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1862 September, Seventh Wisconsin

Editors Journal and Courier

KILLED -Sergeant J. A. Hyatt, of Beloit; Matthew Haley, of Roscoe, and Williams Bedford, of Yates, Orleans County, N.Y. -3.
WOUNDED - Corporal L. S. Medbury, of Shirland, Ill., flesh wound in leg; Thomas Maley, of Connersville, Indiana, hand and shoulder; M. H. Kinzie, of Caledonia, Ill., in arm; C. H. Guivitts, in ankle; Collins H. Mann, of Shirland, Ill., in arm; Andrew Allen, of Roscoe, in heel, and Moses Odell, of Preble County, Ohio, in neck- 7,  none supposed to be dangerously.
John N. Bingham has also been missing since Aug. 22d, supposed to have been captured by the rebel cavalry in a dash upon our wagon train at Catlett's Station. He has a wife residing in Davenport, Iowa.
Two or three of the boys are missing, but will probably come up, as they were seen to fall out. None of four boys (from Co. G ) were injured in the fight of day before yesterday.
L. B. Raymond


A correspondent of the New York Herald gives the following account of the part taken by Gibbons' brigade, which consisted of the 2d, 6th and 7th Wisconsin and 19th Indiana regiments, in the recent fighting. The citizens of Beloit were represented by the lamented Col. O'Connor, of the 2d Wisconsin, and two companies- one in the 6th, formerly commanded by M. A. Northrop, and the other in the 7th under Capt. Alex. Gordon:

BULL RUN, SEPT. 1, 1862
AMONG THE TROOPS THAT HAVE BEEN ENGAGED IN THE RECENT CONTESTS NEAR THE FIELD OF THE CONTEST OF JULY, 1861, IS ONE BRIGADE, the bravery of whose movements I shall endeavor to depict in the following few remarks: Gibbons' brigade, of Kings division, on Thursday left their temporary camp and marched to Centreville along the main road leading to Manassas Junction. It had not marched more than three miles from the former place when the advance guard of the brigade were suddenly attacked by a superior force of rebels. The advance guard steadily retired until the brigade came up, the enemy still advancing upon them. Brisk skirmishing ensued which continued for some time. An engagement began at 5 P.M. between the brigade of Gibbons and the enemy who were in greatly superior force. The rebels advanced from the woods with terrific yells upon Gibbons' Wisconsin Boys who were stationed at the edge of a field which was skirted by another wood opposite to that from which the rebels came. The rebels poured a fearful fire into us as they came on, yelling and threatening to overwhelm us. The brigade received the fire coolly though it was most destructive, and did not respond until they had advanced some distance into the clearing, and at point blank range of musketry and artillery. Then and then only did the word of command come to commence firing. Hatch and Doubleday's batteries were with the brigade. The rebels had also a battery. As soon as the infantry had received the first fire from the rebels infantry and artillery and allowed them to come in range for an effective and
destroying fire the command was given to fire. Nobly did the Wisconsin brigade sustain their reputation. A perfect sheet of flame issued from the batteries and the line of infantry carrying death and destruction into the rebel ranks and causing them to recoil. The charge was not too much to prevent their being speedily rallied and brought into condition to give the brigade of Gibbons another galling discharge from their artillery and infantry which literally seemed to mow down our ranks. Not a sign of panic was visible in the actions of our men but they closed up the places occupied by the killed and wounded speedily and advanced with a will on the enemy who were approaching form the open field apparently conscious of victory. Our infantry fired as they went on, while Hatch's and Doubleday's batteries poured the decimating grape canister and spherical case shot into the rebel ranks causing them to break and take to the woods in double quick time there to seek cover from the combined fire which our infantry continued to pour into them. For a considerable time after their unceremonious skedaddle into the woods,  the batteries of Hatch and Doubleday continued to shell the woods in which they found shelter. Gibbons did not deem it advisable to follow them with his small force into unknown positions and contented himself with holding the field unmolested by the rebels. 
The Wisconsin brigade consisted of the Second, Sixth and Seventh Wisconsin and the Nineteenth Indiana regiments and numbered, when it first went into action, two thousand men. Their loss is seven hundred and eighty killed, wounded and missing, or nearly forty percent. loss.
The wounded were sent forward and the dead interred before the brigade retired form the position they had so nobly held before a superior force of the enemy.
The Sixth Wisconsin, which suffered less than any other regiment in the brigade, lost fourteen killed and sixty-four wounded.

From partial lists of casualties in Wisconsin Regiments in the recent battles about Manassas, which we publish to day,  it will be seen that the 2d, 3d, 6th and 7th Wisconsin were engaged and probable in the hottest of the fighting. Almost all the principal officers are among the killed and wounded, and when we get complete details a shadow will fall upon many a home in our noble State.
Gen. King is wounded, and almost every FIELD OFFICER OF THE 2D, 6TH AND 7TH REGTS., among the killed or wounded. While we bewail the noble dead, we glory in the indomitable courage with which they have (fallen).

Letter from Capt. Gordon of the 7th Regiment
Camp at Centerville Va. Sept 1st, 1862

Dear Journal:- I have only a moment in which to write you. I send a list of the causalities in my company during the two days fight. I can give you no idea of the battles only they were terrible. No pen can describe the scene. But those that stood under the storm of shell, canister, grape and rifle shots that fell on every inch of ground for mile can never forget the awful scene, the marching of regiments in solid columns to the front, the fragments of regiments returning bearing as many of the wounded and dead as possible, the continued war of artillery, the charging of batteries from one point to another, the marching of Generals with their staffs and body guards created a scene sublime yet awful.

Our brigade engaged the right of Jackson's army at or near Gainesville on the evening of August 28th. The rebels were supposed to have only a few men at that point to support a part of a battery. Gibbons' Brigade were ordered to charge and take the battery. We formed in line of battle under cover of a wood. As soon as we emerged from the wood the rebels opened upon us with a terrible infantry fire. We steadily advanced to the brow of the hill and there we fought them an hour and forty minutes or until it was pitch dark; when, having no reinforcements, we were obliged to leave them in possession of the field. We took some prisoners and found that Ewell's division, 12,000 strong, were opposed to us. We drove them back in perfect disorder every time they charged. The final charge was made by the celebrated Stonewall Brigade; they advanced in splendid style. Our boys mowed their ranks like grass; but they closed up and came steadily on. But our fire was so terrible and certain that after having the colors in front of us shot down twice, they broke in with confusion and left us in possession of the field. They left their colors upon the field.

But immediately they formed a new line of fresh regiments and we proposed to receive them but they were content to remain back. Some retired to the woods. The loss in our brigade is between 700 and 800 killed and wounded.

Cornel's regular battery did fearful execution among the rebels during the fight. The color bearer of our regiment, Tom Seals, was sick and Corporal McDorman of my company from Allen's Grove carried the banner nobly. He merits promotion for his gallantry. Col. Robinson had his horse killed and was wounded in the leg and had to leave the field early. Lt Col. Hamilton led the charge and rode right into the face of the enemy. He was shot about the middle of the action the ball passing through his left thigh and lodging in the right groin; but he brought the regiment form the field. As soon as he got to the hospital his horse dropped dead. Major Gill stood gallantly upon the field until struck by a ball in the left temple dropping him instantly from his horse. He is doing finely, all of our field officers exhibited great coolness and bravery. Col. Robinson was sick and unfit for duty and has been very sick for several weeks but he led us nobly until wounded; all of the officers and men stood nobly to the work and were as cool as if shooting rabbits.

Corporal Cochrane, one of my most noble men, fell at almost the first fire. Chas. B. Norton, a most splendid young man, had first a finger shot off, but kept on firing until finally he was shot through the breast and died doing nobly his duty.

Both the of these young men were examples of virtue,, stability sobriety and bravery. We mourn with their relatives. They had entwined themselves around my heart and were almost like brothers to us all.
Col. O'Connor was killed while cheering forward his men. Major Allen was wounded in the wrist and neck. The Major of the 19th Indiana was killed. Capt. Brayton of our regiment was killed. He was a very young man, came into the service as a private. I came out, without a scratch and was only struck in the knee by a spent ball. We are now reorganizing and expect soon to go to the front. I can't write more, excuse this incomplete and poorly written letter, as I am almost worn out.

In haste yours &c. 

Co K, 7th Wis Reg't

Aug. 23d-Artillery fight at Rappahannock Station-wounded-1st Lieutenant F. W. Oakley Beloit, Wis  right arm and shoulder-arm amputated. Private Martin Kramer, Beloit Wis left thigh.

Aug 28th-battle near Gainesville-
Killed-Corporal Martin L. Cochrane Beloit, Wis. Private Josiah H. Beard, Allen's Grove, Wis, Private Charles B. Norton, Allen's Grove, Wis.

