August 1862

War Correspondence

Fredericksburg, Va.
August 2d, 1862

Messrs. Editors; Time drags slowly along, the watchword from the outer lines comes to us "All is quiet!" This is the report that has gone out from this department daily for months. It however comes with little better grace at the present times than it did in the past when every day held out inducements for this army to make a grand disturbance and save 15,000 of our grave brethren in arms, for the maintenance of our cherished government, upon the Peninsular in the gallant McClellan's army, who fell in the seven days battle.

Considering the position of the army when Gen'l Pope took command it is not to be expected that much could be done immediately. the war spirit was to be revived Brigades and divisions re-organized, which seems to be going on rapidly. the fact of Gen'l Pope informing the anxious inquires for his headquarters that they would be "in the field on horseback!" shows that the work will soon commence.

There is one very important fact we would urge upon the young men at home; the Union army needs reinforcing; we need the aid of all our old companies schoolmates shop mates and associates, to help us in this great work of reconstruction! Let not the love of your neighbors parlor and the fascinating connections therewith, keep you at home; do not be afraid of the enemies searching bullets; let none of these things keep you from aiding your country and friends now in such imminent peril; come and occupy the possessions we already hold; drill and discipline yourselves. And let the veteran soldiers go on, and repossess, and subjugate. Lay aside for a time your broad cloth and kids; bid farewell for a time to the home circle, the pleasures of civil life, and answer to the call of your country, in the time of its peril; her laws set at defiance; her flag insulted and dishonored ; here forts bombarded; her merchantmen destroyed, and our own existence threatened. Let the young men of our own "Woodland Home" prove their patriotism by joining Capt. Jewett's company and rallying around the good old flag and swearing to stand by it "till death doth them sever!"

Ponder upon these few lines, young men, and consider how you would like to be placed in a position where you were threatened by two men of the enemy equally well equipped with yourself and a collision liable to take place at any moment. Let the time come, we will do our duty then if we fail let each able man at home realize that it is his fault. The ranks of the sixth Wisconsin Reg't will contain a large number of the little Badger's noble sons. 490 of our Springfield's have been laid by in one short year; they lay in the Arsenal idle for want to two arms to make three of each. the Second And seventh are equally capable of holding the same number if not more recruits. Pay no attention to what discharged soldiers say. They have been laid upon the shelf, and we may be but let us try it, and let no man make up his mind that he is unfit to serve his country! Hardships will stare you in the face at every toad crossing and on every side, but you will soon get used to that and it will make sport for you in old age, when your little grand children shall cluster around you, to listed to the stories of "struggles fierce and wild." Come, boys, turn out! join us in the tented fields!

We see no reason why the 21st should not be filled up immediately; it has been furnished with excellent officers to begin with; we have had a good chance to acquaint ourselves with the soldierly qualities of Colonel B.J> Sweet, he having had command of this regiment a great deal during the last year. He is a gentlemen and a good officer.

Of Major Schumaker we can say that if he conducts himself in the same way in his present position as he did in his captaincy, he will never have an enemy in his regiment. He is willing to grant every man. The privilege of retaining his rights as a man. Of Lieutenant col. Hobart, we know nothing of his soldierly qualities, but as a man we can add no new evidence more than every man knows of him, who ever had the pleasure of enjoying his acquaintance. Many men in the ranks of our regiment have received commission in the 21st.
So far as I know of them they are genial, clever fellows, and well qualified for the position to which they are assigned.

The weather is beautiful days very warm nights cool. We are rallied out be fore sunrise every morning form a line of battle, then come breakfast, and at 7o'clock we get either brigade or battalion drill, at 9 o'clock company drill. What think you of this ,ye "stay at home guards?"  We are on the frill ground four hours before you are up to read the morning paper, and see what the night has brought forth.

The health of the army never was better than at the present time. Camp fevers and "rheumatism!" occasionally make their appearance. Our boys are all well and nothing short of commissions would induce them to leave their regiment.

