June 1861

REV. C. E. Weirich made an excellent speech the assembly, and was followed by M. W.
Wheeler, District Attorney, whose remarks were also received with great applause. F. M.
Stewart, clerk of the court, next addressed them making his "madden speech" from the
good sense and vigor of which his friends predict for him a most brilliant future.
Here many of the parting scenes were reenacted, as most of their friends were obliged to
return home instead of passing over to Sauk.
We know that every village and county is partial to its own volunteers, but we are
confident that for the qualities in which a true soldier glories, Sauk county may proudly
assure herself that her delegates to the battle field are unsurpassed. To physical strength
and endurance, they unite that sense of duty which, in obedience to orders. Will march
them to the cannon's mouth, or in the absence of restraint, will prevent them from
disgracing themselves, their homes, or their country. In leaving us, they take with them
thousands of hearts. Our eyes will follow them, looking the papers over for tidings of
their success and safety. Worth fighting for must be that cause which can persuade a
community to offer up the flower of its youth, their services and lives even, if necessary,
to ensure its success. And all honor to the brave fellows who have answered so manfully
to their county's call. God bless them, and bring them back in triumph, ever one!

(The following sprightly communication reached us last week only as we went to press.
Though late, we are sure it will be read with interest by all).
Friend Kellogg:-Perhaps some of the readers of the Republic, and more especially those
who are friends and relates of the Sauk co. rifleman, would be pleased to learn some of
the particulars respecting the journey of our boys, as we call them, to camp Randall, the
manner in which they were received along the line of the road, and by the officers of the
Sixth Regiment, of which they form a part. Since a very graphic description of their
journey over the bluffs, and of the big picnic dinner at Kingston has already been given
we will not attempt to make any additions to that, but proceed to the remainder of the
journey. After having spent about two hours with the good people of K., and eaten till we
were quite and eaten, till we were quite corpulent, of the nice things-such as baked
chickens, pies, cakes, strawberries and cream, and various other things, too numerous to
mention, we took passage in a wagon with some of the volunteers for Sauk, Saukee or
Saukeedoodle we hardly know which for we visited them all and had a good time at each.
The boys left Kngston in good spirits and with dry eyes; but we think some of them got
their visionary cognomens slightly damped, if not their spirts, by the hard shower
which overtook us before we reached Sauk. We found the people of Prairie-du sac and
Sank city, ready to receive us a committee having been previously appointed to wait on
direct us to the several places at which we were to spend the night. We conclude they
were glad to see us, for they treated us in a manner quite laudable; in other words they
had on the big kettle and were all prepared to do the thing up brown.
We spent the ev3ening quite pleasantly to ourselves, and we think not unpleasantly to the
citizens, as the most perfect order prevailed throughout the whole company there as well
as elsewhere.
In the morning the boys went through a skirmish drill on the common in Upper town,
then marched to Sauk City, where a bountiful repast was prepared, of which we partook
in a manner not uncommon among Yankee boys. After dinner the company formed into
line and listened to a short but suitable address by Rev. Mr. Miller. He spoke with intense
feeling of the necessity under which we are placed of parting with the fairest hopes, the
brightest prospects of out country in so righteous yet unprecedented a cause. He spoke in
the highest terms of the military appearance of the boys also of their highly moral and
intellectual attainments as a company and with a god bless you, and a wish that they
might all return safe to their peaceful and happy homes, he bade them good byes.
His remarks were followed by three hearty cheers, after which Howard Huntington by
request of the company made a very appropriate reply. Thanking the citizens for their
kindness and hospitality, promising unswerving fidelity to the Union and constitution,
and pledging to die sooner than witness the desecration of our time-honored Stars and
Stripes. The company then gave three bumpers for the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sauk
who had opened their liberal hearts and spacious houses and had given them such a
hearty welcome and entertained them so handsomely; all of which was done without
charge to any one with the exception of the keeping of some teams at the hotels in Upper
Sauk for which a round price was charged.-the same patriotic hospitality was extended to
the teams on their return. The citizens then gave three prolonged cheers for the Sauk
county riflemen who have volunteered to lay down their lives, if need by, in defense our
glorious free institutions.
We then turned our eyes in the direction of the bridge and found to our surprise not less
18 or 20 teams, including three private carriages for the commissioned officers, a fine
four horse team for the band, two good buggies for the Sergeants and corporals, and other
teams including those from here sufficient to carry the privates, all in readiness to convey
us to Mazomanie. Our ride to Mazomanie was pleasant and we enjoyed it hugely; the
monotony generally attending such excursions being occasionally broken by a lively glee
or piece of stirring music by the band. We arrived at Mazomanie about 3 o'clock. When
within about half a mile of the village we came to halt, formed in company and marched
into town in a manner (as they said,) that put all the companies which had passed through
there in an eclipse. The boys had a good time the remainder of the afternoon and went
