September 1861

Sunday, Sep. 1,-All quiet except the bands of music and the chiming of bells in the city.
Preaching by the Chaplain at 3 o'clock P.M. A balloon goes up daily from Fort Corcoran. offset the city on the other side, to get views of the position of the enemy; it is said to remain up until about midnight to watch the camp fires on that side of the river.

In regard to the arrest of Traitors, it does seem strange that you government has allowed Breckenridge, Bright and Vallindgham to escape their deserts so long, they should have been shot or hung long ago, and the world rid of three monsters. I think the Army have lost confidence in the efficiency of Seward,-and Cameron has proved himself sordid, if we can rely upon one half we get from the soldiers of his own State. One thing in relation to the field officers.
"Vox  populi, vox Dei;" "the voice of the people is the voice of God," but the voice of the Governor is sometimes the voice of (something else) in selecting officers-the fact is that the Company officers of all volunteer companies should be elected by the soldiers of that company, and the Commissioned officers of the Regiment,-and the citizen soldier should never yield this right, however so many acts a Legislature may pass giving the appointing to political Governors.
I say this not in haste, nor as having an feeling in opposition to the Field officers of this, 6th, Regiment, for I think them good men and good officers. I do not believe there is a more untiring man the Vol. service than Col. Cutler. Let us look to the 2d Regiment , from our State-how they have suffered for the want of competent field officers-they would had a better reputation to day if they had never had a field officer at all.

On general principles, I have no doubt, but citizen soldiers will fight better under officers of their own choice, and no sane man can doubt the propriety of their having such choice. The 2d Regiment asked to have their grievances redressed before they left Madison, but they were not heeded, now we see the result-they have been very nearly disorganized-they have no Battalion drill, nor scarcely any other since Bull Run Battle.

Truly Yours

from the 6th Regiment

From the Sixth Regiment

Headquarters 6th Regiment W. V.
Camp Kalorama, Sept. 2d

Eds. Journal: The Sixth Wisconsin is earning a name without fighting Already we are placed second in the lists of the large number of regiments encamped about here, the Massachusetts First taking the lead. Last Friday some one who was interested in showing off our troops to good advantage enquired of the Chief of the Sanitary Commission in Washington which regiments W. H. Russell the correspondent of the London Times should visit. The reply was the Massachusetts
First and the Wisconsin Sixth, and accordingly on Saturday he made his appearance on the camp ground.

His presence however was discovered only by a few, which might be considered lucky as his Bull Run letter has engendered anything but good feeling towards him on the part of our volunteers. Besides this we have received marked favor from our Major General Geo. B. McClellan.

Last Tuesday our brigade was reviewed by him when he rode through our lines and examining several muskets remarked the for altered flint locks they were kept in better order than any in the service. that we deserved and should have better arms. accordingly on Saturday evening we received Belgian rifles which were distributed yesterday. If you remember this is the arm which attracted Fremont's attention during his recent visit to Europe and which he succeeded in obtaining for our government.

To day our boys are practicing at target firing with the new guns. In appearance they are clumsy, and seem to have been made more for service than show. I cannot state their exact range but think it is about on thousand yards. the ball is convex with a cavity in the end like the Minute and the whole cartridge weighs about an ounce apothecaries weight. the guns themselves with ten pounds and a half avoirdupois.

Last night after dress parade the battalion was drawn up in close order and the news of butler's great victory at Hatteras was read to them, and cheer after cheer was given for Gen. Butler, the Stars and strips &n. After the Battle of Bull Run anything that has the appearance of retrieving what we lost there is hailed with delight by all Union-loving citizens.

The health of the camp is excellent and more rapidly improving in drill Until we move you must not expect me to be interesting as the regular routine of camp life does not afford "items" for .

In Army

Correspondence of the state Journal.

Eds. Journal: thinking that even in these war times a few civil notes from these parts might be acceptable, I send them.

And first, supposing all definite information with regard to the crops here would be of value, I have taken some pains to make inquiries in regard to the subject and find that taking one year with another, the crop has been a full average, though of course falling behind the extraordinary yield of last season. Wheat has turned out from 10 to 25 bushels per acre, and even more in some instances; the average, perhaps not exceeding 15 bushels. the berry is very plump, though millers say that the bulk of bran is large in proportion to that of flour. Oats and barley have done pretty will, and the corn is looking finely. The chinch bug and the army worm injured some fields very much but altogether there is nothing to complain of .

As to prices, it has been rather cheap living here this summer. wheat had ranged from 35 to 50 cents a bushel; the flour from $3.50 to $4 a barrel; corn, 15 cents a bushel; oats, 10 cents; potatoes, 15 to 25c; butter 6 to 10c per pound; eggs, 3 to 6c per dozen, etc.

Within this last week choice blackberries have sold here at five cents a quart, and the finest wild plums at the three cents. Board is $2.25 per week. 

(Ed note, the exchange rate from 1861 to today (2003) is about 17 to one, in other words a
1861 $1 is worth $17, 2003 dollars)

There is a considerable amount of old grain of all kinds on hand, left over from last year, and there will be a large amount reserved from market till next spring.

As to military matters, you have given Grant county credit for doing well. She certainly has. With the three companies in the Seventh Regiment she will have fully 500 men who have gone in here own name. Besides this she has contributed to the ranks of the Crawford, Richland

Lafayette and Iowa companies, to the Portage company in the Second "Regiment, and to Illinois regiments-probably in all not much short of 200 men. Other companies are in process of formation, and the county will probably send at least two more, making almost a full regiment, and one volunteer to every six voters. Can any Democratic county show as good a record?
The company which recently went from here is made up of excellent material, and the scenes which took place at the parting --the letter tread from the wife of the captain--the address by one of the ladies of the place--the provision make for the comfort of the volunteers--indicated that they will be followed by the earnest good wishes and the fervent prayers of parents, sisters,
wives and lovers. The Captain, Nesmith, has been engaged in connection with staging in this section for 16 years, and is widely known and greatly liked.-some $1,500 was subscribed here for the families of volunteers, but it is intended that hereafter the county shall make the needful provision that the burden may be shared by all alike. If those in authority could hear the talk of the people about taxation they would feel the necessity of a rigid economy, while they withhold nothing necessary to a vigorous prosecution of the war. The disposition made of our State bonds in regarded here as very satisfactory.
Notwithstanding the hard times Platteville is improving considerably this year several dwellings, and some buildings for stores and shops are going up, though none of much pretension. If the children of Platteville are not well educated it will not be foe lack of school buildings. Besides the academy and one district school house in the village both of them fine stone buildings the latter costing about $10,000, there is a very pretty brick school house building this summer. It is
38 by 50 feet, is to be two stories, is very substantially built and admirably arranged as to light and ventilation. The contract price is $5,000 The academy, under the management of Mr. Guernsey, is doing very well considering the times, and that fact that a number who would otherwise be its students have gone to the wars. Its fall term has just opened with about 100 pupils. There is no place in this region where as good an education can be so cheaply secured as here.
A meeting was held here on Saturday with reference to a district convention to nominate delegates to attend the Republican Convention at Madison. There was considerable discussion of the policy proper to be pursued this fall.
Delegates will probably be sent from here instructed to make the platform broad enough for all to stand upon who are heartily in favor of sustaining the Government, and thoroughly crushing out rebellion, without regard to past issues.