Wounded - Edward Carney, Allen's Grove, Wis., bullet through bowels. Michael O'Daniels, Durand, Ill., thigh leg and breast. Jared H Knapp, Woodstock, Ill., left side. John A. Livingston, Manchester, Boone Co. l, Ill slightly in left breast. Wm I. Rader. Perryville, Vermillion Co., Ind.,  forehead. Nathan Lebing, Leroy, Boon Co., Ill.,  left breast and head, Frank Simmons, Cassville, Grant Co., Wis., buckshot through calf of leg.

Aug 30th Battle Bull Run- wounded - Corporal Chester K. Garner, Cassville, Wis., shot through right shoulder, Private E. H. Oviatt, Little Grant, Grant Co., Wis.,  thigh, Private G. Louis Rubin, Newark, Rock Co., left knee, Private Charles W. Woodman, Cassville, Grant Co., Wis., grape shot in right shoulder. Private Daniel S. Wilkinson, Ellenboro, Grant., Co., Wis, shot through mouth.

Missing -  Private Daniel Moriary, Janesville, Wis., Private Michael Erickson, Beloit, Wis fifer, Daniel Custer, Beloit, Wis, five or six slightly wounded but doing duty in Co.

The following letter is copied from a letter from a soldier serving in Company H, 7th Regiment, to his wife and shows some of the horrors of war which our men have experience. Such letters are flying through the country by the million, and are welding a more powerful influence than the newspapers and news correspondents either for or against the army Generals and for or against the manner of conducting the war. Many of these letters though written by privates are from men in every way the superiors of their officers. No military law or order can enslave men's thoughts or prevent the free flow there of through letters; we agree that in this army composed of educated and letter writing men there is no use in any General or other officer trying to rise above his best qualifications by mere gammon, the letter is a very good one, read it:

September 4th, 1862

DEAR WIFE: - This is my first chance to write since the battle of Cedar Mountain, and I will give you all of any great importance since my last. On the day I last wrote you, our army began to move back on our Capitol; for 15 days we slept on our arms - sleeping very little. We had skirmishes with the enemy almost daily as we marched from post to post, till the 28th, when just as the sun descended behind the western hills, and as we moved along the enemy was discovered by the way. Side skirmishers were thrown out immediately and soon we were engaged in battle - our whole Brigade. We had no idea of meeting any heavy force but before we advanced 80 rods; one of the bloodiest conflicts was under way, ever witnessed. We were ordered into position but got no orders to leave our brigade and two more regiments of our Division appeared to moving alone on the road so we soon found that we had to deal with Gen. Ewell's whole Division of picked men. We advanced within hailing distance of each other then halted and laid down and, my God, what a slaughter! No one appeared to know the object of the fight and there we stood one hour, the men falling all around; we got no orders to fall back and Wisconsin men would rather die than fall back without orders. 

Near the close of the fight a rebel regiment charged on our Second regiment, the latter holding the highest ground, but the Seventh Wisconsin, being on level ground, could see them plain and immediately turned on them, unobserved, an oblique fire so as not to hurt our friends of the Second. Our fire perfectly annihilated the rebels and but few escaped. They fled and this ended the fight. The rebels ceased firing first. We then made some slight arrangements for our wounded and then fell back six miles in the night leaving all our dead and most of our wounded to the mercy of the rebels and but few escaped being taken prisoners. My person did not receive a scratch though a buckshot passed through my coat. I stood square and threw cold lead without a shake or nerve. Our Captain and First Lieutenant being in absent, Company H went into the battle under our Second Lieutenant who did his duty nobly, our company had one killed, possibly two; fifteen were wounded. Benjamin Price was badly wounded in his left shoulder so that he was brought off the field and got safely to the hospital at Washington. Silas Streeter got a buckshot in his thigh but kept the field. Next day we marched back to Bull Run where McDowell was carrying on a battle on the old battlefield. We slept on our arms that night and next day the battle raged fearfully. The Second and Seventh Wisconsin had been put together, there being but one field officer left in the two regiments. We did not have any very hard fighting in our Brigade. Our joint regiment once drove off the rebels that were charging on one of our batteries. Here Lyman Russell was wounded in the shoulder. Our division was sent into a piece of woods over half a mile in front of our lines unsupported by any other and where the rebels poured into us a torrent of musketry, grape and canister. Here one of our company was killed instantly; several also in the regiment and  lots in the brigade. Seeing the danger we were moved back to the lines only in time to save us from annihilation. The darkness of night stopped the fight and we fell back of Centerville leaving all on the field. Our brigade was a rear guard and the rumbling of army trains and artillery and the jamming of wagons and smash of things showed what style of retreat we had. Silas Streeter, wounded as he was, kept with us all of three days and he managed every sort of way to get revenge, no man ever showed greater bravery and he got the praise of all; but in the night he was missing on our way to Centerville and has not since been heard of. He may have fallen or have been taken prisoner or got into the hospital. He will be all right wherever he turns up so tell his folks not to grieve about him. McClellan's forces are up the Potomac keeping the rebels from crossing into Maryland. I have no time or inclination to write what I think of the war or prospects of the times, but am satisfied that our falling back here is not strategy no matter what is claimed. This is the second battle Mack has lost on this same ground to the utter route of our army, the disgrace of the country and protraction of the war.

Sept 6th -  I add still more. I have seen war in all its shapes; seem my fellow soldiers falling all about; seen human blood flowing fast and had any amount of close calls, the bullets whizzing by me and the shot and shell Howling above and near and tearing the earth in a fearful manner - yet am still unharmed; We are now camped in sight of the capital of our country not knowing where next. There is great anxiety among the soldiers but I can tell how they feel. We have got our work by three years and no Generals except a few Brigadiers. Gibbon's brigade has a name that will never die. If our war ends in glory, we shall have our share of it. Our killed were G. M. Scott, L.A. Schnee; missing S. Streeter, A. Steel, L L. Eastman; wounded, Rice, Shuts, Springer, Dillon, Russell, Cutts, Thompson, Randolph, Steel; three of our men were wounded and taken prisoners since paroled namely Corporal Johnson, M. Moore, and F. Kearney. 

J. W. L.


Headquarters 7th Regt. Wis. Volunteers 
Upton's Hill, Va., Sept. 4th, 1862

Editors State Journal: - Under existing circumstances it becomes my duty to report the casualties sustained by the 7th regiment in the late battles of Gainesville and Bull Run, fought on the 28th and 30th of August in which the 7th Regiment lost, in killed wounded and missing, about two hundred and twenty men, as will be seen in the report below. The battle of the 28th near Gainesville, was beyond question one of the most closely contested battles of the war, each regiment in Gen. Gibbon's brigade contended with success against a brigade of the enemy under a destructive fire for an hour and twenty minutes without ceasing; the result of which was the loss of about one thousand men, killed, wounded and missing in the brigade, and double the loss to the enemy.

Our gallant Colonel W. Robinson, Lieut. Col. Chas. A. Hamilton, and Major George Bill, fell wounded during the fight. Lieut. Col. Hamilton, however, notwithstanding the severe wounds he had received, resumed his saddle and rode up and down the line cheering the men until the battle was over; after which he conducted the regiment off the field in good order but then became so weak form the loss of blood that he was carried to the hospital, Col. Robinson and Major Gill having been previously carried off the field thus leaving the regiment with out a field officer. - Col. Robinson's horse was shot under him before he received his wound.

Too much cannot be said in praise of the gallant conduct of our field officers on this occasion. The regiment was not engaged on the 29th but on the 30th it be came apparent that we must renew the attack and the decimated condition of the ranks of the 7th and 2d Wisconsin regiments suggested the propriety of consolidating the two and making one regiment for the coming contest. The consolidation was effected and the regiment placed under command of Lieut. Col. Fairchild for the day after which we were immediately put under a destructive fire which continued until dark. Our loss was heavy on this day but not so large as on the 28th, great credit is due to Col. Fairchild for the manner in which he conducted the consolidated regiment. The whole affair of the 28th and 30th were conducted with as much coolness on the part of officers and men of the 7th, 2d and 6th Wisconsin Regiments as though they were on an ordinary drill.

Will you please give publicity to this report for the satisfaction of parties concerned. I have the honor to remain, 

your most Ob't servant

John B. Callis,
Capt. Commanding 7th Regt. Wis Vol.

Killed wounded and missing of the 7th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers in the battle of Gainesville, the 28th and of Bull Run the 30th of August, 1862.

Col. W. W. Robinson wounded in the leg seriously.
Lieut. Col. Charles A. Hamilton shot through both thighs seriously.
Major George Bill shot in forehead, slightly.