Enough for this time

P.S.-Allow no apron strings to be thrown around those who can muster up courage enough to enlist. Let the weak kneed ones be subjected to the disgrace of a draft, and we predict they will be ere this war is drawn to a close, and the supremacy of the United States laws, once more a fixed fact.

Official Report of Col. Cutler.
Correspondence of the Sentinel

VOLUNTEERS, Camp beyond Culpepper
court House, August 14, 1862

EDITORS SENTINEL:-Enclosed you will find a copy of col. cutler's report of our late expedition.

We have since our arrival here, learned that Stuart, with a force of 3,500 cavalry passed over the country with six miles of us while we lay at Walter's Tavern. If col. Sullivan had obeyed orders we would have bagged them.

We arrived here Tuesday, the same day Jackson skedaddled: as usual too late for the fight though we did some tall marching to get here in time marching form Fredericksburg in two days.

We start again in the morning to follow Jackson and I hope soon to be able to send you something important.

We were reviewed to-day by General Pope. Yours respectfully
Ed P. Brooks,
Acting Adjutant Sixth Wis.

Camp Francis, Stafford Col, Va., Aug 9 , 1862

Capt. J. O. Wood, A. A. G., Gibbon's Brigade:

Sir:- In obedience to a verbal order evening by me from Gen. Gibbon on the evening of the 4th inst., instructing me to move with my regiment, Harris' Light Cavalry and a section of artillery, at two o'clock the next morning, and endeavor to reach the railroad running from Richmond to Gordonsville, and to destroy the same, I moved from my camp at the time indicated by him.
At Fredericksburg I was joined by a section of the First N. H. Battery, under Lieut Engel, and after marching cut on the plank road, about five miles, was joined by eight companies of the Harris' Light Cavalry, commanded by col. Davis. I then turned over the immediate command of my regiment to Lieut. col. Bragg and took command of the forces, above named. I then moved to cross road leading to Spotsylvania court House, where I left the plank road and proceeded by what proved to be a very serpentine route to the Court House, arriving there at 11 o'clock A.M., and halted to rest, having marched about nineteen miles. I remained until 5 o'clock P.M. when I moved forward eight miles to Mount Pleasant, where I went into camp for the night, having marched twenty-seven miles from this camp.
Having been advised that the General would move on the "Telegraph road," with a considerable force, and that a reserve would follow me, the next day, to a point beyond Spotsylvania Court House, I sent back a messenger to the commanding officer of that reserve, indicating to him the point where his forces should halt, and directing him to remain with and conduct his troops to the point indicated, by a cross-road from three to four miles south of the Court House. for some reason, unknown to me, he halted and remained at Spotsylvania Court House.
At 11 o'clock P.M. I received the dispatch from Gen. Gibbon, informing me that he had met a "large force of the enemy's cavalry and some artillery," and advising me to move early and cautiously. I concluded that the only chance of success was to move at once, while the General was keeping the enemy employed.; I concluded that the only chance of success was to move at once, while the General was keeping the enemy employed. I accordingly moved at 2 o'clock A.M. on the 6th, intending to reach Frederick Hall Station, seven miles south of the North Annie river, at 8 o'clock. Our guide made a mistake in the dark, and taking the wrong road, led us ten miles out of our way, so that we only reached Waller's Tavern at 8 o'clock A.M. nine miles short of our destination. By this mistake we were obliged to march ten miles extra, and missed a regiment of regel infantry which left Frederick Hall Station , for Gordonsville, at 9 o'clock.
We rested at Waller's until half past one o'clock, and then moved forward to the river at Carl's Bridge. We found the run not fordable and spanned by a bridge about one hundred and fifty feet long and forty feet above the water. I selected about one hundred and fifty men of the sixth Wisconsin from those most affected by the heat, and left them with one company of cavalry to guard the bridge until our return, placing the whole under the command of Capt.. Plummer of the Sixth. I directed the balance of the men to lay aside their coats, blankets, and haversacks and fill their canteens with water.