The following from one on the sick list, constitutes the latest date yet received. The 6th is in a responsible and exposed situation.
Our Regiment left here last night about 1 o'clock, taking only knapsacks, lightly packed, leaving behind them all the tents, baggage and sick, together with the guard, or a part of it. About 200 men remain behind, in all. the Regiment went to Chain Bridge, (across the Potomac,) about three miles from here, and stopped there in fine apple orchard .
Commissary Jenkins left them enjoying themselves, about 11 o'clock this forenoon. It was at that time expected that the Regiment would cross the river during this afternoon. since that we have heard nothing reliable from them. during the day firing has been heard at intervals over the river, about 9 or 10 miles away--nothing but mere skirmish, however.
Reliable information has been received that Jeff. Davis is dead. The entire War Department has been busy today preparing for the battle, which is expected to be general and decisive. Gen McClellan left Washington to take his place in the field about sunset. It is supposed that the battle will commence before daylight tomorrow morning. The 6th will be engaged in it and you must expect to hear of losses.--G---is very anxious to be in the Regiment if goes into battle, as indeed all of us are, who have been so unfortunate as to
be left behind.

HEADQUARTERS, 6th Regiment W. A. M. --Camp Lion, near Chain Bridge on the Potomac Seven miles above Washington, in the State of Maryland, Sept. 10th, 1861

FRIEND KELLOGG: I closed my last to you on the 1st. I believe, being Sunday. On Monday no alarm --nothing worthy of note.
Tuesday, 3rd.--I spent the day in the city. Called at the Avenue House, kept by Mr. King a brother of our friend E. B. King of Newport, a business map; he has charge of the Government Penitentiary of the District and our friend Longley, formerly of Newport, and family reside at the prison, and are in the immediate care of it. Notwithstanding King was full of business, he went with me to Longley's at the prison below the city--perhaps a mile and a half, where we visited the prison--had dinner with Mr. Longley and family, then returned with Mr. King to his (the Avenue) House where I spent some time pleasantly, (as I have a number of times before), with Cmr. Lee of N.Y.., a brother of Corporal H. Lee of our Company and a gentleman he is; visited the Patent Office, Monuments and other public places of interest, supped at the Avenue and returned to camp at dark. At eleven o'clock that night we were aroused from our slumbers by the long roll, and of course we fell out, formed in line of battle, (taking one day's rations in in our haversacks), then commenced our line of march--no one knew where, or for what. We filed down around through Georgetown, and soon found that we were marching up the Potomac, with thousands
of others, as still as convenient no music,--but one of the pleasantest incidents of my life, one that I can never forget as we were marching along on the pavements and sidewalks of Georgetown, at midnight on the to be remembered night of the 3d of September. The thumping of our soldiers awakened the sleepers,--upper windows, of large stone and brick houses were raised, and ladies waved their handkerchiefs with a word or cheer from them or us; but onward our "Grand Army" marched, until at about seven miles up the river, we found that we were at the Chain Bridge, a fine structure leading over to the "Sacred soil."--Battalion after battalion crossed that bridge that night. Wisconsin 2d and 5th regiments crossed over, but we were retained on this side for picketing up the river towards "Big Falls," and to guard several bridges just temporarily. We shall be crossed as soon as there is to be a forward movement. A tremendously strong fortification is being built on the Virginia side near opposite, up, and our army are cutting down all timber that is in the way of our heavy guns for miles, so you see the "Yankees" have commenced in good earnest to clear up this country, and I think form present appearances that it will be well done. It is supposed that the enemy would have taken possession of the same eminence, and fortified where we are now fortifying, opposite us. and that same night. It is calculated that they were only about half an hour too late. It is perhaps one of the most important points to fortify between Washington and Harper's ferry, as it commands the river for miles; and
the only ford for miles is in raking distance of the heavy battery on the Height. We have not had our tents for a week, they still remain back at Camp Kalorama, consequently have lain on the ground since coming here, but have got along very well.
We are ready for a forward movement,--our baggage will be left on this side the river at present.
The soil for miles here is owned by Government--they purchased it on account of building the Washington Aqueduct, which is partly built, but the work is now stopped on account of the war, so supposed the Aqueduct Bridge, partly built three miles above here, wilt when completed be one of the grandest structures on the Continent. Sever of out Company have gone to the General Hospital in Georgetown, Jas. Hill, J.C. Miller and H. Clay are dangerously sick, all in hospital; it is thought that Hill cannot live. Some of them will be discharged probably.
The Vermont 2nd and 2nd Regiments were in camp here when we came on the ground that is their tents, some officers, sick, lame, wounded, &c., were here--but their main force crossed the river the same night that we came up here, and occupied "fort Advance." Our Regiment and those Vt. Regiments have formed sound attachments since we met here.
They came out and met us like brethren; saw us wet, hungry, tired and dirty, and took us in fed and cheered us in a way that we shall ever remember the Vermont 2nd and 3rd. The 2nd Vt. was in the Bull Run "pell-mell;" they as well the Wisconsin 2nd, are ready and anxious to try their hand again. They all agree that they are willing to meet three times their number, in open field, but they all say that the scoundrels will not fight in that way; they are like a pack of rats, as soon as you get sight of them they take to their holes. Last night our pickets over the river shot nine of the enemies pickets and took two prisoners, one a Major who pulled off his shoulder straps, before they got him and threw them away; they badly wounded one of our men. It looks as if this was the dastardly warfare they intended to carry on, (the guerilla).
This evening the great celebrated balloon which has been used to advantage for the army purposes landed near our ground here, and we had a chance to view it,--It is a "great institution,"--it sails out toward Manassas in the evening viewing the camp fires.
SEPT.11.--We heard an alarm across the river last night, pickets firing, and learn this morning that the advance column of our army moved forward some six miles. We are pretty well convinced now that the enemy will not advance on us, but that we must advance on them,; then they will hunt their holes, but I believe we will smoke them out this time. It is sure that they are falling back again.
The boys generally feel well and are ready to go in when ordered,--some few drones as there always will be among such a number of men, but company "A" is number 1, warranted sound. This is one of the best places to try men.
I named some few in my last as No. 1,--I think I did not name Wm. Thomas, he is surely one of the kindest fellows we have in the Company, is always ready to do his share without complaint. He has done pretty much if not all the writing for the company and that is considerable at times.
We all feel good to-day and are ready to march at ten minutes notice. We are not paid yet. All send compliments to friends Truly

Yours D. K. Noyes
P.S. I think you may count on this rebellion being brought to a close in a short time.