Company A. - Capt. Holland Richardson
Killed - Sergeant Morris Sheehan, Seraphim Russell, Albion F. Douglas, John M. Bartholomew
Wounded - Corp. Coonrod Gunkle, flesh wound in hip, Corp. Alfred Miller, left knee not serious; Corp Wm J. Townley, left leg, high up flesh wound; Corp Wallace Henton, left hip and back serious; Harvey P. Ball leg slight; James Cleveland, leg, above knee, serious; Isaac Clapp, right shoulder behind, serious; M. Case, leg above knee, flesh wound slight; Pliny Ellis, both legs, flesh wound; Patrick Feeney, right arm, John Georgeson, head, Thos H. Grish, stomach and arm, serious, Cyrus Henton, neck,; Herbert Lull, left thigh, Uri F. Laskey, shoulder, slight, Isaac Mead, face, James Morrison, arm; John Pollock, hip, slight and both legs, Abner A. Stilson, right wrist; Thomas Strangeway, right fore arm; Benjamin F. Riddle, hand, fore finger off.
Missing - Corp Richard Philips, Chas E. Mills, Samuel J. Osborn (taken prisoner), Edward Parker, 
Total - Killed 4; wounded 21; missing 4

Company B - Capt. George H. Brayton
Killed -
Capt. Geo. H. Brayton, Sanford Frost, Julian Lewis
Wounded - Lieut. M. C. Hobart, in arm; Serg't Wm. H. Morgan, serious; Corp, John McMahan, serious; James B. Brown, slight; A. O. Butler, slight; John Furgsuon; Frank Graham; John Hughes, in lungs, serious; A. O. Hurlburt; Joseph Thomas.
Missing - P. H. Brygs, Amos Bissett; Samuel Sickels.
Total - Killed, 3; wounded, 12; missing, 3

Company C - Capt. Bushnell
- Thomas B. Sutton, Fred Nodorf.
Wounded - Corp. Wm. P. Durley; Herman Radkill, John C. Bold, John L. Eastman; 
Corp. Freeman Quimby.
Missing - Rolland Williams, John J. Geyer, Edward Eason.
Total - Killed, 2 wounded, 5; missing, 3.

Company D - Capt. E. F. Giles
Killed -
Sergt. P C. Buckman, Corp. G. H. Chapin, O. S. Little, Wm. H. Emory.
Wounded - Sergt. E. A. Estes, arm; Sergt O. H. Pratt, leg, Sergt. A. J. Compton, Hand, Corp. J.H. Best, thighs; Corporal. F. Thomas, legs; Privates L. C. Farnham, side; Thos. Campbell, leg; J. Kenbarger, Knee; E. Simmons, ankle; A. D. Coon, arm; E. Crane, arm and neck; E. Marsh, abdomen; J. Bullock, neck; R. King, shoulder; J. Evans, legs; P. Thompson, arm; M. H. Haynes, leg; J.C. Burns, arm.; E. A. Reed, knee; J. D. Marble, legs; J. Thomas, legs; A. S. Eager, arm and leg; J. M. Treat, hip; Wm S. Sylvester, arm; G. Wells, arm.

Missing - P. H. Walker, J. Young, W. H. Walker.
Total - Killed, 4; wounded 25; missing, 3.

Company E. - Capt. W. D. Walkes
- Sergt. H.J. Crandall, Leman Hogaboom.
Wounded -
Capt W. D Walker, Leg; Sergt - Thomas Eubanks, neck, slightly; Sergt. Gideon Worden, hands, slightly; Sergt H. Gibson, hands; Corp. Henry Gildersleve, arm; Corp John J. Rose, foot; Geo Eddy leg severely; Henry E. Holbcomb head slightly; A. M. Hubbard shoulder and face; F. G. Carmon leg; W. M. H. Wheelock, arm; A. Wheeler, leg.
Missing - John Harrison
Total - Killed, 2; wounded, 12; missing 1.

Company F. - Capt. J. B. Callis
Killed -
Sergt. Lewis W. Stevens, Corp. Edward S. McDowell, Corp. Wm A. Miles, 
Harry Kentner, Herbert Roberts
Wounded - 1st. Sergt. A. B. McCartney, right leg, seriously; Corp G. Giles Parker, hand and side, severe; Corp. Wm A. Smith, leg, slightly, Corp Francis A. Boynton, Leg, severe; C. B. Bishop, leg slight; Geo. Eustis, right hand, slightly; Perry Gilbert, shoulder, slightly; Wm H. Miles, arm, seriously; John Marlow, face and mouth, serious; Newton McPhail, side and arm, dangerous; Julius B. Nickerson shoulder, seriously, Danford Rector, head, scalp; Wm. R. Ray, head, seriously, Lyman Carrier, shoulder, seriously; John Lepia, head, dangerously; Capt John C. Callis, thigh, slight.
Missing - Thomas Kee, supposed to be a prisoner; Edward F. McDonald, supposed to be killed; Henry Rupkee, prisoner, paroled.
Total, killed 5; wounded 16; missing 3

Company G - Capt. Drake.
Killed -
Sergt. James H. Campbell, Peter Liver, Ray W. Coffin.
Wounded - Moses Purrier, head, shoulder and leg, dangerous; Robert. J. Verrinder, thigh, slight; Charles G. Cleland, hand; Archilaus Gray, thigh, Jeremiah R. Ryan, arm; Douglas Dunwoodie, shoulder, seriously; Geo. McCartney, slightly in hand; Geo. Allen slight in hand.
Missing - Jas. H. Rogers, John C. C. Day, Harrison Wiard, Lyman Carpenter, Wm. R. Taber, A. J. Wilkinson, Simon Carley, drummer, Marvin Lynn, John C. Anderson.
Total, killed 3, wounded 8, missing 9

Company H. - Lieut. Monteith
- Luther A. Schnee, W. G. Munroe, Scott. 
Wounded - Corporal Nathaniel Johnson, prisoner; Corp. John Monteith, in side, slightly; Corporal Jasper Randolph, in nose; Robert J. Cutts, flesh wound in arm; John Dillon, shoulder, Frances Kearney, prisoner; Martin Moore, Prisoner; John B. Murphy, head, slight; Alonzo Springer, head sight; George M. Steele, side, slight; Albert M. Steel, Hip, serious; John Schultz, shoulder, slight; 
Joshua Thompson, neck, Lucius Eastman, Missing also; Silas Streeter, missing also, Benj. Rice, in shoulder, severely; Laman Russell, slightly; Samuel K. Potts, slightly.
Total - killed, 2; missing 2; wounded 13

Company I - Captain Walter
Killed - Corp. Edson Terill.
Wounded - Capt. George H. Walther, chin and shoulder; Lieut. J. N. P. Bird, in shoulder and leg; Orderly Serg't Byron S. Williams; Serg't Byron Cole, in hand; Corp'l Geo. Williams, Corp. W. D. Williams, Thornton B. Curry, Joseph Hurd, Chancey Hursh, Jas. Jones, Webster Maxon, Jas. Rosell, Geo. Robinson, Lewis H. Welding, Norman G. Whitney, Amos Ware, Stephen Wilkins, 
Wm Mitchell, Fancis E. Witcomb
Missing - Robert K. Jones, Benj. Updyke, Halsey Curry.
Total - Killed, 1; Wounded, 19; Missing 3

Company K - Capt. Alexander Gordon, Jr.
Killed - Corp. Martin, L. Cochran, Josiah H. Beard, Charles B. Norton.
Wounded - Edward Carney, bowels, severely; Michael O. Daniels, both legs and breast severely; 
Jared H. Knapp, side; John A. Lovington, breast; William J. Rader, head severely; Nathan Sebring, lungs and head severely; Franklin Simons, leg; Robert Tibbetts, slightly; Corp. Chester R., Garner, shoulder, grape shot, Elisha H. Oviatt, thigh, F. Lewis Ruben knee, severely; Charles W. Woodman, side grape shot; Daniel S. Wilkinson, upper jaw, Michael Errickson, severely, 
Noble Blackington, slightly; Calvin Miller, slightly; Stone Severson slightly.
Missing - Daniel Moriarty, Daniel Custer, fifer.
Total - Killed, 3; wounded, 17; missing, 2;

Grand total of the Regiment Killed, 32; wounded 154; Missing 83 - in all 219

Upton's Hill, September 4
I seize the first opportunity in the confusion excitement and various circumstances through which we have passed to write you briefly.
Our Brigade (Gibbon's) displayed signal courage on the 28th and 30th as is shown by the fact that the 7th Wisconsin alone lost 250 men, only a few of those are missing, which indicates that they stood up to the work without flinching. Some are wounded only slightly.
The Brigade was marching from Warrenton to Centerville on the turnpike between these places when they came unexpectedly on a division of the enemy near Gainesville, a little before night. There were also two regiments of Doubleday's Brigade, the 76th New York, and 56th Pennsylvania, the first which did excellent service.
Our forces, not withstanding the great disparity of numbers, attacked the enemy and sustained the action under a galling fire an hour and a quarter, until after dark, and held the field most of the night while carrying off the wounded. The aggregate of our loss was about a thousand, the enemy's is supposed to have been much greater. We then withdrew, as we could not safely remain. We were opposed by a division and a half, as we were told by Capt. Hartman of the 12th Georgia, who was taken prisoner by the 7th. Longstreet and Ewell were in command of the enemy. Both Gibbons and King wept for the loss of such and so many of their brave men. The Brigade bore an honorable part also in the battle of the 30th and evinced the same spirit as on the 28th.

