"Reception for the Second Regiment"

Honors for the Brave

Procession, Salutes and Bell Ringing

Welcome by Governor Lewis

Gen. Fairchild Happily Responds to Call

Songs of Welcome by Glee Club

It is three years ago, to a day, since the Second Wisconsin Infantry, the first of the three year regiments from this State, left Camp Randall to begin their term of active service. The country was then unused to war. Everything pertaining to military affairs was novel. An organized regiment was a spectacle to attract people for miles around to witness. On that bright June morning our city, now accustomed to such scenes and scarcely moved to a ripple of excitement by them, turned out almost en masse to view the unwonted sight of a thousand Wisconsin men leaving their homes to face the perils and hardships of war. Little did we then know what the future hid behind its veil. The most sagacious had but a faint conception of the real magnitude of the struggle then hardly begun. Who of that many spectators present that morning does not vividly recall the scene of the departure? - the jubilant spirits of the new volunteers - the blare of martial music - the roar of artillery - the waving handkerchiefs - the mingled emotions of sadness and pride - the hearty hurrahs of the multitude and the not less enthusiastic responses of the departing soldiers.
News Account ~ June 1864

Thus begins the report of the event that was recreated,
in part, during this weekend of celebration.

The Civil War events scheduled during
Statehood Weekend are shown below.

Friday, May 29th, 1998

Camp Randall
8:00 ~ 10:00 PM

Candlelight tours of Soldiers Encampment

Saturday, May 30th, 1998

Camp Randall
8:30 ~ 1:30 PM


9:00 AM ~ Sick Call
10:00 to 10:45 AM ~ Pay Call
to 11:30 AM ~ Band Concert
to 1:30 PM ~ Inspection and Roll Call


2:00 to 6:30 PM ~ Parade to the Capitol and Reception & Concert

8:00 to 10:00 PM ~ Candlelight Tours of Encampment

Sunday, May 31st, 1998

Morning: Period Church Service at Camp Randall/GAR Park