From the Sixth Regiment
(Correspondence of the Journal and Courler.)

Camp Lyon, near Washington,
Chain Bridge, Sept. 7th, 1861

FRIEND PERKINS:--We are at last in the vicinity of the enemy. It has taken a long time, but we are better fitted to do the work of soldiers. It was six weeks ago that we left the peaceful camp at Madison. At Harrisburg, Pa., where we was encamped for three or four days, one change was made, which seemed important to the men, the order being out that the sentinels should load with ball and shoot any one attempting to run the guard. Next we moved on to Baltimore, over the
fertile valleys and golden fields of Maryland, at every place greeted with unbounded enthusiasm, though here and there a scowling face and the clenched hand shaken at us, showed that we were far otherwise than welcome. Baltimore we reached at night and we marched to our place of encampment three miles and through the heart of the city unarmed, and through a wholesome dread of the dwellers in the tented cities all around and fear of the "big guns" of Fort McHenry,

Our camping round was a place of historical interest. In it here and there only are preserved the earth redoubts thrown up at the time of the attempt on the part of the British to taken the city in the war of 1812.  One old man of company K, in our regiment pointed out the very spot where he stood during the eventful night when that fierce storm of shot and shell was rained down upon fort  McHenry, and was one of the many who "by the dawn's early light" say the "Star Spangled Banner" still floating out in defiance to the efforts of the British fleet. The second night after our arrival, an attack was made upon our sentinels, which resulted in calling the regiment to arms badly frightening several sentries and severely wounding one Lieutenant (not the writer) who made so gallant a charge into a deep ditch, that he was laid up for several days. The guard
however promptly repelled the attack, but the demonstration was so positive, that the Colonel sent out a picket guard and kept all the sentinels on the alert through the night. They had expected to find us unprepared, but fortunately our arms had come in and been distributed during the day. Baltimore is loyal only so far as she is forced to be by military occupation, and I believe that if any city deserves to be taken up and set down hard," she is the one. But I must hurry on one evening at the time of dress parade, came the order (we are used to them now) "strike your tents pack and be ready to march in twenty minutes." In thirty minutes tents were struck, knapsacks packed, ammunition distributed and we were on the line of march to the depot. So we left the "monumental city" going nobody knew where, but the early morning light , disclosing to us the unfinished dome of the Capitol and the spires of many a building, assured us that we had come to the place of our desires, the "city of magnificent distance". We were ordered to pitch our tents at Camp Kalorama, two miles north of the city where we were soon followed by the Wisconsin Fifth. Here we again settled down perfecting ourselves in drill by regiment and in the manual of arms, little moved by wars and rumors of wars. About two weeks ago we were ordered to prepare for review and inspection by Gen. McClellan and staff. At nines o'clock our Brigade, under Gen. Rufus King made up of the 2d and 6th Wisconsin regiments, two Indiana and two Zouave regiments from New York, were drawn up in order, the fifth upon the right flank and the Sixth upon the left. The General attended by his staff rode slowly in front of each line, evidently allowing nothing to escape the notice of his sharp eye, taking now and then a musket for
inspection and scanning with exceeding care the arms, equipments and appearance of all. After this he rode o between the Regimental and State colors and the "Stars and Stripes," while the several regiments passed by column of companies in review before him.

Just as the review was going on, a Zouave from a neighboring regiment rushed over the parade ground and going straight to the General asked with Hiberian dialect, if he would shake hands with one of the fire Zouaves? "Certainly," said the General, as he reached out his hand. After shaking his hand with Irish heartiness, he stepped back a few paces, folded his arms across
his breast, saying "You do me proud, General, you do me proud," after which with an appearance of complete satisfaction, he left with as little ceremony as he came.

After it was all over Gen. McClellan told our Colonel that our regiment had its arms and equipments in better order than any volunteer regiment in the service with the altered arms, of those he had inspected, and that we deserved and should have as good a rifle as was in use. This was not an empty compliment, for in a few days we exchanged our old muskets for the
Belgian rifle, which we have tried and believe to be surpassed by none. That night we got orders from headquarters to pack and be ready to march at a moment's warning. Incessant cannonading and the reconnaissance for the previous three days, by Prof. Lowe, from his "aerial lookout" had prepared us somewhat for the new move. That night we slept on our arms. The order to move was not given however till last Tuesday night, (Sept. 3d) after ten o'clock, after taps had been sounded and lights extinguished (except to officers tents) and all were supposed to be enjoying quiet rest. The long roll was beat and everybody was astir. Rapidly and silently the men fell in, and marched over to the parade ground and formed in line of battle.

Soon our instructions were received and we took up our line of march in the midst of considerable "cussing and discussing" the former being confined to the unlucky hundred who unfortunately had been detailed for guard duty at the camp. We found the whole brigade was on the move.

The night was dark, cloudy and warm. On we went for many a mile, tired but in the best of spirits, exulting in the change, though ignorant of our destination, till about three o'clock A. M. we came to Chain Bridge. Our regiment did not cross, but marched up the bluff and bivouacked in an orchard till the morning reveille. To be sure the rain came down upon our faces, but we merely lifted our heads upon higher ground and slept on. Immediately after breakfast the companies, in which company G, was included, were sent out on detached service. Their duty was to guard a rifle pile, with our 250 men relieving 1000 Pennsylvanian soldiers all day we lay behind the entrenchments ready for an attach which was apprehended from the crossing of the rebels at a ford about and coming down upon Washington.