At half past two o'clock we moved for the station at Frederick Hall seven miles distant, which we reached at half past four o'clock. when within about two miles from the station, I sent forward the cavalry, (except the rear guard) to cut the telegraph both above and below the House and commence the work of destruction. I moved up with the Infantry and artillery as rapidly as possible, and after placing the latter in position to cover the village and our retreat in case of attack, I moved the former forward. I found the cavalry busy at work, destroying the road for nearly or quite a mile each way. I immediately had details made from the infantry, to destroy the public property and assist in the destruction of the road. At six o'clock the ward was completed, and we commenced our return arriving at the bridge across the river at nine o'clock P. M. After getting the forces across the river we destroyed the bridge, and moved on two miles to Waller's Tavern, where the men laid down from pure exhaustion, having marched thirty-five miles under a broiling sun, and destroyed the railroad and bridge.
At 11o'clock P.M. I received the dispatch from the General, dated 6 P.M., advising me of the second day's skirmish, and also that a portion of the enemy had turned off in my direction. Supposing we might meet the enemy on our return, we waited till half past four and started for Spotsylvania Court House. When within two miles of that point we met Gen. Gibbon with his command, when we halted until four o'clock the next morning, and then moved back to camp, arriving at one o'clock P.M. having marched over ninety miles in three and a half days under a growling sun; destroyed about two miles of the Railroad, burned one small bridge blowed up the turn table, burned a warehouse containing several tierces of confederate whiskey and about one-thousand, bushels of corn belonging to the confederate army, and all the Railroad buildings.
I cannot speak in too high terms of the conduct of both officers and men in the expedition. They all suffered severely from heat and fatigue, but were all ready at any moment to execute any order given; the only murmurs I heard being those of disappointment at not meeting an enemy. I wish especially to notice Lieut. Col. Kilpatrick and Major Davies of the cavalry, and Lieut. Col. Bragg and Major Dawes of the Sixth Wisconsin, for the prompt and faithful manner in which they caused all my orders to be executed and also for the valuable suggestions I received from them.
We returned to camp without the loss of a man. In conclusion I wish to add, that I twice sent to col. Sullivan to send forward forces to pints which I thought should be held for my safety; which he declined to do. I was therefore, when at the railroad, thirty miles from any support, with numerous roads coming in only rar from Beaver Dam, Louisa Court House, Taylorsville and other points.-Whether Col. Sullivan was justified in withholding from me the support I asked for, I am unable to say, as I do not know what his instructions were. I simply remark that at another time I would not like to be caught with a reserve whose commanding officer refused to obey my orders.
I am, very respectfully yours,
L. Cutler,
Col. Sixth, Wisconsin Volunteers.

The Wisconsin 6th Regiment-A Bold and Effective Movement
Headquarters 6th Wis. Volunteers,
Camp Frances Stafford County Virginia,
August 9th, 1862

DEAR UNCLE:-Enclosed you will find a copy of a circular, which was issued by Gen. Gibbon, this morning. the expedition referred to started on the 5th inst., our Regiment going to Frederick Hall station, on the "Virginia central railroad, tearing up the track, burning the bridges and destroying a considerable amount of forage belonging to the rebels.
the rest of the brigade intended to strike the R.R. at Hanover Junction, but failed, the most remarkable incident of our portion of the affair was, that we marched 35 miles on the second day, (Wednesday) through sand four inches deep and under a boiling sun. Gen. Burnside, who is here with his force says that considering the circumstances, that day's march is without a parallel in the history of the war.
the rest of the brigade lost about sixty prisoners, by the secesh cavalry picking up stragglers. We lost not a single man, although we were so to speak in the bowels of the enemy, and at one time 30 miles from any support whatever. We also destroyed a bridge over the North Anna River, and captured about fifty mules and horses. to sum the whole affair up we marched a hundred miles in three days and a half and cut off the enemies line of communication between Gordonsville and Richmond. Whether we will receive it or not, we are entitled to the credit for as bold, dashing and effective a movement as even Stonewall Jackson ever conceived.
We march to night to join Pope at Culpepper Court House.
I have written the above in a great hurry: ergp-read it over before publishing it.
Yours, &c.,
Ed. P_. Brooks,
Acting Adj't 6th Wis. Regt.