It was a sad sight for your correspondent to see the Colonel, Lieut. Colonel and Major of the 7th in the hospital at Manassas. Capt.. Callis is now in Command of the regiment.

We are now encamped on Upton's Hill, near Munson's in sight of the dome of the Capitol, although about eight miles distant. This is the line of defense and seems very strong. The enemy are supposed to be in strong force some four miles in front. There has been firing within hearing to-day.

McClellan, after all, seems to be the only man who can lead the army. He has the confidence and hearts of the men.


Five miles back of Arlington Heights, Sept 4
FRIEND COVER:- I enclose an account of causalities in the two companies which contain most of our Lancaster boys. I have worked hard on a similar report on our 7th Regiment, which as I supposed will be ordered to be published in the State Journal. It is impossible to exclude all errors even with the greatest care. The reports on which we have to depend are not always reliable.

A surgeon informs me that so far as his observation extends the wounds of the men heal very readily. The weather is delightfully cool. I think the report tells its own story of the courage of our brigade. With very kind regards,

I am yours most sincerely,
S.W. Eaton

The Seventh Wisconsin-Report of Col. Robinson
to the Governor.

Hon. E. Salomon, 
Governor of Wisconsin
Sir: - I am lying here wounded and am not in a very good condition to write otherwise I would give you a detailed report of the gallant conduct of the Seventh Regiment at the battle of Gainesville, or Groveton, on the evening of the 28th of August. When our Brigade formed a line of battle under a galling fire from the enemy's batteries and advanced upon them for the purpose of taking them where we were met by twelve regiments of their infantry then followed the hottest fire that any troops ever stood up under lasting about one and a half hours. When their fire was silenced in the heat of the engagement, it became necessary for the Seventh to charge front forward on it's tenth company in order to get an enfilading fire upon heavy masses of the enemy who were pressing forward to charge upon the Second Regiment. The evolution was executed with as much precision as they ever executed the movement on drill. This brought us within 30 yards of the enemy. Our line never gave an inch during the fight. The enemy made three different attempts to charge upon the 2d and 7th. In each attempt they fell under our fire like grass before the scythe. Our loss was heavy as a necessary consequence of such a fire at close quarters. The loss of the enemy was more than double that of ours as reported by prisoners taken. Our Brigade again distinguished itself on the 30th. With regard to individual officers and men whose conduct was especially meritorious, I shall have to report at some future time. But I will say here that the noble and gallant conduct of all, both officers and men, was all that could be wished and beyond my most sanguine expectations.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, 
your obd't Serv't
W. W. Robinson
Col., 7th Wis. Vol.

U. S. Hospital
Keokuk, Iowa, Sept. 9, 1862

To his Excellency, Hon. Edward Salomon, Governor of Wisconsin

Sir: the following is a full statement of Wisconsin soldiers received as patients and of those discharged from this Hospital since the 25th day of August to this date.

The condition of the sick is much better than it has been during the previous month with a prospect that a greater number will return to their regiments during the present months than during the months of July and August together
very respectfully, 
Your Obt. Servt.,
G. STAMM, State Agent

Returned to duty.
R. L. Kodson, Company K, 14 Regt.
R. W. Davis, D, 14 th
John Trady, D, 14th
Wm. Kelly, G, 8th
Wm. B. Powers, F, 18th
Matthew Burns, B, 17th
Ezekiel Brabury, K, 17th
D. C. Barry, 10th Battery
Total 8
Died: Thadeus Riemer, Co. H, 14th Regt, of chronic diarrhea, Sept. 4

Sept. 5- Received from Madison As Patients
Lemuel S. Stow, Company I, 16th Regiment
Valentine Stack, G, 16th
Oliver H. Waite, E, 16th
Frederick Gundlach, E, 16th
Joseph L. Young, H, 16th
Henry D. Wise, H, 14th
Lyman P. Jones, K, 1st
M. V. Rice, A, 8th
O. M. Whitman, A, 5th
John Flagler, G, 8th
Albert Walsenburg, K, 19th
Samuel S. Barber, F, 13th
Grundy Sunson, H, 15th
Jacob Smith, I, 3d cavalry

Norman Beden, A, 18th
George W. Crosby, B18th
Leander Depere, A, 18th
Samuel A. Brooks, G, 18th
Theodore Dickerson, I, 18th
John Kirkpatrick, C, 18th
Abel D Harrington, D, 18th
Holland Hamlin, H, 14th
Geo. S. Miller, C,14th
Edward A. Crouch, K, 14th
Geo. W. Ellis, K, 14th
German Groeneveldt, I, 8th
Philander S. Drew, G, 16th
George Long, I, 16th

Aug 24 - Patients in hospital this day ................ 180
Sept 5 - Received from Madison......................... 14
Sept. 9 - Discharged from service to date............14
Returned to duty to date.........................................8
                                                                              - 23
Leaving in Hospital this day ................................171


Boonsboro, Md., Sept. 15 - The battle of South Mountain was fought yesterday, resulting in a complete victory to the army of the a Potomac. The battle-field was located in a gorge of the mountain on the turnpike road between Middletown and Boonsboro.

The Battle Ground
The rebel position was on the sides and summit of the Blue Ridge, Mountains on each side of the Gap, known as Frog Gap through which the main road on the turnpike from Middletown to Hagerstown passes. The gap is distant from Middletown about three miles and from Frederick, twelve miles. Boonsboro the next important town to Middletown on the turnpike, is two miles from the gap, on the other side of the mountains. The mountains in the vicinity of the Gap are steep and rugged and rendered difficult to ascend unless by the ordinary thoroughfares on account of numerous ledges and loose rocks which afford no permanent foothold. From base to top they are covered with a thick wood, thereby giving protection to the party in possession and making the progress of the attacking force doubly hazardous. Bolivar, a village of six or eight dwellings, is situated on the main road between Middletown and the Gap and about one and a half miles from the latter place. At Bolivar, a road branches off from each side of the main road, the two roads taking a circuitous course to the mountains and gradually ascending them to join the main road again at the gap.
The early position of the Union Army ,or where the line of battle was first formed, was on a piece of rising ground on the right, left of the main road between Bolivar and the mountains. As the day advanced and our forces moved forward the position was changed; but never for the better. The nearer we approached the mountains the more successfully could the enemy bring his artillery to bear on our columns. No matter what position we held, the Blue Ridge mountains commanded that position. It will be observed at once that the enemy had a formidable ground of defense and nothing but undaunted courage wrestled it from him.

The Forces Engaged
The first division to enter the field on our side was Cox's of Reno's corps- Next came the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Rickett's and King's divisions under the command of the gallant and brave Hooker. We and batteries stationed on both wings but at no time was there over ten or twelve pieces in practice.
The enemy's force is supposed to have amounted to about 40,000 men. He probably used twelve pieces of cannon. the forces of Gen. Longstreet and D. H. Hill were engaged.

The Battle
During the forenoon the firing was by artillery. Endeavoring to ascertain the rebel strength and position, about 12 o'clock the corps under Gen. Reno was ordered to ascend the mountain on the left and make an attack on the enemy's flank. At three o'clock Gen. Reno's troops got into action. The rattle of musketry for about half an hour was terrible, when the enemy gave way leaving our men in possession of that portion of the ridge. The loss on both sides in this action was considerable. We had not a general or field officer injured at this point excepting Major General Reno, who was killed, a  minnie ball passing through his body.
Gen. Hooker, commanding McDowell's corps and the Pennsylvania reserves, ascended the mountains on the right for the purpose of making an attack on the rebel's left. He got his troops into position and moved upon the enemy about two hours before sundown. Here, as in the case on the other ridge of the mountain, our troops were successful, driving the enemy before them with great slaughter. The rebels suffered here more than at any point on the battle-field. Gen. Hatch, commanding a division under Gen. Hooker, was wounded in the leg.
Gen. Gibbon's brigade, composed of the Second, Sixth and Seventh Wisconsin and Nineteenth Indiana regiments, were ordered to move up the gorge of the mountain. This brigade did not get into action till after dark which lasted till nearly 9 o'clock. This brigade lost about 120 killed and wounded; among the dead is Capt. Colwell of the Second Wisconsin. The rebels were driven back for about a mile when Gibbon's brigade was relieved by a portion of Sumner's corps who held the position during the night.
Gen. Hooker, accompanied by his Staff, was where he always is on such occasions -at the front. The line did not give way for an instant, but kept moving forward and upward pouring volley after volley of musketry into the enemy's ranks until at last the rebels broke and ran precipitately to the top of the mountain -thence down on the other side.
Reno's corps on the left did its part nobly. The men were called upon to do some severe fighting and they performed their duty with a will and heroism seldom before displayed. The engagement on the left succeeded that on the right and lasted about an hour and a half. The enemy contested every foot of ground, but eventually yielded it to the conquerors.
The rebel troops engaged were Longstreet's, D. H. Hill and A. P. Hills Corps. Had our troops had two hours longer of daylight the greater portion of the rebel army would have been taken prisoners as they were surrounded on three sides the only mode of escaping being a narrow defile in the mountain which the artillery would soon have made impassable.
Among the rebel officers known to be killed were General Garland of Leesburg, and Col. Strong, of the Nineteenth Virginia. The latter's body was obtained today by flag of truce.
At daylight this morning our worst fears were realized. The rebels under cover of the night had left on their way to the Potomac. The went to this place two miles from the mountains and there took the road towards Sharpsburg. They left all their dead on the field and those of the wounded not able to walk were found in the churches in Boonsboro.
Gen. Burnside occupied a position with his staff, nearly all day, on the summit of a hill directly opposite South Mountain, from which he obtained a sweeping view of the whole field of battle excepting what was hidden by the woods and the summit of the mountain over which the enemy had been in part driven. From there he issued his commands. On this hill were several batteries but not much brought into play. Gen. McClellan arrived in the afternoon, and was enthusiastically greeted by the soldiers.