At sundown the other two companies were ordered away and Company G, was left alone for the night. From the importance of the post, besides the entire guard out side, one-half of the men were obliged to keep on watch in the trenches, while the other half laid down under the stars, wrapped in their blankets and grasping their rifles. Again the rain came down but that was soldier's fare and nobody grumbled. Just after daybreak the long roll was beat and we fell in and marched to what had been our camp the first night. Then before getting breakfast, out company was sent out to do picket duty for five miles up the river. The pickets were stationed at the distance of about a half mile from each other, the last one four or five miles from camp.
On both sides of the river the banks are quite steep and thickly covered with trees and dense under brush. On the opposite side and close to the water's edge were the rebels in what force we know not while the furthest station up the river to great Falls, a distance of six miles, were no troops and no pickets stationed except a line two miles back from the Potomac.
At the furthest post which I commanded no person was allowed to pass during the day except those having passes from headquarters, and at night no one without the countersign. All canal boats were here thoroughly searched and goods contraband of war taken possession of. The duties of our captain were to visit the different posts through the day and night, to learn of any causes of alarm or suspicion and examine into them --to overhaul prisoners, to give instructions to the chiefs of different posts and to report to headquarters. Of in his judgment there were any important moves on the part of the enemy. The most sleepiness vigilance was required to guard against surprises of any kind and thus for another twenty our hour there was little rest for us. Yet not one man held back, for they all felt the high compliment that was paid to him by selecting them at that time to go on dangerous and important duty a compliment they received not only for the character they have gained as good soldiers, but also in consequence of the standing of our Captain in the eyes of the Colonel who spoke of him at that time as one who and the shrewdness to use to advantage any information he might get hold of who would not be likely to get excited and make any false alarm and who had the judgment to hold the enemy in check if attacked until the camp should b aroused. The next morning we were relieved and came into camp after having kept watch for about sixth hours.

I should have finished this yesterday but just as I had got myself in readiness I was detailed to serve as Judge Advocate on a Regimental court-martial and was kept busy in examinations and in making up the records for the entire day. We have also a Brigade Court Martial two members of the court, Capt. Northrop and Capt.. Bragg, being members of our regiment. Orders have just been issued from headquarters that our troops will not have tents any morn for the present: that certainly looks as though we were to move with some rapidity. We are yet on the "hither" side of the Potomac as the body guard of Gen. King.
A large number of forces are on the other side having gone over within the last four days, the fifth regiment being among them.
They are encamped within sight on the opposite hill. They have done a good deal of work in throwing up fortifications and cutting down trees. Our forces extend back on the Virginia side about five or six miles A full force of artillery has gone over.
Ten rods back of our present camp is a batter of three 32 pounders which are prepared to scatter shot shell, or canister for several miles around.

On the opposite side by the encampment of the Fifth is another large battery at which Gen. Smith say he could gather 100,000  at an hours warning. The rebels must move off or thy will get whipped, and we have the confidence in our gallant young chief to believe that no backward step will need to be taken. Like the snail we may move slowly an will certainly move like that animal in carrying our packs upon our backs. Ho quickly one learns the uselessness or at deemed essential to comfortable living.--

How like a gem of precious wisdom speaks out one of the characters in "Great Expectations" in his iteration and reiteration of "Get portable property."  I am obliged to her to put in my trunk those two jars of jelly, but my trunk is back in Washington and the jars are not "portable property." I thank another for a pair of slippers designed to put on these long evenings as I sit around the camp fire and read the papers and discuss the rumors of the day but the fact is I have had my boots off but twice in six days and then only for a few minutes for bathing purposes so that I can't consider the slippers as Portable property." Now you that have friends going to indulge in military life bestow upon them only portable property a needle book with a place for buttons, two shirts of French cassimere (white linen is complimentary) with a pocket in each and leave out such articles as jelly, pond cake, big books  daguerreotypes, dressing gowns, smoking caps &c, &c, till this terrible war is over. Around the peaceful firesides of home we may enjoy what we have learned so well to appreciate by absence and the hardships of a soldiers life. I have a hundred things to write you, but this is already spun out to an unreadable length. You will not want me to write again--it will like "pulling the string of a shower bath."

In haste Yours

G. L. M.


We are favored with a long and interesting private letter, from which we take interest to our readers: options that will be  of the liberty of extracting certain portions that will be of interest to our readers.

Headquarters King's Brigade, Camp Lyons
Maryland, Sept. 10, 1861

Mr. Kellogg: -- I  can not say to you as we used to say in commencing our career as letter writers; I take my pen in hand &c., for I have no pen in hand and none in my knapsack. I am using the top of my brush tent (for we have no others) for a writing table, and as I stand by the side of it I look about over many other brush tents, arranged with scarcely any reference to order and no reference to convenience.

After arranging matters with Lient. Allen of Co. G., I secured a pass from Gen. King’s Secretary, which fortified me against an arrest by the patrol in the city, and went down to the Avenue House, which is on 7th Street near Pennsylvania Avenue.
I retired at night in an apartment somewhat different from my own. I imagined, in my inexperience, that I should be more than commonly refreshed in the morning, but for the enlightenment of those who have not tried it, I will say that Friday morning I awake as tired as when I retired. The idea of rest upon a civilized couch was out of the question. After breakfast
we took omnibus passage to the Navy Yard, which is the head quarters of the ordinance department of the Republic. I shall not attempt to describe this place but will give you an imperfect statement of what I saw.

We first visited the building in which rifled cannon are received from the casting department and finished. The rifled cannon is now almost the only piece of ordinance manufactured here. This is owing to its importance in the service. It is used in both the Army and Navy. At the time of my visit particular attention was paid to the manufacture of them for ships in such a way that they could be taken from the gun carriage, mounted on wheels and placed upon shore. If such a movement should at any time become important this arrangement will add much to the efficiency of the Navy.

We next saw a squad of thirty men  operating a huge Columbiad pulling it this way and that raising and lowering it to get the range, Making the motions of loading it, in fact doing everything but actual cannonading. It seems like a large number of men to manage one gun, but one must reflect that one columbiad is capable of performing extensive operations if it is promptly
loaded and accurately fired.

Ascertaining that our man of war the Pensacola was near by we sought for it and thankfully received permission to go on board.
Were disappointed however on finding that only two guns were on board. These were of the largest size and the ship will be supplied with 10 others like them.

The engines were just being put on board. They are monstrous ones, of great power, sufficient in themselves to move the great vessel with its whole armament. The ship is being put in thorough repair thro out. We saw the new officers quarters, which when finished will be very fine; but the sleeping places for officers and men are small and to a landsman especially a land soldier appear uncomfortable. We were informed by one of the officers that they would be commissioned in a few days, and then be subject to sailing orders at any time. Probably a secret expedition will be planned for it. I hope so.

