched 15 miles  we camped 3 pm at Weberville  rainy day  i was in detail to night to
get corn
18 pleasant day  we started 6 am  we marched 20 miles & camped 2:30 pm 6 mile from Bostrop one man died to night from company
19  Su  pleasant day  we started 7 am  we marched 18 miles & camped 2 pm In Pine Oak Creek
20  pleasant day  we started 7 am  we marched 17 miles & camped 2 pm 
21  warm & pleasant day  we started 6 am  we marched 18 miles & camped 2 pm 3 miles from Round top 
22  warm & Pleasant day  we started 6 am  we marched 17 miles & camped 1 pm 1 mile from Brenham 
23  warm & Pleasant day  we started from camp 6:30 am  we got to Depot 7 am Brenharn  we got on to the cars 8:30 am  the cars run oft the track 10 am  some wounded  got cars on  got a new engine & got to Hempstead 5 pm
24  Pleasant day  we got on to other cars at Hempstead  started 1 pm  we got to Houston 5 am  L. Col Dale got into a well  he was drawed out by a rope at Hempstead  i got 4 letters to day at Houston to day waiting for a boat my letters was no 40 & 41 & no 43
25  pleasant  we lay at Houston all day waiting for a boat  we drew rations 1 1/2 of bread since we left Memphis  one letter I got
yesterday had a dollar in it
26  Su  pleasant  I went to town  i weighed 138 lbs to day  we lay In camp at Houston waiting for a boat  I went to a negro meeting this evening  it was first rate
27  pleasant day  we took the boat Col Stell 12 oclock to day at Houston  I got some sea shells to day  boat started 2 pm  we went down the Buffole Bayou 40 miles before we got Into the bay -
28  pleasant day  we got to Galveston bay 2 am  there will lay till daylight  we got to Galveston 11:30 am  80 miles from Houston  we got
onto the steamship Alabama 4 pm  the boat started 7 pm from Galveston
29 steaming on Gulf on Mexico  pleasant day
  we got to mouth of Mississippi river 7 am  we drew 5 days rations to day  we passed Ft Jackson & Fort Phillops 12 m  we got New Orleans 8 pm  laid all night
1  pleasant but pretty cold  we went up to Greenville 3 miles fr Now Orleans, lay there all night  I weighed 143 lbs  I got 3 letters from home no 44 - 46  we slept close to the river all night  i bought some oranges & sold  I made 2.50
2  we lay at Brenville waiting for a boat  I bought 100 oranges for 2.50.& sold for $5.00  we got on the boat White Cloud this evening & started out 7 pm
3  Su  we got to Baton Rouge 7am  we past Fort Hudson 9am  Morgarizen 12 pm  Natchez 10 pm  pleasant day
4  pleasant day  the boys fired at some gees on a sand bar & killed some  we got to Vicksburg 2 pm & lay till 5 pm  then we started
out & run a while  then we Landed & lay till day
5  some rain last night  rainy & cloudy day  I sold 1 bushel of apels which i bought at Vicksburg  I made 50 cts  we are steaming along up the river slowly
6  cloudy & rainy day  the boat Landed last night at 2 am & lay till day on account of fog  we past Napolien 12:30 pm  we passed White River 1:30 pm
7  pleasant day but cold  we passed Helena 1 am  we got Memphis 1 pm  we landed & lay 1 hour we started out from Memphis 2 pm  we run all night
pretty cold day but clear  we passed New Madrid 2:30
9  pleasant day  we passed Columbus 1 am  we got to Cairo 3:30 am  the cars started 3 pm  we passed Jonesburrow & centrillia  one man killed from Co D by the cars at Cairo
10  Su  we passed Bloomington & other towns on the road  we crossed Illinois river  we passes Lessell  we passed Freeport  we changed
cars at Beloit  pleasant day
11 pleasant day  we got to Madison 4 am  we got free breakfast at the depot  we signed the payroll to day  I got my sabre & belt & sling & cartridge box all right to day  I got a boarding house to day
12  Pretty cold day we lay around at John Shealeys boarding house waiting for our pay we pay one dollar a day for board
13 pretty cold day  i got my state pay $30 to day  we are laying around waiting for our pay  i bought a scarf and pair mittens & hat for 7 dollars
14  pretty cold day  nothing to do but lay around  we are waiting for our pay
  cold day  i bought a coat & vest & a pair of pents & a velice for $35.00  I got my discharge & my pay 194 dollars & 50 cts; we take cars 4:15 pm  we got to Bridgeport 9 pm  i bought a sewing machine $15 
16 pretty cold day  i come from Bridgeport by stage  i got home 4:40 pm & found my folks all well
John Larson

payments in service 1865

i recieved first payment    72.75
2nd payment                    77.25
3rd payment                   104.00
4th payment                    136.00
5th payment                      58.25

last payment when discharged at Madison 194.50 
total amount 642.75
town bounty                    200.00
state bounty                    120.00

total amt. 962.75 

money sent home
first time        $60.00
2nd time         50.00
3rd time          80.00
4th time          75.00
5th time          40.00   