The Result
The result of the battle secures to the Union troops a very important position inasmuch as it commands the approaches on each side of the mountain, also a vast area of the surrounding country. I estimate, as before stated, that two thousand will cover the list of out casualties. I think that the enemy's loss in killed and wounded will not exceed our own. Altogether we captured two thousand prisoners

Capt. Callis' Report
The following is the report of Capt. Callis who was in command of the 7th
Headquarters 7th Regiment Wis. Vols.,

Frank A. Haskell, A. D. C. and A. A., Gen. Gibbon's Brigade

Sir:-I have the honor to report the part taken by the 7th Regiment of Wisconsin volunteers in the action of the 14th of Sept., at South Mountain Md.
About five o'clock p.m., the 7th Regiment Wis. Vols., formed in line of battle on the north side of the turnpike at or near Middletown. Our left resting on the pike, skirmishers were thrown out in advance of us and soon encountered the skirmishers of the enemy; a sharp skirmish fire ensued; the regiment then broke by the right of companies to the front and advanced, keeping one hundred paces in rear of the line of skirmishers; we advanced in this way through a cornfield for half a mile and came out into an open field; here the skirmishers met such a sharp fire from the sharpshooters of the enemy that  if was difficult for them to advance further the open field affording no shelter or protection against the sharp fire from the front; the regiment then formed in line of battle, and advanced our left touching the pike, our right extending north to the edge of a dense belt of woods on the slope of the Mountain; the enemy opened a destructive enfilading fire from a stone fence on our left at short range, which drew the fire from our regiment to the left; we kept advancing and firing until another enfilading fire from the woods on our right, and a direct fire from behind a stone fence in our front showed our close proximity to the enemy's line of battle. Our men returned the fire with great vigor; the 6th Wis. Reg't. was then in line in our rear, some fifty paces. Col. Bragg, seeing the destructive fire under which we were fighting ,double quicked the 6th Wis Reg. to our right and opened on the enemy, thereby drawing the enfilading fire hitherto secured by us from the woods on our right. Col. Fairchild of the 2d Wis Reg. at this junction was a little to our rear, and left of the pike. He also seeing our perilous condition brought his regiment forward on our left and commenced a fire that saved us from further annoyance; the left thus leaving us to contend against a direct fire from behind a stone fence in our front. The firing was kept up without ceasing until after 9o'clock at night when our ammunition became exhausted. The fact was made known to Gen. Gibbon; his answer was hold the ground at the point of bayonet; our men were ordered to lie down; the cartridges were then taken from the boxes of the dead and wounded and distributed among the men who were destitute of of ammunition. I then gave them orders to load and lie down, and reserved their fire for close range; the enemy seeming to know our condition, commenced advancing on us in line, whereupon I ordered the regiment to rise up fix bayonets and charge on the advancing column. Our regiment had not advanced more than twenty feet when we fired; this broke the enemy's lines and they retired in great confusion. Our loss was heavy in killed and wounded. The aggregate of killed wounded and missing was about one hundred and forty-seven; the regiment went into action with three hundred and seventy-five muskets; the officers and men of the regiment all fought well, doing their whole duty; about half past 10 o'clock the regiment was relieved by part of Gen. Gorman's Brigade, the 15th Massachusetts Regt.

I have the honor, Sir, to be your most obedient servant,
John B. Callis,
Capt. Command'g. 7th Regt. Wis. Vols.

Headquarters 7th Reg. Wis. Vol. near Middletown, Md.
September 15th, 1862,

Editors State Journal- It again becomes my duty to report the casualties in the 7th Regiment Wis. Vols in the battle of South Mountain, Md. fought on the 14th day of September, 1862, in which the 7th lost heavily in killed and wounded as will be seen by the report below.

About four o'clock on the evening of the 14th September, the 7th regiment was ordered forward through a corn field on the right of the pike running through the gap in the mountain, our left resting within company distance of the pike. Skirmishers were sent forward and soon met the enemy's skirmishers. A hot skirmish fire ensued our skirmishers driving those of the enemy until the fire was so strong from the enemy that the skirmishers could advance no further.
I then received orders to advance the 7th in line of battle. We advanced until the regiment was within 60 or 70 yards of the enemy with out receiving anything more than an occasional shot from the enemy's sharpshooters, when they opened a most destructive enfilading fire from behind a stone wall running parallel with the pike on our left also an enfilading fire from the woods on our right and a direct fire from behind a stone wall in our front.
This state of things lasted for some fifteen minutes when the 6th Wisconsin double quicked it to our right and fired in a volley that greatly relieved us by drawing the enfilading fire on our right, the 2d Wisconsin doing the same on our lef, thus leaving us to contend with the direct fire from our front only. We fought until our cartridges gave out, and were then ordered to hold the ground at the point of the bayonet. The enemy seeming to know our condition commenced to advanced on us, when we came to a charge bayonet, and the order "charge" being given our men advance on them when they "skedaddle." We held the ground until 11 o'clock at night when we were relieved by Gen. Goman's Brigade.
Our men all fought nobly and desperately. I could not personate one in this connection without doing injustice to others, equally brave and true. Co. F was commanded by Sergeant Wm. E. Street, Co I by Serg't Prutesman and Co.B by Serg't Weeks. Great credit is due these men for the manner in which the conducted themselves as line officers
 Jon B. Callis
Capt. Command'g 7th Reg. Wis. Vol.

List of casualties in the 7th Wisconsin Regiment at the 
"Battle of South Mountain," 
Sunday, Sept. 14th, 1862:

Co. A - Lodi Guards
Killed - Michael Burke
Wounded - Act. Orderly Serg't. L. Bascom, leg and face; Corp. Philander Phinney, foot; 
John Agan, leg; Henry Byron, breast; John Grant, foot; E. J. Hurd (seriously), bowels; 
Hiram Pierce (seriously), stomach; John Knutson, breast.

Co. B - Columbia Co. Cadets.
Killed - Corp. Chas E. Plummer
Wounded - Sergt. Z. B. Russell, leg; Corp. E. R.  Hancock, breast; Geo. L. Brown, arm, 
Jas E. Brown, hips; John J. Blowers, head; Chase Cummings, leg; A. Hughes, arm; 
Thos Hand, hand; Wm. R. Ingalls, foot; J. D. McMullen, wrist; W. L. Newell leg; 
Truman Newell, hand; Lewis Priest, Hip; Wesley Richardson, arm; David Snow, arm and side;  Charles Walker, leg; Edwin Wheeler, head.

Co. C. - Platteville Guards
Killed Private W.W. Holmes
Wounded - Corps. W P. Durley, thigh; John Altizer, knee; J. L.  Rewey, groin; Wm Beazley, thigh; Privates D. C. Ashmore, breast; D. H. Bryant, leg; Wm. Brestell, arm; Malcom Ray, knee; W. W. Davis, thigh; W. Neal, leg; H. H. Edwards, side; J. Ribl, side; F. Jones, hand; Wm. B. Newcomb, thigh; M. Parker, shoulder; J. C. Palmer, arm; Madison Ray, thigh; Theo. W. Smelker, breast; Geo Wells, thigh.

Co. D. - Stoughton Light Guard
Wounded - Corp. A C. Croft leg; Corp. B. P. Ordway, leg; J. G. Bentley, head; J. E. Wright, hand; R. Thompson, foot.

Co. E. - Marquette County
Wounded - Corp. A. C. Webster, leg; John Casey, wrist; Daniel Casey, leg; W. H. Root, arm;  Joseph Edwards, hands and breast; Henry Gathers, shoulder.