through their regular routine of gymnastic exercises with all the agility and adroitness of a
well drilled circus company, and much to the admiration of bystanders.-At half past five
the company was formed, and to the astonishment of most of them, were invited to march
into the dining hall at the depot, and administer justice to a bountiful repast with had been
kindly prepared by the patriotic ladies of Mazomanie. Though they had but three or four
hours notice about 70 feet of table was completely loaded with all the good things a king
could ask for, and much to the credit of those who participated in the good work. After
tea Messrs. Lee, cowls, Luce and fox gave us several pieces of soul-stirring music. The
hall was densely crowded, and when Capt. Malloy called for three cheers for the Stars
and Stripes, all, men, women and children, indiscriminately, raised their voices to the
highest key and gave the loudest applause we have heard in months. The Captain then
called for three cheers for the ladies of Mazomanie in recognition of their kindness in
preparing for them so sumptuous a feast, and we do not hesitate to say the boys gave their
hands loaded with flowers, and requested an introduction to the officers of the company,
which was most cheerfully granted, and each officer was presented with a beautiful
bouquet. We also had the good fortune to get one, though perhaps more on account of our
good looks than bravery!
Much credit is due the people of Sauk and Mazomanie for the kindness so profusely
lavished upon the boys, and we assure them it will never be forgotten; and when on the
battle field the thoughts of the warm friends in Sauk county will strengthen their sinews
and nerve them to fight more valiantly.
While waiting for the train in which we were to take passage, Prof. Chapman came
forward with a class of girls and sang Yankee Doodle and Star Spangled Banner. Their
music was excellent and much to their, as well as their leader's credit.
We had seen but few melancholy countenances, till the rumbling of the cars, the
whistling of the iron horse and the ringing of the bell announced the arrival of the train
which was to take us to Madison. Then it seemed the boys began to realize more fully the
fact that they were going away from home. Although but few tears were shed yet their
thoughts were vividly depicted in their countenances as they entered the cars, and looked
from the windows to take perhaps a last look of and bid a last good bye to the friends
with whom they had had so pleasant and happy a meeting. Presently we heard the cry all
aboard; then the bell rang. The engine blew a shrill whistle and off we moved amid the
vociferous cheers and Good speed you's of the hundreds assembled to witness the
departure of the brave volunteers who had enlisted to fight for Union and Liberty. At
every station we were greeted with cheers, which were answered by the band in a few
strains of lively music. At almost every house we passed might be seen men standing
with mouths wide extended and hats swinging, who were as we swinging though we
supposed cheering, though we could not hear them for the noise the cars.
We arrived in Madison about 9.5 o'clock where we found colonel Atwood in waiting to
receive us. The company was then formed and marshaled through the city to the old fair
ground, now Camp Randall. Our self  being somewhat desirous of seeing the elephant
took a foot express and went along with them. Arriving at the entrance of the camp, we
found a company stationed at charge bayonet, who  gave three cheers as we passed
through. We were then directed to the barracks where we found plenty of clean straw and
a blanket for each. It being late and the most of the company quite fatigued with the
tramp and ride of the day, we rather unceremoniously pulled off out boots and crawled
into the straw where we had a fine snooze. At half past five in the morning the companies
were all called out for drill, when of course our boys were all on hand like a picked-up
dinner and each one tried to do his best, and to our great astonishment the Sauk Co.
riflemen  were the objects of admiration of all officers and men and we think justly for
they are the best company in Camp R. in appearance and intellect, and we have since
learned that the company are assigned the post of honor in the Sixth Regiment.
On Friday our boys were selected to escort the Richland co. Rifles to camp from the
depot, which they did in tip-top style. The work is not exceedingly hard since they have
to drill but four or five hours a day. The parade drill is fine. The field officers of both
regiments are capable in all respects and men who will merit the highest respect and
esteem of all under their command.
Both regiments mess at the same time and in one hall. Their food though quite  plain is
wholesome, doubtless the boys will miss pies and cakes. The most perfect order prevail
throughout the camp and although under strict discipline we believe all are suited and
The Beloit Cornet Band, belonging to the fifth regiment are there to discourse the finest
music at each parade drill, and occasionally give a concert in the evening. We left the
boys in good spirits and anxious for on opportunity to present their compliments to
traitors in the shape of cold lead. Sauk county may well be proud of the company she has
sent to aid in the suppression and punishment of rebels. We have no doubt they will
perform every duty in a manner creditable to themselves and worthy the approbation of
all interested in themselves and worthy the approbation of all interested in them. They
have brave hearts and in battle will stand firm and fight valiantly. They will stand
shoulder and to shoulder in the conflict, and we believe those who stand last will avenge
the death of those who may fall. We hope they may return from the war with never fading
laurels; then will we sit together around the social hearth and recount in story or celebrate
in song the achievements of the past and if need be, drop a tear over the graves of those
who shall fall in the righteous cause in which they are engaged.