Headquarters 6th Reg't Wis. Volunteers,
Camp Francis, Stafford Co., Aug. 29, 1862.
Col. cutler, command's 6th Wis. vol.
Col.-Gen. Gibbon directs that the following extract from his official report to Capt. Chandler, A. A. G King's Division of the expedition which started from camp Aug. 5th under his command be read to your regiment.
" I refer to col. cutler's report for information in regard to his part of the expedition which was completely successful" I cannot refer in too high terms to the conduct of Col. Cutler: to his energy and good judgment, seconded as he was by his fine regiment, the success of the expedition is entirely due.
very respectfully,
Your ob't servant,
J. P. wood, A, A. G.
Headquarters 6th Reg"t Wis. volunteers,
Camp Frances, Stafford Co., Aug. 9, '62
Ed. P. Brooks,
Act. Adj. 6th Wisconsin

We invite attention to an article from the Democratic Press. Printed two weeks ago description of the part colonel E. S. Bragg took in the battles described there in.
How can a newspaper that had the heart to publish so glowing and truthful an article, turn its back on the hero? And let the politician who is pledged to a policy the would bandage Col. Bragg's sword stay at home.

Lt. Col. Bragg
From the Democratic Press

A correspondent of the Milwaukee Sentinel, under the signature "Badger" gives a very complete and graphic account of the part taken by Gen. King's division , and more especially the Wisconsin, and more especially the Wisconsin Brigade under Gen. Gibbon in the recent battles under Gen. Pope before Washington.

Well may the editor of the Sentinel say no resident of Wisconsin can read that account without a feeling of just pride in the representatives of our noble state in the grand Army of the East; and that the veterans of Napoleon and Washington never displayed more steadiness and heroic bravery, and most truly may he say, well did it happen to that exhausted and overpowered army, that the duty of covering their retreat was entrusted to our noble Wisconsin boys; a duty they performed most fearlessly against an overpowering enemy, punishing them severely until our wearied soldiers were in safety.

We have not space to publish the whole of that interesting letter. Our object is to call the attention of our readers to that portion which relates to the 6th Wisconsin, and its commander, our fellow citizen Col. Bragg. That Regiment will Col. Bragg was in the battles of the 28th 29th and 30th being probably, the fiercest and most terrific of any of the battles of this war, so far.

The account goes on to say, "late in the afternoon of the 28th, Gibbon's Brigade foil in with and was fiercely attacked by the right wing of Jackson's corps that instantly deploying in line of battle the 6th Wisconsin on the right; always regarded we believe, the post honor and danger, " advancing coolly and steadily under an exceeding hot fire of the enemy, and when within proper range was halted by the heroic col. cutler, dressed on the centre, and deliberately opened fire; that night alone put an end to the fearful conflict Gibbon's Brigade having borne the brunt of the battle, Col. Cutler, having been early in the engagement severely wounded, the command of the Regiment was thereafter under Col. Bragg.

To show the fierceness of the conflict, it is only necessary for us to mention that 782 were killed and wounded in that Brigade.