Co. F. Lancaster Guards.
Killed - Geo W. Cooley, James A. Clark, Henry A. Kaump, John L. Marks
Wounded - Lieut. John W. McKenzie, foot; Corp Geo F. Holbert, thigh; Corp. P. J. Schlosser, shoulder, arm; Geo. A. Henderson, head; Fletcher S. Kidd, arm; Alex Lewis, hand; R. B. Pierce, leg; James A. Simpkins, arm; Thos Price, side.

Co. G. - Grand Rapids Guards
Killed - Thomas Lynn
Wounded - Corps. Edgar Tenant, thumb; John Hanna, side; W. Armstrong, arm; 
Privates Clinton Eggleston, hand; Hugh Evans, knee; William Creasy arm; Henry Felix head; James Ingraham, leg; Isaac Beadle, thigh; William Richards, neck; Daniel Wilcox thigh; Michael Shortell, leg; Martin Lesser, leg; Daniel McAuliffe, thigh; Serg't. John Crocker, leg.

Co. H. - Badger State Guards, Grant Co.
Killed - Benj. Burton
Wounded - Serg't. Wm. L. Jacobs, ankle; Corp. Jas H. Brunemer, leg; John Andrews, hips; Isaac Coates, thigh; Henry Freudner, head; Jos. Heathcock, side; Stanbury Hitchcock, leg; John B Mathews, shoulder; Newton B. Wood, hip; Nicholas Heter, leg; John Sturz, leg.

Co. I - Northwestern Tigers
Wounded - Corp. Henry Thorngate, leg; Lewis Brown arm; George O. Stratton, hand; 
Charles W. Smith, foot.

Col. K. - Beloit
Killed - Wm S. Wilson, Frank J. Garner
Wounded - 2d Lt. S. B. Morse, very slightly; Serg't. Henry Harbough, head; Corp. John M. Hoyt, thigh; John F. Foss, leg; Jas A. Snyder, legs; Stone Severson, foot; Wm. Beardsley, arm, (amputated); Geo Covillie, head.
Total - Killed 11; Wounded 114 - in all, 125


September 18, 1862

It is again my painful duty to report the casualties in the 7th Wisconsin Regiment in the battle of yesterday, the 17th, fought near Sharpsburg, Md. This battle was without doubt the most desperate battle ever fought on this continent, as the casualties of the day will show when they all appear. I have not time to give any of the details of the fight, but you will doubtless have them ere you receive this. I must thank the officers and men for the manner in which they stood to the work, particularly Captains Alexander Gordon and Richardson, for valuable assistance in maneuvering the battalion under fire, it being necessary to change front three times under fire during the fight.
John B. Callis,
Capt. Commanding 7th Wis. Reg.

Company A
Killed Jacob D. Sawyer
Wounded - Serg't. M. C. Bartholmew, leg; Serg't S. Bachman, leg; B. Carter, leg; F. J. Fowlet leg; H. T. Turner, hand.

Company B
Killed - Eli Bronson
Wounded - Axel Stoddard, head

Company C
Killed - Albert Stout
Wounded - A Erb, head; J. Howard, thigh; H. Rewy, hand; W. T. McKinney, neck
Missing - Jas Hodges

Company D
Wounded - Corp. F. W. Dearborn, leg; Levi Walker, arm; Johnson Lee, shoulder; B. F. Nobles, head

Company E
Killed - Corp. G. Sargeant
wounded - Corp. W. F. Worcester, leg; James Briggs, bowels; James Pattengill, thigh; Edwin Lager, side; Wm Jennet, hand
Missing - David Beebe, Josph Rhines, Ambrose Phelps

Company F
Killed - Wesley Craig, Lewis Kuntz
Wounded - John Runnion, shoulder
Missing - John Johnson

Company G
Killed - Corp David Creavy, John Topping
Wounded - Corp John Packer, thigh; Milton Charles, shoulder; Wm Grover, thigh

Company E
Killed - Sergt Samuel Monteith
Wounded - Wm. Salmon

Company K
Wounded - Corp George Sedgwick, thigh; John H. Fenton, knee; George Carney, hand; John A. Livingston, arm and side
Total Killed 9; wounded 28; missing 5 in all

Below we give a complete list of the casualties of the Seventh Regiment during their campaign, both in Maryland and Virginia furnished us by F. W. Tyler of this village. There being several members serving in the regiment from this county, it will be read with unusual interest. The regiment has suffered terribly, and has stood bravely through every engagement.

Killed in engagement, August 28, '62
Battle of Gainesville, Virginia.
Orderly Sergeant - Maurian Sheehan, shot in breast. Privates - John M. Bartholomew, shot in head; A. F. Douglas, through body; S. Riopelli, through breast.
Wounded - Col. W. W. Robinson, leg; Lieut. Col. Hamilton, both thighs severely; Major Bill, forehead; Corporal A. Miller, in knee slightly; Color Corporal C. Gunkle, thigh badly; Corporals Wm. Townley, in leg; R. Phillips, not known, supposed dead; W. Hinton, hip badly; 2d Lieut. Jas. Johnson, slightly in head.
Privates - B. Riddle, in hand badly; T. H. Grist, stomach and arm badly; H. P. Ball, leg; J. M. Cleland, hip broken; Isaac Clapp, across back; M. Chase, leg; Pling Ellis, both legs; P. Fewney, arm broken; H. Lull, not known; Uri f. Laskey, arm broken at shoulder; C. C. Mills, not known, missing; J. Morrison, arm; Thomas Rice , ear; John Pollock leg; Thomas Strangway, arm broken; Syrus R. Hinton, neck; Isaac H. Mead, jaw.
Prisoners - E.W. Parker, Samuel J. Osbon, Albert McCalvey.

Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862 No casualties.

South Mountain, Maryland, September 14, 1862
Killed - Michael Burke, shot through heart.
Wounded - Sergeant Linus Bascomb, face and both legs badly; corporal P. Phinney, foot. Privates - Hiram Pierce, stomach; John Grant, foot; Edward J. Hurd, breast; John Kuntsen, do; Henry Byron, do; John Agan leg slightly.

Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862.
Killed - Private Jacob B. Sawyer, shot through head.
Wounded - Sergeant Samuel Beckman, thigh badly; Marston C. Bartholomew, thigh and hurt in back, Privates - F. A. Fowler, thigh; Henry T. Turner, two fingers shot off; Bissel Carter, thigh slightly.
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (45)

Gainesville, Va., Aug 28, 1862
Killed - Captain George H. Brayton
Privates - Julian Lewis, Sanford Frost
Wounded - Lieut. Martin C. Hobart, wrist; Sergeant Wm. H. Morgan, neck and shoulder; Corporal L. W. McMahon, Leg. Privates - James B. Brown, breast; Austin O. Butler, hand; Isaac Cooper, breast; Julius Egleton, Leg; J. Furguson, hand; John Hughs, side; Oscar Hulbert, knee slightly; Joseph Thomas, shoulder.

South Mountain, Maryland, September 14, 1862.
Killed - Color Corporal C. E. Plumer.
Wounded - Serg't. Z. B. Russell, leg; Corporal E. R. Hancock, breast, since died. Privates - J. L. Brown, arm; J. E. Brown, lip; J. L. Blowers, head; C. C. Cummings, leg; R. Cole, knee; E. R. Dye, leg; J. O. Hilliker, breast; A. Hughs, arm; T. Hand, hand; W. R. Ingalls, foot; J. D, McMullen, wrist; W. L. Newell, Hand; L. Privot, hip; W. Richandsor, arm; D. Snow, breast; C. Walker, leg; E. Wheeler.

Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 14, 1862
Killed - Private Eli Brunson.
Wounded - Hazil Stoddard , head.

Killed, wounded, missing etc., (37)

Gainesville, Va., Aug. 28, 1862
Wounded - Private J. C. Boldt, Hand; H. Radkill, thigh; J. Eastman, since died.

Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862.
Killed - Private T. D. Sutton.
Wounded - Captain T. B. Quimby, head. Private - F. Norderg, head.

South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862
Killed - Private W. Holmes
Wounded - Corporals W. Darling, thigh; J. L. Ruey, groin; W. Beasley, thigh; Private - W. Bristol , arm; D. C. Ashmore, breast; W. W. Davis, knee; H. H. Edwards, side; F. Jones, finger; W. B Newcomb, thigh; C. Parker, shoulder; J. C. Palmer, arm; M. Ray, groin; S. W. Smelker, breast; B. Wells, thigh; J. Althier, knee.

Sharpsburg, Mc. Sept. 17, 1862
Killed - Private A. Stout
Wounded - Private J. Howard, thigh; H. Ruey, hand; W. P. McKinney , since died; A. Erb, head.
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (27).