The tents for the use of the 6th Regiment have arrived at Camp Randall, and are being
pitched on the slope at the west side of the enclosure just south of the officers
The two companies from Milwaukee have returned, and there were nine companies in the
regimental parade this morning. These however, included the Prairie du Chien Vol. And
the Sauk Co. rifles, belonging to the 6th Regiment.
The Sauk County rifles arrived last evening, and give renewed evidence of the muscular
resources of Wisconsin. No company raised in the State can surpass these Sauk county
boys in brawn. Hardy and gallant as we though the first companies raised for the war in
this State, the regiments come up better and better in the physical proportions of their
men, the second surpassing the first, and these later regiments promising to prove
superior in this respect to second. The reason doubtless is that the first were from the
cities and villages and the latter mainly from the regular yeomanry of the country.
CAPT. A. G. MALLOY, of the Sauk co. Rifles, has had considerable military experience,
and has his men in excellent training. The first Lieutenant is our old friend and ex-editor,
D. K. Noyes; t. c. Thomas being the Second Lieutenant. The men are not yet uniformed
except with caps which are gray trimmed with green.
Both officers and men of the fifth are rapidly improving, and will soon go through the
intricacies of the battalion drill with the ease and grace of experienced soldiers.

Personal.- F. K. Jenkins, Esq,. Of this village had received the appointment from col.
Cutler of commissary of the sixth Regiment. Mr. Jenkins is an active man, always on had
when anything is to be done,  and will doubtless do his best in his new sphere of labor.
He will by this appointment, keep company with his son, who is one of the youngest
members of the Sauk co. Riflemen.

Mr. J. came home last Tuesday evening.
-Among the company whose departure has left such a vacancy here, we observe several
personalities of especial interest. The Captain, A. g. Malloy, has seen active service in
Mexico and was for several months an orderly in the late Gen. Worth's staff. D. K. Noyes
1st lieut., ws our predecessor as editor of the "Republic," and was one of the few
unscathed members of the Legislature of 1856. The 2d Lieut. T. c. Thomas, was the late
teller of the Sauk co. Bank and is a brother of the Cashier, T. Thomas. Another brother,
W. B. Thomas, is Treasurer, of  the Company. Jos. I. Weirich, son of rev. c. e. Weurich of
this place, was a printer in this office, where he leaves a great vacancy. Jo. Is a "tip-top"
printer and will do credit to his company through thick and thin. John Starks, another
officer is a son of Gen. A. w. Starks ex State-prison commissioner of this State. The four
Jones in the company are all brothers, and their father says on the next call his two other
sons will go then he will go himself. Harvey H. Childs the kinship of the Company has a
brother serving beside him. Edgar d. Ames formerly carrier of this paper is a grandson of
one of the few revolutionary veterans yet living, and now residing in Dane county. Young
Ames has a brother in the 1st regiment. There are four Johnson's, but whether all brothers
or not we cannot say. There are two Fowlers, brothers, two Wynans brothers, and two
Moores also brothers we believe. C. H. Foote, stands at the head of the company in point
of height.