Tues, Dec 26 i bought a horse for $130 to day
27 I bought a load of straw to day for $1.00 
28 I hauled a load of wood to day
30 I went over to Lars Larsons with the wagon to day 
31  Su  The S.W. 1/4 S. 34 T 104 B.52
Jan 11, 1866 I bought 40 bush of corn of Fraisy. A Rued  i paid for it 20 cts a bushel  I hauled 12 bushels 15 lbs
I bought 80 acres of land of W B Jarvis February 9 1866 for $310.00 
moved unto the land May 1866
Jan 20, 1866 i settled up with Pa to day  i am debtor to pa  balance due $300.00 him on book account for keeping my 3 sheep till spring $4.50
for keeping franny     3.33 
for keeping 2 cows 20.00
for house rent commencing the first day of November 1864 
we moved to Larses the 12 of February 1866
Jan 20, 1866 I am debtor to
D. Brown             23.60
Thomas Chambers 6.00
M Mcapes             5.00
Lars Larson          15.00
A. Parker             10.00
Lars Larson          19.00
A. Parker              30.00
A. Parker              75.00
Mr Chestnut            3.25
Mr Chestnut            2.90
Chestnut                    .75
Winegar for flour      5.93
Chestnut                  4.25
Chestnut in all         11.25
   September 15 1866
October to Chestnut 18.48
                     for flour 2.50
Jan 20, 1866 i am debtor to
                    R. Smith  35.48
                    A. Pelton 40.00
Lars Larson for breaking 12 acres
                         2 1/4  61.25
I am debtor to L Parker
for keeping my sheep              3.00
for keeping my 2 cows          12.00
for keeping Franny                  3.33
for house rent 15 1/2 months 15.50
for timber cut                        10.00
cash accl (?) Dunning in threshing 1 1/2 days & again for oats 1 dollar
Sept 8, 1866 i bought A. Parkers land to day for $100.00  i have to pay
25.00 April 1 st 1868
25.00 April 1 st 1869
25.00 April 1 st 1870
25.00 April 1 st I * 871
i pay 7 percent interest
Albert Parker meals commenced boarding Feb. 18 1866 was here for 1 year
Cash account 1866
for botls
or alum for worms
linseed oil
vinegar & saleratus                                                                             1 coat 8.75
We come on our Homeward march  November 1865                         1 talney 3.75
from Austin to Hempsted                                                                    1 pr pents, 3.60
Hempstead              130 miles                                                             1 pr. stockings @ 32    .64
Houston                    50                                                                      2 shirts @ 1.56          3.12
Galveston                  80                                                                      1 haversack
to the mouth Mss. R 300                                                                     1 canteen
New Orleans            114                                                                                                     46.32
Baton Rouge            130
Port Hudson              20                                                                    Ind Wis Cav
Morganzia                 30                                                                    first Battalion Co. A.G. K. D.
Natchez                     90                                                                   Third Battalion
Vicksburg                120                                                                                        Co C. J. M. F.
White River              240                                                                   2nd Battalion
Helena                        80                                                                                       Co E. H. L B.
Memphis                    90                                                                   (last hall of page torn out)
New Madrid            175
Columbus                  55                                                               November bill payable for 1865
Cairo                         20                                                               I have drawed
Chicago                   365                                                               1 jacket                      6.50
Madison                  140                                                               1 pr. pents                  4.15
Bridgeport                 92                                                               1 hat                           2.25
Lofton                       12                                                                2 pr sox                     0.70
                            2,333 miles                                                       1 pr boots                 4.00

Non commissioned officers (list - copied xerox) 
Captain Riley appears on fist 1 carbon
from Vicksburg to the mouth of Red river       170                         1 pr pants;                5.90
from the mouth of Red river to Alexandria       150 miles                I talna                       4.40

from Alexandria to Hempstead                       315                         1 shirt                         2.32
from Hempstead to Austin                              145                         September 28 1 drew
from St Louis to Cape Girardeau                    150                        1 pr pents                    5.90
from CA to Cairo                                             20                        2 pr drawers                3.20
Columbus                                                         55                        2 shirts                        4.50
New Madrid                                                  175                         1 pr boots                   4.65
Memphis                                                          90                         1 hat                           2.25
Helena                                                                                           2 pr socks                  0.96
White River                                                      80                         1 haversack
Vicksburg                                                       240                                                         21.46
Natchez '                                                        120                                                           6.72
Morganzia                                                        90                                                         28.18
Port Hudson                                                     30
Baton Rouge                                                    20
New Orleans -                                               130 

                                                                                                     Colonel ,                  
                                                                                                    Lieutenent Colonel
1 mans ration                                                                                Lieutenant
sugar 4  10 days         1 1/2 lbs Sergeant
coffee 4 10 days         3114 Corporal John
beans 10 days             1 1/2                                                         first carbine
pork 1 day                      3/4                                                         no 3567 Burnside
beef 1 day                   1 1/4                                                                       John Larson
bread or flour 1 day     1 1/8
candles 10 days              2/3                                                         2nd no. 74992 Sharps
Hardtack 1 day             1                                                               3rd no. 74327 Sharps
                                                                                                    4th no. 505M Spencers
I have drawed each
2 blankets @ 3.20          6.50                                                      Spencer Carbine weighs
1 hat                               1.97                                                           barrell - 22 Inches
1 pr pents                       3.65                                                           barrell and stok 3 feet 4 *

1 jacket                         5.30                                                        my tent is no. 15       155
1 blouse                         2.35                                                      Alberts     no. 16       178
2 shirts @ 1.56              3.12       
This diary was typed the same way 
2 pr. trousers @ 1.04     2.08       
it was written by john Larson.                  John L Lars 
2 pr. stockings 32             .64