Gainesville, Va., August 28, 1862
Killed - 1st Sergeant P.C. Buckman; Private O. S. Little, W. W. Emery supposed killed.
Wounded - Corporal George K. Chapin. Sergeant E. A. J. Estes. right arm; A. J. Compton, Hand; C. H. Fratt, leg; Corporal J. H. Bess, thighs; F. Thomas, groin; Private, J. Campbell, leg; J. Renberger, do; E. Simmons, do; A. D. Coon, arm; E. D. Crane, chin and arm; J. Evans, both legs; P. Thompson, arm; M. H. Haines, J. C. Burns, shoulder; J. M. Treat, hip, since dies; J. D. Marble, leg; J. Thomas, do; L. C. Farnham, kidneys; A. S. Eager, arm and leg; W. Sylvester, arm; G. Wells, elbow.
Missing - Privates T. H. Walker, P. Walker, J. Young's and E. A. Read.

Bull Run, August 30, 1862.
Wounded - Private E. Marsh, abdomen; J. Bullock, throat; R. King, shoulder.

South Mountain, Md., Sept, 14, 1862
Wounded - Corporal  A. Croft, leg; Private J. G. Bentley, head; R. Thompson, foot.
Missing - L. D. Blount

Killed, Wounded, Missing, etc., (36).

Gainesville, Va., August 28, 1862
Killed - Sergeant H. J. Crandal
Wounded - Captain W. S. Walker, leg; Sergeant Thos. Eubanks, neck; G. Warden, hand; Corporal W. H. Gildersteeve, arm; J. J. Rose, foot; Privates F. G. Carman, leg; Sergeant Thos Eubanks, neck; G. Warden hand; Corporal W. H. Gildersteeve, arm; J. J. Rose, foot; Privates F. G. Carman, leg; G. W. Edey, leg, since dies; H. W. Holcomb, head; A. M. Hubbard, shoulder.
Prisoner - John Harrison.
Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862, Wounded - 1st Sergeant H. Gibson, hands.
South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862.
Wounded - Corporal A. C. Webster, leg; Privates J. Eubanks, hand and arm; D. Casey, leg; J. Casey, arm; H. Gathers, leg; W. H. Root, shoulder.
Sharpsburg, Maryland, Sept. 17, 1862.
Killed - Corporal G. Sergeant.
Wounded - Private J. Briggs, abdomen and arm; Corporal W. Wooster, leg; Private J. Pettengill, leg and arm broken, since died; E. Lager, back; W. Jump, hand.
Missing - Privates A. Phelps, D. Beebe, J. R. Rhines.
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (27).

Catlet's Station, Va., attack on teams August 21, 1862.
Wounded - Private Asa C. G. Chapman, hand,  

Gainesville, Va., August 28, 1862.
Killed - Corporal E. S. McDowell, W. N. Miles; Privates L. W. Stevens, H. Kenton, H. Roberts.
Wounded - 1st Sergeant A. R. McCartney, log; Corporal c. G. Parker, hand and breast; F. A. Boynton, leg; Private W. H. Miles, J. Marlow, face; N. McPhail, arm and side; J. N. Nickerson, arm; W. R. Ray, head.
Missing - E. F. McDonald.

Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862.
Wounded - Private L. Carrier, shoulder; J. Lepla, head.

South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. 
Killed - Private. G. W. Cooley, J. A. Clark, H. A. Kaump, J. A. Marks.
Wounded - Corporal G. H. Halbert, thigh; P. J. Schloesser, shoulder; W. A. Smith, thigh; Private G. A. Atkinson, head; H. Black, hand; J. A. Drew, leg; M Dexter, arm; G. Henderson, face and neck; F. H. Kidd, wrist; A Lewis, hand; R B. Pierce, leg; T. Price, side; J. A. Simpkins, arm.

Sharpsburg, Maryland, Sept. 17, 1862.
Killed - Private W. Craig, L Auntz
Wounded - Private John Rungon, shoulder.
Prisoners - Privates T. McKee, J. Johnson, H. Rupkee.
Killed , wounded, missing, etc., (40).

Gainesville, Virginia, Aug. 28, 1862.

Killed - Sergeant James H. Campbell, shot through lungs; Private R. W. Coffin, shot through head.
Wounded - Private A. Grey, thigh badly M. Paurica, head; R. J. Verrinder, leg slightly; Chas. G. Cleland, through hand; J. Ryan, arm; I. Altenbury slightly.
Prisoners - Paroled - Privates J. O. Anderson, D. M. Lynn, James H. Royes.

Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862.
Killed - Private Peter Lever, shot through head.
Wounded - Private D. Dunwoodie in shoulder, seriously; George Allen, hand; George McCartney, hand; John C. Day, taken on return crossing Rappahannock, paroled.
Prisoner - Paroled - Privates L. Carpenter, A. J. Wilkinson, S. Carley, Wm. Tabor, H. L. Wiard.

South Mountain, Va.; Sept. 14, 1862.
Killed - Private Thomas J. Lynn, shot through head.
Wounded - Clinton Eggleston, hand badly; Hugh Evans, leg slightly; Corporal Wm. J. Armstrong, arm badly since amputated; Edgar A. Tennant, thumb slightly; Private Wm. N. Creasey, arm badly, since amputated; Henry Felix, head slightly; James E. Grayham, leg do; Isaac Beadle, thigh do; Wm. Richards, neck badly; Daniel Wilcox, thigh do; Michael Shortell, leg slightly; Martin Lesser, leg do; Daniel McAuliff, thigh do; John Harney, side do; John Packer, by buck shot slightly.

Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17 1862
Killed - Corporal David Creavey, by Private John Topping, shot through neck. 
Wounded - Corporal Milton M. Charles, shoulder slightly; John Packer, leg do; Private William Grover, thigh slightly. 
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (42)

Gainesville, Va., August 28, 1862.
Killed - Private L. Schner, and L. Eastman, supposed killed.

Wounded - Color Corporal J. Monteish, arm; Corporal J. Randolph, nose; Private S. Streeter, leg; B. Rice, shoulder; G. Steele, side; A. Steele, hip; J. Shurtz, not known; J. Murphy, head; J. Thompson, throat; R. Curtis, arm; J. Dillon, shoulder and hand; A. Springer, arm, since died; M. Moore arm; wounded and prisoner. F. Kearney, N. Johnson.

Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862.
Killed - W. G. Scott, shot in head.
Wounded - Private L. Russell, shoulder.

South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862.
Killed - Private B. Burton.

Wounded - Private L. Russell, not known; W. L. Jacobs, ankle; J. Heashock, Leg; C. Hitchkock, leg; N. Heber, do; J. Brenemer, do; d. K. Potts, do; H. Frudener, head; J. Todd, neck; J. Andrews, shoulder and back; S. Burns leg; J. Coats, do; F. Tiese, groin and head; N. Wood, slightly.

Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
Killed - Sergeant S. Monteith.
Wounded - Private W. Salomon.
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (37).

Gainesville, Va., August 28, 1862
Wounded - Capt. G. H. Walters, shoulder; 1st Lieutenant  J. N. Bird, leg and shoulder; 1st Sergeant B. S., Williams, hand; 2d B. Cole, do; Corporal  D. E. Williams, leg; G. W. Williams, do; Private T. F. Curry, breast; J. Hurd, body; J. W. Mason, head; J. Rosell, hand; G. W. Robinson, head; F. E. Whitcomb, arm; L. H. Welding, do; N. G. Whitney, leg; A. Ware, legs; S. Wilkins, do; J. Jones, do; 
Missing - Private H. S. Curry, C. Hursh, R. K. Jones

Bull Run, Virginia, Aug. 30, 1862

Wounded - Private W. Mitchell, arm; Missing - B. Updyke.

South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862.
Wounded - Private L. Brown, arm; S. O. Stratton, hand; C. W. Smith, foot; Corporal H. Thomgate, leg.
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (27.)

Sulphur Springs, Va., Aug. 26, 1862.
Wounded - Lieutenant Oakley, arm, since amputated; private M. Kramer.

Gainesville, Va., August 28, 1862
Killed - Corporal M. Corchran, Private C. C. Norton, J. H. Beard.
Wounded - Private E. Kerney, bowels; S. Knapp, breast; C. Miller, hand; W. J. Rader, forehead; W. Seabring, breast; F. Simmons leg; M. O. Daniels, neck and both leg; F. A. Livingston, breast; R. Tibbets, shoulder.

Bull Run, Virginia, August 30, 1862
Wounded - Corporal M. McFameri, left foot; C. B. Garner, shoulder since died; Private F. Barrett, breast; M. Erickson, not known where; E. H. Oriatt, left thigh; F. L. Ruber, leg; C. Woodman, breast; D. Wilkinson, mouth; N. Blackington, knee. 
Prisoners - Musician D. Custar, Private D. Morautz.

South Mountain Va., Sept. 14, 1862
Killed - Private F. Garner, W. Wilson.
Wounded - Lieutenant Morse, slightly; Sergeant H. Harbrought, ear; Corporal J. Hoyt, thigh; J. F. Frost, do; Private W. H. Bearsdsley, arm; G. Coville, do, S. Severson, do; J. A. Snyder, leg.