"On the 29th the Regiment then under the command of col. Bragg was put in motion for the old battle ground of Gull Run being engaged in severe skirmished during the day. That at early morn on the 30th, active movements commenced for the terrible conflict which follows and when it did commence it was in bloody earnest." That for several hours the roar of artillery and the rattle of musketry was fearful and incessant, the thunder of cannon continuous, and the infantry volleys one unbroken peal. That when others of the division gave way, Gibbon's Brigade formed in two lines, undismayed by the unfavorable aspect of the battle, and presented its steady front to the enemy, only falling back when ordered, and men in perfect order. There is given the willing description of the Regiment under col. Bragg as follows:

"The Sixth the Wisconsin, the very last to retire, marched slowly, and steadily to the rear; faced to the front again, as they reached their new and saluted the enemy with three rousing cheers and a most rattling volley. Every Wisconsin man, who heard those cheers felt his great thrill with pride for the gallant fellows who gave them. We who know the daring character of Cool. Bragg, and how deeply he is in for crushing this rebellion can readily picture to ourselves his scornful mien and defiant look at the rebels, as he called for those cheers and directed that volley; we can see him in our minds eye, amid those appalling scenes, with death on every side, entirely unmoved and coolly urging his men to hurl defiance at the deadly foe.

It matters but little what we say in our columns about that Regiment and its commander, Col. Bragg; one thing is certain, impartial history gives but few examples of such cool heroism and daring bravery.

Col. Bragg with his regiment in the new arrangement at Washington passed as we understand into General Reno's corps and is now most actively engaged in driving the rebels out of Maryland. The brave Reno was killed in one of the battles. We now learn that Col. Bragg is with General Burnside, and the last we hear of him was on Sunday the 13th, in an account stating that his General after much toil succeeded in planting a battery on one of the Maryland mountains, which was doing great execution to the enemy.

Capt. Dave.--Our ancient townsboy and trusty crony, Capt. David L. Quaw, of K, 6th Wis., with whom we have laughed more in by-gone days than any other man in this county and afterwards have slept under the same blanket with, stuck in the mud on picket in Virginia, dropped down upon our community a few days ago, all fresh from the last great battle at Bull Run. Our only excuse for having a dull paper this week, is that we have been talking war with him very muchly. DAVE  has distinguished himself in war, as well as in peace. He has been complimented by his Brigadier for valiant and successful skirmishing and fighting; he lost eleven men killed and many more wounded in Bull Run, and has told us so many incidents of the fight on the same old field we found it convenient to retire from one day. that our mind is mostly in Virginia.

The Captain was furloughed because he fought so well and did so much duty that his health is impaired in consequence and General Gibbons told him "to home awhile, sir."

DAVE speaks in the highest possible terms of the conduct of all Wisconsin men in the fight.

From Captain Marston
We have an interesting correspondence from Capt. J. H. giving an extended account of the operations of the Wisconsin Reg'ts in Virginia and Maryland, but as our space is somewhat limited and as we have given a letter on this same matter, we are compelled to omit all except the closing extracts. We thank the gallant Capt., however and hope he will remember us in the future:
"I feel it a duty I owe the friends of the gallant boys who enlisted with me eighteen month ago, to state that they have all conducted themselves nobly and heroically, and it can never be said that they misbehaved before the enemy of our common country. Many of them have been wounded but one seriously enough to prevent them resuming their places in the ranks-if they are not all chosen to some higher position-within a couple of month, I would further say, it is impossible for all the wounded to receive furlongs to go home; and at the same time will assure their anxious friends that everything is burying done by the Government to make them comfortable.
"Captain E. A. Brown fell while leading his men on the field He died nobly for his country, which he so much loved. I have often seen him point to the old starry banner and affirm that he should either live under its protecting folds, or die in its defense. He was formerly a student of Lawrence University, and a young man of more than ordinary ability He left a good law business at home to serve his country and all who knew him as a solder and officer, knew him but to honor and respect. Every man in his Company loved him, and his loss is deeply mourned by us all."