The Stoughton Brass Band were present last evening and supplied the music for the
parade of the 6th regiment. This is a most excellent Band, and many of the members are
very anxious to volunteer their services as the regimental band for the 6th, but we
understand there are one or two who cannot go at his time. The regiment would be lucky
if it could secure the services o this fine Band.
The regimental drills of the 5th (col. Cobb's) regiment are in the forenoon; and those of
the 6th (col. Cutler's) are in the afternoon of each day. Both regiments have a dress parade
at 6./5 o'clock, P.M.

RATIONS FOR THE SIXTH.-F. K. JENKINS, Commissary of the 6th Regiment, which
left last Sunday, sends us a statement of the amount of food it takes to last a thousand
Badger boys four days:
 3000 lbs. Ham; 2500 corned beef; 300 dried beef; 1000 lbs. Cheese; 2000 lbs. Sea
biscuit; 2500 lbs. Baked bread.
This affords about a pound and a half meat and the same of bread per day to each man.
Fighting men must have substantial dinners, and if we may judge by company a, they will
do justice to all the good eatables thy are likely to meet with.

The dress parade of the two regiments last evening was witnessed by large numbers of
our citizens and all were well paid for the trouble of going out of the camp. The two
regiment were drawn up on the same line, presenting an array of soldiers that cannot be
excelled in their general appearance by those of any other state. Better drilled soldiers may
be found; but no more intelligent healthy and determined looking men can be found
anywhere. A large majority of these men are above medium size, young and active; they
have left their homes at their country's call with the full determination to do full duty in
preserving the government entire. A cause that can bring such men into the fields must be
just and will surely prevail. The parade ground is in excellent condition now, and the
troops enjoy their drills in a high degree.
We understand that the regimental drills during the day yesterday were exceedingly
interesting showing great improvement over previous one.
The best of order prevails in every department and we hear of no dissatisfaction from any
source. The Milwaukee Zouaves treated a large crowd of people to one of the regular
Zouave drills after the parade last evening, which was enjoyed very much by all present;
and none seemed to enjoy it better than the Zouaves themselves.
It is great satisfaction to be able to record, from day to day so favorable an account of the
proceeding s oat camp. It is alike creditable to both officers and men and gives great
promise for their future usefulness.


We spent a short time at camp Randall this forenoon, and was much pleased with the appearance of things.
All persons, both officers and soldiers, were busy in perfecting their drill and other arrangements preparatory
to leaving the state in the service of their country; and they re making excellent use of their time.

Both regiments are now full-the entire twenty companies being in camp. The last company-the Lemonwier
Minute men-arrived on Saturday evening. This company numbers ninety five, rank and file, and is make up
principally of lumbermen all endured to hardship, a dn are all anxious to be called into active service, in
defense of their country. We understand that nearly every member of this company is a temperance man in
the strictest sense of the term-abstaining from all intoxicating drinks. The company is not as thoroughly drilled
as it would have been if called into service several weeks ago. It was at first assigned to a place in the
Eighth Regiment, and they were informed that that regiment would not be called upon till after harvest,
when many of the men went into other companies or home to their business.
But when called upon, though unexpectedly, it was promptly filled up with most excellent men, who though
inexperienced have the will and determination that will soon make good soldiers of them.
The commissioned officers are Captain R.R. Dawes,. 1st Lieut., J. A. Kellogg, 2d Lieut., John Crane, Orderly,
David L. Quaw. This company belongs to the 6th regiment.
There were religious services upon the Camp ground yesterday at 101/2 o'clock. A sermon was preached by the
Rev. Mr. Drown, of Beaver Dam, and it is said to be one of great excellence. We shall hope in a day or to to
receive a copy for publication.
We hear of no dissatisfaction in Camp of any kind. Every thing moves smoothly and rapid progress in being
made the science of military.