The department in which shot and shell are manufactured next engaged our attention. I saw some very splendid grapes, of which however I stood aloof, while the image of old “rough and ready” arose before ,me with his injunction  of “a ;little, more grape.” &c.

The canister, too each charge of which had an appearance much like a harmless can of oysters, only much large, seemed like a terribly deadly thing to shoot into a crowd of human beings In each canister there are 144 shot each one of which is of large musket size. It will be seen that when one of these canisters explodes, throwing each of this balls in a direction liable to hit any person standing near, considerable execution wild be done at each discharge of the cannon rightly aimed.

We witnessed the manufacture of musket and rifle balls from rods of lead. About 80 balls are made every minute from these rods.
It is done with a very curious piece of machinery. Musket caps are also made with the same rapidity from strips of copper, by another machine. The process of filling them is secret as is also the case with all kinds of shells, cartridges &c.

After glancing at the immense boat house, and the different foundries of the Navy department we returned to the city.

In the afternoon I started to fulfill an engagement to visit our Ex Newport friend, A. T. Langley, who is Assistant Warden of the Penitentiary.

On my war down to the prison I visited the Smithsonian Institute. To tell of half its wonders and curiosities would take more time than I have at command. The first thing I saw was a live alligator,--not an alligator stuffed-- no stuff about it.
But want of time prohibits me from saying any more about this wonderful place, except that in the delightful study of the sciences, Geology and Mineralogy, and of Natural History, no institution can be so appropriate or beneficial as the Smithsonian.

I proceeded on my way down to the Penitentiary , passing, on my way, the gallant men who stood with Maj. Anderson the trials at Sumter. I was kindly welcomed by Mr. And Mrs. Longley, and never have I felt the old habits of peace, creep on me as when sitting before a plate of peaches, pears and grapes, fresh from the garden. During my stay I passed about through the prison--saw the prisoners at word--saw their sleeping apartments, chapel, &c.; read the prison rules; was locked up for one minute in a cell 6 by 3 feet, and the wanted to get out; spent another evening in a civilized manner and the next morning went up to the city feeling that the pleasant intercourse with these friends had been worth more than gold to me.

FRIDAY, 13--Continuous duties have prevented me from attending to my correspondence. My time is so limited that what would have made another chapter if elaborated has been compressed into a page. Tonight I am writing with the momentary expectation of being ordered to march into Virginia in prospect of a skirmish hence I can write for a word. There is one matter of which I would speak. We have heard that representations have been made thro’ private letters that we are ill-fed, ill used and over-worked. No allow me to tell the citizens of Sauk County that all these charges have not a particle of foundation. Not a shadow of excuse is there for any person to make such representations. We live well, that is our food is wholesome and there is enough of it. Our officers treat us well and do not over work us.

But I must close this letter. I do not suppose we shall see a battle soon, but if we do our rallying word shall be “Baraboo,” and our thought even in the hottest fight or in the last moments of life, will be of the firesides at home and the loving hearts around them so dear to us and so valuable to the country.

Yours truly,

H. H. L.


Camp Lyon, Chain Bridge, D. C.

Sept. 12, 1861

Eds. Journal:-- After passing through a week replete with events of interest, I set down to inform you as to the whereabouts and doing of the Sixth. A week ago last Tuesday, at about eleven o’clock at night, the “long roll” was beaten for the first time in our regiment. The men sprung to arms and in an incredible short space of time we were on the march, we knew not whither.
The sudden halts, the joyous shouting and singing, the heavy and measured tramp of nearly 10,000 men, for our whole brigade was in column, and other incidents connected with that our first alarm and midnight march will long linger in our memories.
At last  after passing through Georgetown and winding around through innumerable valleys, we reached Chain bridge and were halted.--The Fifth and Second both of which were ahead of us passed over, and we being in the rear of the brigade, were detailed to guard the bridge and do picket duty on the river. Accordingly, we were bivouacked in an old apple orchard about a half a mile from the bridge.

Next morning when I awoke I found that we were directly under a battery of 3 thirty two pounders, and in the midst of a lot of encampments. On the hill in the rear of the battery stands the ruins of an old house, which I am informed was once the headquarters of Washington, while his army occupied the same ground that ours now does. The famous Washington aqueduct is below us, the reservoir being located some quarter of a mile up the river from the bivouac. The Potomac
at this point is what in the West would be called a good sized creek, not as large as the “catfish.”

The canal on  this side is a good deal more river like in its appearance. It runs due south and our pickets are stretched up on this (the north) hank over a distance of seven miles. Chain Bridge--which you know is a great point in a military view, is constructed of wood  and draws its name from the fact that a former structure at this place, destroyed some years since was built of chains.

It is some quarter of mile in length stretching from bluff to bluff, over a canal and river and is guarded by several large cannon, sixty four pounders I believe. The principle timber hereabouts is pine, which grows tall, slim and very thick, reminding one of the pinerles of our own noble state. Buckwheat and corn is all inn the way of agricultural products that I have seen growing here except potatoes and other garden vegetable. The soil is a yellowish compromise between clay , sand and good healthy prairie mud.

At about half-past ten the alarm was beat again and we fell in. We marched up the river about a mile, and three companies of the left wing, Co.’s B, G, and K., were detached into rifle pits, or rather earthen breastworks, which commanded the approach to Chain bridge from a ford a mile or two above. Co. E was sent forward as pickets. Here we stayed in the trenches in the road lounging about in the shade until late in the afternoon, when all save the pickets were marched bock to the bivouac of the night before.

And here we are. Every day one company, is picketed, and one day last week Co. G. brought in a prisoner; a dirty, filthy looking specimen of secesh, who was set at work wheeling dirt at the battery above described. The excitement of alarms has died away, as they have become everyday incidents, and  when the “roll” is sounded our men fall in as if going on dress parade. Yesterday afternoon, however, we had an alarm which was in earnest. We had heard firing over the river
which from its continuance we knew to be something serious. It commenced about half-past two while the regiment was out on battalion drill; but we receive no orders until half past four. At a quarter of five we were under way and crossed over into the “sacred soil.” (I send some of the soil enclosed with this.)

About a mile and a quarter from the bridge we passed a large piece of earthwork, thrown up by our troops to defend the roads to the bridge, and a little farther along we met several wagon loads of citizens fleeing from their homes in the vicinity of the battle field. Their tearful faces and frightened looks betokened anything but a comfortable prospect before them or a willingness to leave for the “other side” as they called it.