Killed and Wounded o the Sixth Reg'ts

The following is the official return made by Lt. col. E. S. Bragg, Comd'g Sixth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, of the killed, wounded and missing of the Regt., in the actions on the 28th and 30th of August, 1862. We are indebted to Adjt. Gen. Gaylord for the Copy.
Col. L. Cutler, wounded in thigh severely.
Capt Jno F. Marsh, co. D, below the knee, slightly Lieut Jerome B Johnson company E, in Groine severely. Lieut Jno Ticknor, company K, leg slightly.
Company A.
Wounded.--Corp. Peter Stackhouse leg slightly; Sergt John Stark leg, slightly, corp Philip Hofer, neck slightly; Harvey Clay, legs severely; Wm. M. Livesly leg slightly; Wm Knee leg slightly; Philip Niepert, leg severely.

Company B.
Wounded.-Corporal Joseph Fachs, leg slightly; John T. Cayzar, arm, slightly; Henry Smyzer, hand, George Cassidy, left breast, severely; Robert Fuller head and missing; David t. Jones, left breast and missing; James McEwiu, face , severely.
Missing--Chas H. Burbank.

Company C.
Killed.-J.A. Adams, F. Young, H. Pattis, J. S. Vespet
Wounded.-W. H. Pease, in arm, severely; corp'l J. W. Hubbard, thigh; severely; Thos Budworth, wrist, slightly; A. Boyed leg severely; Chars White; arm, severely; A. Wethrow, side, severely; E. P. Harvey, leg, slightly; M. Prothen, leg slilghtly; W. Russell, breast slightly; H. W. Sheldon, foot, slightly; H. O Viatte, arm, slightly, H R. W. Falkner, head slighly; W. Gilmore, breast, slightly; E. W. Ellis, foot and thigh, severely.

Company D.
Killed.-F. Eversol, Hugh Dunning
Wounded.-L. Fowler, ankle, severely; James H. Rlley, thigh; corporal Levi s. Carpenter, Knee; Dan Shamons, thigh, severely; Josiah fowler, thigh, severely; James C. Clark, thigh, severely; John Toppoitt, both thighs, severely; Moses Decker, wounded and missing.

Company E.
Wounded.-Corporal Fred Baldwin, wounded in foot, severely; Jon H. cole, arm, severely; W. K. Fish, leg severely; M. A Garfield, arm severely; A gifford breast slightly; Geo Johnson, arm severely; B Kriggs, foot slightly; Jas F. Lawrence, back, by piece of shell; Wm Rowe, chin, slightly; Amos lefter, cheek; John Shay, arm, slightly; J S Berry thrumb, slightly.
Wounded and Missing,-Jno Weyman, R J Campbell, J Deiner, Wm Dillon, R Hasbrouk, A Dennis.

Company F.
Killed.-1st Sergt. Chas Lampe, Wm Bricklehaugh
Wounded.-Jacob Bersch, in nose, slightly; Jacob Beynes, in arm; August Wellhausen in hand, and missing, Julius Vetter, arm, severely; Frederick Simmerding, in leg severely; Sergt Oscar Greaty, shoulder, slightly; Leander Comstock, Wounded and missing.

Company G.
Killed.-Sgt John Hyatt, Mathew Haley, Wm. Bedford.
Wounded.-Corporal L S Medbury, in leg; Chas Gewits, in ankle; Wm H Kinsey, in arm; C Mann, in arm; Thos O Maley, hand and shoulder; Andrew Allen, in head; Moses Odell, in neck.

Company H.
Wounded.-Sergt John A Crosen, in hip, severely; Corporal Jacob Wourt, in arm; Leonard Obzicht, in shoulder, slightly.

Company I.
Killed.-R. Fine, F. Ellsworth, H. Didiot, Charles Burnham
Wounded.-Sergt E. F. Fearn, in arm; corporal R. Warham, Alex Lowgie, E. C. Burdick, J. B. Hilly, E. Lind, F. Page, Geo. Robins, J. L. Somerby; C. C. Wyman, in arm; Caleb Wright; S. G. Waller, in leg; Gilber Allen, in hand; Hugh VcClure, in hip; G Ruby, in breast; George Sutton, missing; Lewis Broughton, missing.