Sharpsburg, Maryland, Sept. 17, 1862.
Wounded - Corporal G. H. Sedywick, leg; Private G. Kerney, hand; J. Fenton, knee; J. A. Livingston, arm and breast; R. Tibbets, leg.
Killed, wounded, missing, etc., (40)

Bivouac near Sharpsburg, Md.
September 20, 1862
Friend Pease: - To relieve the intense anxiety of the friends of company E. as far as possible in regard to the fate of its members, I give you a list of casualties in our company up to date. Casualties on the 14th of Sept. at the Battle of South Mountain Pass:
Corporal  A. C. Webster, in foot
Private, John Casey,  in arm
do        Daniel Casey,  severely, leg
do       Joseph Eubanks, hand and breast
do       Henry Gathers in shoulder
do       W. H. Root, severely, in arm Battle of the 17th of Sept., near Sharpsburg, Md:

Corporal T. G. Sergeant
Corporal W. G. Worcester, in leg
Private, James Briggs, very severely in leg and body
do   James Pattengill, seriously in leg
do   H. E. Sager,   in side
do   Wm. Jump, slightly, in side
All the above wounded except those I have marked severely will soon be fit for duty again probably.
I would like, if I had time to give each man his due but I have not and I will merely say that on all those days of untold suffering and death, the members of Company E, were at their posts, among the bravest of the brave, exhibiting heroism and gallantry that would do credit to the best troops in the world. They have acted nobly! "Old Marquette" may be proud of being represented by Co. E.
We now have only about twenty men for duty in our company and one hundred and fifty in the regiment yet we are pushing after the enemy who has crossed the river into Virginia.
I would like to write more but have not the time.
My respects to all enquiring friends.
Yours in great haste.
L. E. Pond.
Lieut. Co. E, 7th Regt., Wis. Vols.

Camp near Sharpsburg, Md.
September 20th, 1862
Messrs. Editors: I send you the following as the part taken by the 7th Wisconsin Regiment Captain Collins commanding, in the battle of South Mountain, Sunday evening, September 14, 1862.
By the order of General Gibbon, the 7th regiment moved from a point just across - creek across the turnpike into an orchard. The regiment moved forward from this point by the "right of company to the front" through a cornfield our left resting upon the turnpike, the right upon the slope of the Mountain. We were supported by the 6th Wisconsin regiment. Skirmishers from the 6th advanced and covered our front. A short distance in the cornfield the 6th skirmishers discovered the skirmishers of the enemy but soon drove them over a stone-wall. Here quite a brisk fire occurred between the skirmishers, which resulted in the falling back of those of the enemy. Just before reaching this stone-wall, our regiment came "by company into line and advanced", "Guide left." rising the hill over the wall, our skirmishers again encountered those of the enemy, and were unable to drive them further. The regiment advanced to the brow of the hill and laid down. A few minutes afterwards we received orders from General Gibbon to advance that regiment which was some still being unable to discover the force of the enemy. The 2d was about 100 yards in our rear, on the left of the turnpike whilst waiting and looking for the enemy's force, they opened upon our left from a point of woods and ravine on the left of the turnpike. This fire soon became so strong that by permission of an Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Gibbon we undertook to "Change front forward on tenth company," which movement was executed as far as to complete the half wheel necessary, when the enemy opened upon us a very destructive fire from the ravine in front and woods on the right which caused for a few minutes considerable confusion, but were soon formed again into line and opened upon the enemy a vigorous fire. Just at this perilous moment when we were receiving the enemy's fire from both flanks and the front, the 6th regiment moved to our right and opened upon the enemy a flank fire which soon caused the enemy to fall back. But our enemy in front was more stubborn and replied to our fire with fearful effect; but our regiment advanced inch by inch until our ammunition was entirely exhausted. Just before our ammunition was expended, the 2d threw forward come companies who poured into the enemy a fire upon the right flank. But it was now pitch dark and our ammunition being out we put our last charge into our guns and laid down to await orders, which came for us to hold the ground at all hazards. The enemy seemed perfectly willing to give us the palm, as they ceased firing and skedaddled.
We laid upon our arms until about midnight when we were relieved by the 15th Massachusetts regiment. The next morning the reason why we were unable to force the enemy's front was because they not only were in a deep ravine but were behind a high stone wall.
How bravely and well our regiment fought, let our list of casualties and those who fought beside us tell. The loss in our regiment was 113 killed and wounded.
Most respectfully,
Capt. Aleck Gordon, Jr.
Commanding 7th Regiment

Camp near Sharpsburg, Md.,
Sept 21st, 1862
I forward to your columns a list of the casualties our our regiment in the battle of Sept ember 17th and a list of  my own company in the battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th. I would be glad to forward the list of the regiment, but cannot get it. The battle of South Mountain was a very severe one and our brigade was ordered to force the Gap. The position of our regiment was on the right of the turnpike, and after fighting 3 hours and firing 69 rounds of cartridge, we silenced the enemy and drove him from the field but for want of ammunition were compelled to lie down and hold our position with the bayonet until about midnight when we were relieved by the 15th Massachusetts regiment, and retired to the rear to get a fresh supply of ammunition.
The rebels left their dead and many wounded upon the field. They had everyCadvantage of us and I hear it said by men in high places that no other brigade has as yet made so noble a stand.

Gen. McClellan has given us the name of the Iron Brigade

The loss of our regiment in killed and wounded that night was 113 men, out of 300 taken in A. Gordon, Jr.
Capt. of Company K.
PS- Lieut. Shirrell sits on the ground by my side and wishes to be remembered to all. He has been in every fight always standing up to the rack. He has had command of Co. E. almost all the time since he left me. He has not been touched during any of the fights.
In the battle of South Mountain I had a narrow escape. A bullet passed through my coat and cut my sword from the belt so that it dropped at my feet. But I did not lose it; I expect to bring it back again.
A. G. Jr.

List of Casualties in Co. K, 7th Regiment
 in Battle of South Mountain Md., 
Sept. 14th, 1862

Killed: Private Frederick J. Garner, Cassville, Grant county, Wis. Private Wm. S. Wilson, Allen's Grove, Walworth county , Wis.

Wounded: Second Lieut. Samuel B. Morse, Allen's Grove, Wis. - head; very slightly. Corporal John W. Hoyt, Allen's Grove, Wis.- thigh; slight wound. Corporal, John f. Foss, Shopiere - leg. Private Jas. A. Snyder, Allen's Grove, Wis. - legs. Private Stone Severson, Turtle - foot. Private, Geo. W. Covill, Roscoe, Ill. - head. Private Wr. Beardsley, Kinnikinick, Wis. - arm, (amputated). Sergeant Henry, Harbaugh, Beloit - head; slightly. Corporal Chester B. Garner, Cassville, Wis., reported wounded in battle of August 30th has since died.

List of causalities in 7th Wisconsin Volunteers 
in the Battle near Sharpsburg, Md., 
Sept. 17th 1862.

Co. A
Killed: I.D. Sawyer. 
Wounded: Sergeant M. C. Bartholomew, thigh. Sergeant S. Bachman, leg; H. Turner hand; F. Fowler, leg; B. Carter, thigh.

Co. B
Killed: E. Bronson.
Wounded: A. Stoddard, head

Co. C
A. Stout
Wounded: A. Erb, head; John Howard, thighs; W. T. McKinney, neck; H. Kewy, hand.

Co. D
Wounded: Corporal G. W. Dearborn , leg slightly; L. Walker, arm.

Co. E
Killed: Corporal G. Sergeant 
Wounded: Corporal F. W. Worcester, leg; James Briggs, bowels; Edwin Sager side; William Jump, hand; James Pettingill thigh.

Co. F
Killed: Wesley Craig, Lewis Kuntz.
Wounded: John Runion

Co. G
Killed: Corpral David Creevy, Thomas Lynn, John Tapping
Wounded: Corporal John Packer, thigh; Milton Charles, shoulder; Wm. Groover, knee.

Co. H
Killed: Sergeant Samuel Monteith. 
Wounded: Wm. Salmon, hand

Co. K
Wounded: Corporal Geo. H. Sedgwick, Newark, Wis., thigh - leg amputated; John A. Livingston, Manchester, Ill., arm and side; Robert Tibbetts, Beloit, leg - slightly; Geo. Carney, Allen's Grove, hand; John H. Fenton, Allen's Grove, knee.

In this battle our regiment suffered the least of any in the brigade as we were very much protected by a ledge of rocks, which we used as a breastwork. Our fire was very destructive, as it came into the enemy's flank. Our regiment was the last of our brigade which retired from the field. We were relieved by a regiment of General Patrick's brigade, but instead of going to the rear, held our position and fought until ordered to 
retire by General Patrick. when his brigade left the field. 

I think our brigade did more damage it the enemy in the fight than any other.
A. Gordon, Jr.