Still further on we met two or three wounded men from the Third Vermont. One little fellow about seventeen years old told me that a shell struck near him killing two and wounding three besides himself. He told us that our troops had “silenced the rebel batteries, but they were trying to outflank us on the left.”

From these and other stories we made up our minds that we had hot work before us, and were considerable astonished at meeting the whole column coming back.” have they whipped us? Passed through the minds of every one, at the first glance; but the good order in which they marched and their joyful countenances as they passed us, told a different story.
We at last fell in their rear, and marched back to our bivouac again.

“Col. Cutler and  one thousand men
Marched up the hill, and marched down again.”

Those two lines show all that the Sixth had to do with the skirmish at Leesburg, of which you of course have heard ere this reaches you. What kind of a story you have of it, I do not know; but as I took pains to make all possible inquiries from the men as they passed us, I think the following is about correct:

The Third Vermont and Nineteenth Indiana were sent out as a reconnoitering party and soon fell into a hornet's nest in the shape of a masked battery. At this juncture a few shots were fired with our small arms, and in the mean time our artillery was put in position on an adjoining hill.

The reconnoitering party then fell back, and the whole of the army in the immediate vicinity of Chain Bridge was sent for After this the two opposing forces occupied their time in throwing shells at each other. But the rebels with drew because they heard that the Sixth was coming or else to draw our men into another snare-I don't know which. At any rate when they fell back our men were also ordered back the object of the reconnaissance being effected viz: the discovery of the masked battery. The total number killed so far as I could ascertain was four wounded six on our side.

The health of our men continues excellent and notwithstanding the fact that we are obliged to sleep on the ground in the open air-tents are not allowed in this vicinity by orders from headquarters we are in fine spirits ready for anything that may turn up.

Col. Atwood rode into camp yesterday He is looking better, and thinks he will be able to join the regiment again in a few days. He has purchased a fine horse, which I think goes far ahead of the one given him before. The horse is gray in color and is as gentle and docile as a kitten and yet has all the life and spirit requisite for a good military nag.

John Gurnee and Ed. Foreman visited us the other day, and you may be assured we were glad to see them.

I hear heavy cannonading across the river now, but whether it is our men at practice or another brush I cannot tell.

We have received from Uncle Sam our full complement of blue clothing.

In Armis

(from the National Republican)

Headquarters Sixth Reg. Wis. vols.,
Camp Lyon, near Chain Bridge, Md.,
Sept. 14, 1861

Dear Sir: we have just learned that by reason of ill health you have been compelled to obtain a discharge from the service and that consequently your connection with the regiment as its lieutenant colonel has ceased .

Allow us to express our deep regret that such a step has been necessary to you; for knowing you as we have during the past three months in which you have been connected with us, we cannot but feel that by your discharge the regiment has lost a brave efficient and esteemed officer.

Hoping that retired from the severe duties of a regiment in the field, in the air of a more loyal come, you may be in time. restore to the health which you have lost we remain very respectfully yours,

A. G. Malloy, Captain Co. A
Daniel J. Dill, Captain Co. B
Alex. S. Hook, Captain Co. C
John O'Rourke, Capt. co. D
Ed. S. Bragg, Captain Co. E
W. H. Lindwurm, Capt. Co. F
M. S. Northrop, Capt. Co. G
J. f. Hauser, Captain Co. H
Leonard Johnson, Capt. Co. I
R. R. Dawes, Captain Co. K
Lieutenant colonel J. P. Atwood, Washington, D. C.

Washington, Sept, 16, 1861
Gentlemen.-Your generous note of the 14th instant is received.

I am gratified that in our association in the camp I won your good opinion; and that in my retirement, I am kindly remembered.

My engagement in the service was the realization of a hope this I had cherished from boyhood, and I looked out upon the broad field of adventure which opened to the soldier as upon enchanted ground. Whatever of ability I had was untiringly devoted to the promotion of what I conceived to be the true interests of the regiment. I felt the necessity of obedience on the part of the subaltern and had long before learned that it was only to be obtained from his confidence in the superior. The citizen in uniform does not instantly become a machine subject to the arbitrary will or caprice of another. He must believe the command right, and this he will only do when He who gives it manifests some little knowledge of his business. Hence, I endeavored from the beginning to impress each officer with a sense of the responsibility of his trust and it aid him so far as I could in the proper discharge of it. Physical inability prevented my doing as much as I desired; but if I did enough to elicit you approbation perhaps I ought not to complain.

I leave you from necessity, and with a regret which none can appreciate.
I shall ever feel a lively interest in the welfare of the noble sixth, and shall watch its course in the fearful drama about to be enacted with a sort of parental solicitude.
May the great God of battles preserve you from all harm, and bring you to enjoy in your western homes the reward which a grateful public ever bestows upon the patriotic and the brave.
Most truly your friend,
J. P. Atwood

Captain Malloy Dill Hooe, O'Rourke, Bragg Linkworm and others

From the Sixth Regiment
(Correspondence of the Journal and Courier.)

Camp Lyon, Md., Sept. 18, 1861

I believe that our last report to you was from Camp Kalorama, near Washington. since then we have advanced a step and have drawn a little nearer to the "fighting realities" that we all expect to take part in sooner or later.
Tuesday evening, Sept. 3d about half past 10 the "long roll" called the boys out and in less than ten minutes the Regiment was in line ready to march. Where we were going was a matter of uncertainty although heavy firing had been heard in the afternoon in the direction of the Chain Bridge and matters in camp form about 9 o'clock p.m. seemed to be in a rather unsettled state so much so that many of us made up our minds that we were to move in the morning. Before we had marched far we found that the whole of Gen. King's brigade was traveling along in the dark, Many of the boys expected that we were gong into the city but we turned and crossed Rock creek and marched thorough Georgetown which was as still as a deserted city, and passed up along the bank of the Potomac about seven miles.

We were led up a steep hill in front of an ugly looking battery, the muzzles of whose guns we could just distinguish in the darkness, and after winding around among the tents of a regiment and a corn field, we were halted in an orchard and ordered to camp down for the night or what was left of it. We made ourselves as comfortable as circumstances would admit of and in the morning awoke and found ourselves on an eminence overlooking the chain bridge. The camps of the 2d Maine and 2d and 3d Vermont Regiments and a long line of hills, thickly covered with trees and a dense foliage, across the Potomac in Virginia.