Company K.
Killed.-Levi S. Gardner, Wm Patterson.
Wounded.-Daniel d. Alton, in thigh, severely; Wm w. Garland, in arm severly; Erastus emmons, in arm, slightly; John R. Toule, in thigh, severely; w. J. Raney, in thigh, severely; H. W. Trumble, in side slightly; John St. clair, in leg, slightly.

Total killed...........17

Total wounded.......91

Edward S. Bragg,
Lieut. Col. commanding 6th Wis. vol.
B. Upham Acting Adjutant 6th Wis. vol.

Col. Cutler, Sixth Wisconsin

The New York Commercial Advertiser, commenting on the late battle of Cedar Mountain, has the following allusion to the important part played in it by Col. cutler, of the Wisconsin Sixth, temporarily in command of a brigade. the Advertiser is mistaken in speaking of his force as composed of "Burnsides Invincibles" His men were from King's division , the Sixth Wisconsin being one of the regiments:
"The retreat of the insurgents was doubtless hastened by the able and successful reconnaissance executed by Brig. Gen. Cutler, on the Wednesday previous. At the head of a detachment of Burnside's Invincibles, that officer marched from Fredericksburg to the line of the Virginia Central railroad at Frederick shall, nearly midway between Hanover junction and Gordonsville. There he tore up the track cut the telegraph, burn the poles and rendered a large pile of iron unserviceable, beside destroying an immense quantity of army stores which the rebels had collected at that point.
"This brilliant dash must have completely isolated Jackson's command, breaking off all the facilities for communicating with Richmond, as well as for sending thither supplies of provisions for the upper country. With a slight loss in prisoners taken, as has been already announced, that reconnaissance accomplished results of much consequence. Though complaints are occasionally made that somebody blundered," yet the general feeling at Washington and in our army is gook, if not exultant, over the defeat of the enemy's ablest General, at the head of his choicest troops, and on a field of his own selection."

The Wisconsin Regiments in Late Battles
Extracts from private letters

We are permitted to make the following extracts from private letters received in this city with reference to the Wisconsin Regiments engaged in the recent battles in Virginia:

Col. L. Cutler, of the Sixth Wisconsin writing to his family from Manassas under date of August 30th, alludes as follows to the fierce battle, in which he took a part and in which he received a serious though not dangerous wound:***

"Since I last wrote you we have had stirring times. May last gave you an account of our skirmishing, and of having been under cannon fire two days. Jackson's whole army is here, and we have had most terrific fighting for two days. Our army is large, and we think we shall finish them this time.
A little before sunset on the 28th, our brigade was marching on the Centreville road, when we were fired on by a rebel battery. Not expecting to find much force with it, we started to take it and found ourselves attacked by four brigades of the enemy. We were in for it, and fought until 9 o'clock or a little after. Our men fought like tigers. They were charged upon by the enemy repeatedly but never quailed but stood calmly until they were close upon us, and then they would mow, them down in heaps. the sixth stood in the ranks as steadily as they would in a dress parade. when a man was wounded or killed he was carried to the rear and cared for and the rest fought on.****

"I think we lost five hundred killed and wounded in the brigade. Owing to a favorable position, most the the shots went over the sixth, still we lost fourteen killed and about seventy wounded , many of whom will die. Most of the fight was in the dark, and we stood our ground until we silenced the fire of the enemy, and then spent the night in gathering up the dead and wounded. Wisconsin may feel proud of her soldiers.
field officers had a hare chance. the colonel of the Second (O'Conner) was killed, the Major wounded twice. All the field officers of the Seventh Wisconsin are in the room with me, wounded, but of of them dangerously. Several of my company officers are sounded but none killed All the other regiments in the brigade had company officers killed. ****

Just before the close of the action I got a shot through the thigh, just grazing the bone. My horse was soon after shot, and my spare horse wounded."