The 2d Wisconsin was just below us, and I could not but note the contrast between the old campaigners and the new. Our boys of the Sixth were many of them uncomfortable and inclined to complain notwithstanding their two blankets and the rather musty loaves of brad they had in their haversacks and stood around in groups discussing the probability of what was likely to come next while the boys of the 2d, may of them without their blankets appeared to have enjoyed a good night's rest and having left such useless encumbrances as haversacks behind were knocking the apples from the trees, and by fires which they had built from the rails of a fence, which was very much in the way and needed removing seemed to enjoy themselves as well as if at home.

So much difference does two months campaigning make. And in the two weeks that have elapsed since that time, I think our boys have made remarkable proficiency in the art of making themselves comfortable under untoward circumstances. It is an art that every soldier must learn or else his whole camp experience will be miserable.

The 2d was soon marched over the river, and three companies of our Regiment-G, (our company,) K and B under command of Major Sweet, were marched up the river to relieve a Pennsylvania Regiment which had been holding an entrenchment for 24 hours.

The Colonel of the Pennsylvania. Regiment told us that we ought to have a larger force, but we spread out the full length of the trench or breastworks posted our relief's and laid down.

Then our Major told us that a battle was hourly expected over the river, and should the enemy effect a crossing above us we must stop them. Gut the day passed off quietly and the only sound that fell upon our ears was an occasional gun over the river, and the sound of axes and falling trees where the rest of our brigade were clearing away the forest for a battery across the Potomac. Just at sundown an order came from the Colonel for Companies K and B to come down to the bridge, and for G to hold the entrenchment until relieved. We felt the responsibility of being assigned a duty during the night which had
required three companies during the day time and ten companies the night before; but we extended our live again posted half the company as sentinels, and Sergeant Hyatt was sent with two privates, to stand picket up the river about half a mile, and the other half of the company lay down to sleep to be called up at midnight.

In the morning we marched back to the orchard again , and after a loaf of bread and a “chunk of salt meat had been given to each man, we were ordered to fall in again, and were marched up the river again about three miles to do picket duty as a company. After a reserve of a dozen men had been left at the first station, the remainder of the company were distributed along for three or four miles further in squads of three or four, at intervals varying in distance from one quarter to one
half mile.

At the bridge across the canal, Lieut. Montague with a dozen men was stationed to look out for contraband goods passing along the canal.

Nothing of special interest occurred during the 24 hours that we were on duty excepting a prisoner taken a Lieutenant Montague’s station, who failed to give a satisfactory account of himself, and was  brought down and delivered up to the Colonel. The fellow represented himself as being anxious to obtain work, and the Brigadier General kindly accommodated him, by giving him steady employment over the river upon the battery. This was the first prisoner taken by the 6th Wisconsin Regiment. He was a hard looking case.

Each company took their turn standing picket guard until a few days ago, when the order was changed so that a detail from each company perform the duty each day.

The boys all like it much better than staying in camp. The people up the river are very kind to them, and treat them as generously as they would like to have their sons treated were they away from home as are our boys.

They also kindly over look what little foraging in cornfields, or chards and melon patches our boys do.

We are the “Reserve” of the 1st Wisconsin Brigade. Gen. King as his headquarters with us, and all the Regiments composing the Brigade are over the river. The late change; in our Brigade leave us five Regiments only -- 2d, 5th and 6th Wisconsin, 19th Indiana, and 79th New York (Highlanders). We are in fact the only regiment left this side of the river nearer Fennallytown, where the 13 Pennsylvania Reserve Regiments are stationed. We have to send out each day “up river” pickets,” down river” pickets, and guards for two batteries; one on the bluff just above and commanding the Chain Bridge, and the other back of us on the hill commanding the road that comes down the river, and also the camps of the 19th Indiana and 2d Wisconsin across the river. It consists of three 32 pounders, and when required will do good service. When we first came here, as I said before, the hills across the river were covered with trees and dense foliage.

Now the tents of the 2d Maine, 2d and 3d Vermont, 19th Indiana, and 2d Wisconsin, and several other Regiments are in plain view, the trees having  been cleared away. The 5th is out of sight of us, behind or beyond Mott’s battery, which occupies the crest of a hill. The first three of these Regiments last named belong to Gen. Smith’s Brigade; and have but lately gone across. Our hoys
have really, however, “invaded sacred soil,” if they are met on the Maryland side. Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 11th, while at battalion drill, we heard heavy firing over the river, and a messenger came to the field where we were with an order: from Gen. King. The colonel straightened himself up on his old black pacer, and sung out--”Battalion dismissed, go to your quarters and prepare to march over the river.”

In a very few minutes we were ready, and although it commenced raining severely, we started off at a brisk pace.
The cannonading we heard was the brush between our forces and the rebels near Lewisville. We were too late to take a hand in, but had the honor of being between the enemy and our forces on the return. The loss from our Brigade was four or five, all I believe from the Indiana Regiment. Two or three others belonging to Gen. Smith’s Brigade were killed.
The rebels fled as soon as they saw the strength of our forces. We were marched back to our camp, wet, hungry and in good spirits. We were ordered to lie on our arms the night of Sept. 13th, as the rebels were reported to be advancing.
But we were not called out, and the boys yet live in hopes that they will soon have a chance to test the quality of their Belgian rifles, which by the way, are said to be the best arms in the service and  good for 1000 yards.

Our boys (of our company I mean) are all well, except two who have been sent to the general hospital. Lieut. Allen arrived here from Camp Kalorama three or four days ago, where he had been left in charge of everything. He had been quite sick, but while he staid there acted as Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Officer of the Day, Officer of the Guard, and general superintendent of everything. His health  is much improved.

Of course nothing can be told as to whether the rebels intend to let us make the advance, or whether  they intend to make it themselves. In the latter event their case must be a desperate one. If we take our time as to the former, we are sure of success.
The great work of preparation is going on as rapidly as is consistent with safety,  and victory will surely be ours. The only question with us is as to the time.

L. B. R.

Letter from Sixth Regiment

Sixth Regiment Wis. Volunteers,

Camp Lyon, Md., Sept. 20th, 1861

FRIEND COVER:--According to promise now take up my pen to address a few lines to you and my many friends in old print.

Your paper, the Herald, is no come visitor to the boys of Co. “C”.

Would amuse you to see with what verses its contents are devoured by the int County boys; when a copy arrives camp it is read and re-read as long as a re of it is left, and believing our friends in Grant are as anxious to hear from us as are from them, I shall, through the herald, attempt to communicate a few s which may interest those desirous of ring from us, but having nothing
of importance to write at present, my letter not be lengthy.

We are now camped near chain bridge the shore of the Potomac, about four as from Washington. The fifth and second are on the other side of the Potomac, in Virginia. The many white tents that dot the hills far up and down the river, dot the hills form quite a picturesque appearance, is a strange sight to those unaccustomed to warfare.

We were yesterday visited by His Excellency Gov. Randall; we were called out formed into line of battle, (it having been previously announced that the Governor and others would inspect us); after  waiting a short time the Governor and the arrived and rode up and down our line, seemingly well pleased with the display of the men as well as the fine condition of our uniform
and arms; we were formed into a hollow square, aleck the centre, and with his usual pleasant and he removed his hat and made a few remarks, speaking in glowing terms of the n and other Wisconsin Regiments he had inspected during the day, followed by three hearty cheers for the Governor, three for the men  of Wisconsin, and three for the Stars and Stripes.
Aleck left us well pleased the Badger State troops and the odd position we now occupy. We are training restless and spoiling for a fight; want to clean out the rebels and return our quiet homes in the far west. Let unerring rifle with their impetuous bayonet, flash and crash under the starry sky’s and when the fatal crack of the Belgium rifle is heard it will be known that a leaden messenger has sped its mortally to the heart of the enemy and not n end of the Union. It will be a proud
consolation to the true Badger to know at the “glorious old revolutionary line of this State” had revived in the war now being fought for the perpetuation of our liberties, and that it was not an unworthy branch from the noble stock. Never let to cancer of disunion pervade the organic structure of the government and the fever of secession waste the energies of the Union. We
swear by her to live, with her o’die.

I will now close; you will hear from me gain.

Yours, &., Wm Day

Lafayette and Iowa companies, to the Portage company in the Second "Regiment, and to Illinois regiments-probably in all not much short of 200 men.

Other companies are in process of formation, and the county will probably send at least two more, making almost a full regiment, and one volunteer to every six voters. Can any Democratic county show as good a record?
The company which recently went from here is made up of excellent material, and the scenes which took place at the parting --the letter tread from the wife of the captain--the address by one of the ladies of the place--the provision make for the comfort of the volunteers--indicate that they will be followed by the earnest good wishes and the fervent prayers of parents, sisters, wives and lovers. The Captain, Nesmith, has been engaged in connection with staging in this section for 16 years, and is widely known and greatly liked.-some $1,500 was subscribed here for the families of volunteers, but it is intended that hereafter the county shall make the needful provision that the burden may be shared by all alike. If those in authority could hear the talk of the people about taxation they would feel the necessity of a rigid economy, while they withhold nothing necessary to a vigorous prosecution of the war. The disposition made of our State bonds in regarded here as very satisfactory. Notwithstanding the hard times Platteville is improving considerably this year several dwellings, and some buildings for stores and shops are going up, though none of much pretension.

If the children of Platteville are not well educated it will not be foe lack of school buildings. Besides the academy and one district school house in the village both of them fine stone buildings the latter costing about $10,000, there is a very pretty brick school house building this summer. It is 38 by 50 feet, is to be two stories, is very substantially built and admirably arranged as to light and ventilation. The contract price is $5,000 The academy, under the management of Mr. Guernsey, is doing very well considering the times, and that fact that a number who would otherwise be its students have gone to the wars. Its fall term has just opened with about 100 pupils. There is no place in this region where as good an education can be so cheaply secured as here.
A meeting was held here on Saturday with reference to a district convention to nominate delegates to attend the Republican Convention at Madison. There was considerable discussion of the policy proper to be pursued this fall. Delegates will probably be sent from here instructed to make the platform broad enough for all to stand upon who are heartily in favor of sustaining the Government, and thoroughly crushing out rebellion, without regard to past issues.



Camp Lyon, near Chain Bridge, Sep. 25, ‘61

Nothing of special importance has occurred since my last, which I mailed to you on Tuesday the 24 (yesterday).
Movements have occurred, however, which render it apparent that the rebels are becoming restless and uneasy, and that their organization is preserved at great exertions of their generals. One expedient which these generals have adopted to satisfy their men is in promising to advance upon Washington at such and such times. But it is proven beyond a doubt that instead of having any idea of this he has been extremely anxious lest he should be attacked, and is straining every nerve to put himself on a state of defense. The other night (Monday) a barn belonging to the rebels was burned by the pickets of our advance guard about 5 miles from the river This barn was a hone of contention between the hostile pickets ---the rebels occupying at during the day our forces at night. Not wishing to continue that co-partnership, our boys set the barn on fire as above stated. The fire was put out by the secessionists two or three times but it finally blazed up and the light was distinctly seen from our camp. This shows how close and intimate these enemies are, and yet it very seldom happens that either party fires on the other.

Our regiment is at present engaged in building a battery about two miles north of us, on a high hill overlooking the river and commanding positions in Virginia. For several days nearly all the regiment have been out chopping down the trees and underbrush in the vicinity and none have been left in camp but the sick and the necessary guards. Yesterday I went out with them. I shouldered my ax when we started but soon ascertained that officers were not permitted to shop. I had a squad of fifteen men to deep at work, but found time to slash about a little with my ax nevertheless. I had a pretty hard day of it, walking about among the fallen timber, which is mostly of pine with occasionally a sassafras and chestnut.

Not with standing my fatigue I would not have missed the day for a great deal. It was inspiring to hear the notes of hundreds of axes and the constant crashing of falling trees, echoing through the forest which was fast being thinned our.
By and by the digging will commence. I hear that it is the intention to build barracks for winter quarters near the battery.--How true it is I know not.

I saw a genuine Southern possum yesterday/. One of the boys caught it from a chestnut tree which he had fallen. It was a curious thing, a little smaller than a gray squirrel. It was mostly gray itself, with a few lines of red about it. And had a long sharp nose and claws, but appeared to b e lifeless. It would hand by its tail and a stick which it captor held but would not try to escape or make any exertion for freedom.

Thursday, Sep. 26.--John Miller is sick yet and with but little prospect of immediate recovery. I have the pleasure of sitting on a stump the top of which by exposure to the weather has become quite soft--enough so for comfort.

Today is the day of fasting and prayer appointed by the President. Our Brigade, by orders of General King had a day of rest. No drill, but on the contrary the several companies were marched down street opposite the General’s quarters, and heard a sermon. I have imagined what the people of Baraboo were doing, and I presume they spent the day in a manner suited to the time and the call.

Yesterday three thousand troops and five batteries passed on from the river, driving back the rebel advance about one mile.
The object is said to be mainly foraging. But such a movement indicates that a general one is contemplated. There was no particular fighting yesterday; our artillery discharging their guns about 35 times I saw from this side of the river a train of baggage wagons a mile long--more than I ever before saw.
